
Utilities for working with Psr7 Http Messages

v0.5.0 2023-09-02 07:12 UTC


Latest Stable Version License ci.yml

Utilities for working with PSR-7 Http Message objects.


  • psr/http-message: ^1 || ^2
  • php: >=7.3


Install the latest version with:

composer require 'corpus/http-message-utils'


Class: Corpus\HttpMessageUtils\Authorization\AuthorizationHeaderParser

Utility to split an Authorization header into <type> and <credentials> ala: Authorization: <type> <credentials>

The parser itself is authorization type agnostic and works with any RFC7235 conforming authorization type.


$serverRequest = \GuzzleHttp\Psr7\ServerRequest::fromGlobals();
$parsedAuth    = (new \Corpus\HttpMessageUtils\Authorization\AuthorizationHeaderParser)->parseServerRequest($serverRequest);

if( $parsedAuth ) {
    echo 'type: ' . $parsedAuth->getType();
    echo 'cred: ' . $parsedAuth->getCredentials();

Method: AuthorizationHeaderParser->__construct

function __construct([ ?\Corpus\HttpMessageUtils\Authorization\AuthorizationPartsFactory $factory = null])
  • \Corpus\HttpMessageUtils\Authorization\AuthorizationPartsFactory | null $factory - Optional factory for construction of result objects

Method: AuthorizationHeaderParser->parseString

function parseString(string $headerValue) : ?\Corpus\HttpMessageUtils\Authorization\AuthorizationPartsInterface

Parses an Authorization header into <type> and <credentials>

  • string $headerValue - The header value to parse
  • \Corpus\HttpMessageUtils\Authorization\AuthorizationPartsInterface | null - AuthorizationParts on success, null on failure. Reasons for failure include empty string and non-RFC7235 compliant header values.

Method: AuthorizationHeaderParser->parseServerRequest

function parseServerRequest(\Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface $request [, string $headerName = self::DEFAULT_HEADER]) : ?\Corpus\HttpMessageUtils\Authorization\AuthorizationPartsInterface

Helper to easily parse from a PSR ServerRequestInterface

  • \Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface $request - The PSR ServerRequestInterface to read from
  • string $headerName - Optional header name to parse. Defaults to Authorization.
  • \Corpus\HttpMessageUtils\Authorization\AuthorizationPartsInterface | null - AuthorizationParts on success, null on failure.

Class: Corpus\HttpMessageUtils\Authorization\AuthorizationPartsInterface

Representation of the parts of an Authorization Header: Authorization: <type> <credentials>

Method: AuthorizationPartsInterface->getType

function getType() : string

The specified authorization type

Method: AuthorizationPartsInterface->getCredentials

function getCredentials() : string

The specified authorization credentials

Class: Corpus\HttpMessageUtils\ProxyAwareSchemer

Utility to map a Uri or ServerRequestInterface's Uri to the external scheme detected from a proxy such as an AWS load balancer.

Will only ever upgrade to https, never downgrade.


$serverRequest = \GuzzleHttp\Psr7\ServerRequest::fromGlobals();
$serverRequest = (new \Corpus\HttpMessageUtils\ProxyAwareSchemer)->withUriWithDetectedScheme($serverRequest);
namespace Corpus\HttpMessageUtils;

class ProxyAwareSchemer {
	/** Value for `default port` arguments to remove the port from the URI */
	public const REMOVE_PORT = -65536;

Method: ProxyAwareSchemer->__construct

function __construct([ ?array $server = null [, ?array $proxyServerHttpsKeyValues = null [, ?array $proxyServerPortKeys = null]]])
  • array<string,scalar> $server - Server array to inspect. Defaults to $_SERVER.
  • array<string,string> | null $proxyServerHttpsKeyValues - Map of $_SERVER keys to their expected https-positive value. Defaults to ProxyAwareSchemer::HTTPS_EXPECTED_SERVER_VALUES
  • string[] | null $proxyServerPortKeys - Array of $_SERVER keys to check for a forwarded port value.

Method: ProxyAwareSchemer->withUriWithDetectedScheme

function withUriWithDetectedScheme(\Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface $serverRequest [, bool $detectPort = true [, ?int $defaultOnHttps = self::REMOVE_PORT]]) : \Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface

Given a \Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface returns a new instance of ServerRequestInterface with a new Uri
having the scheme adjusted to match the detected external scheme as defined by the proxies headers.

  • bool $detectPort - Enable / Disable proxy port sniffing.
  • int | null $defaultOnHttps - Default port to use if sniffing fails but HTTPS proxy is detected. Defaults to ProxyAwareSchemer::REMOVE_PORT which removes the port information from the URI. Passing null will leave port as-is.

Method: ProxyAwareSchemer->withDetectedScheme

function withDetectedScheme(\Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface $uri [, bool $detectPort = true [, ?int $defaultOnHttps = self::REMOVE_PORT]]) : \Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface

Given a \Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface returns an instance of UriInterface having the scheme adjusted to match
the detected external scheme as defined by the proxies headers.

  • bool $detectPort - Enable / Disable proxy port sniffing.
  • int | null $defaultOnHttps - Default port to use if sniffing fails but HTTPS proxy is detected. Defaults to ProxyAwareSchemer::REMOVE_PORT which removes the port information from the URI. Passing null will leave port as-is.

Method: ProxyAwareSchemer->withDetectedPort

function withDetectedPort(\Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface $uri [, ?int $default = null]) : \Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface

Given a \Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface returns an instance of UriInterface having the port adjusted to match
the detected external scheme as defined by the proxies headers.

  • int | null $default - Defines a default fallback port. Passing ProxyAwareSchemer::REMOVE_PORT will default to removing the port information. Defaults to null - null leaves port as-is.

Class: Corpus\HttpMessageUtils\ResponseSender

Utility to actualize a PSR7 ResponseInterface

Sends headers and body.


$response = new \GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response();
(new \Corpus\HttpMessageUtils\ResponseSender)->send($response);

Inspired by http-interop/response-sender MIT License Copyright (c) 2017 Woody Gilk

Method: ResponseSender->__construct

function __construct([ bool $fullHttpStmtHeader = false [, bool $rewindBody = true]])

ResponseSender constructor.

  • bool $fullHttpStmtHeader - Setting to true enables full HTTP statement construction which allows non-standard reason phrases and potentially mismatched protocol versions. Use with care.
  • bool $rewindBody - Setting to false allows you to disable rewinding the body of the response before transmission.

Method: ResponseSender->send

function send(\Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface $response) : void

Trigger the transmission of the given \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface