
TYPO3 CMS extension to build and register cache bags for enhanced cache control

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0.1.0 2024-06-26 11:20 UTC


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TYPO3 extension cache_bags

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An extension for TYPO3 CMS to build and register cache bags for enhanced cache control. Cache bags are built during runtime on uncached contents and can be used to define cache metadata like cache tags. In addition, they are used to calculate expiration dates for specific cache entries. This allows are fine-grained cache control, depending on the contents and their explicit dependencies like specific database contents or short-living API requests.

πŸš€ Features

  • Interface for cache bags with different cache scopes (e.g. pages)
  • Cache bag registry to handle generated cache bags
  • Cache expiration calculator for various use cases (query builder, query result etc.)
  • Event listener to override page cache expiration, based on registered page cache bags
  • Compatible with TYPO3 11.5 LTS, 12.4 LTS and 13.1

πŸ”₯ Installation


composer require cpsit/typo3-cache-bags


Alternatively, you can download the extension via the TYPO3 extension repository (TER).

⚑ Usage

Cache bags

A cache bag can be seen as some type of metadata collection for a specific cache scope, e.g. for the current page (Frontend-related cache). It is used to control the cache behavior within a given scope, for example by defining custom cache tags or an explicit expiration date.

At the moment the following cache bags are supported:


You can also add your own cache bags by implementing Cache\Bag\CacheBag.

Here is an example about how to generate a new PageCacheBag for a given page:

use CPSIT\Typo3CacheBags;

$pageId = 72;
$expirationDate = new DateTimeImmutable('tomorrow midnight');

$cacheBag = Typo3CacheBags\Cache\Bag\PageCacheBag::forPage($pageId, $expirationDate);

Cache bag registry

In order to actually use a generated cache bag, each bag must be registered in the global Cache\Bag\CacheBagRegistry. This registry is defined as singleton instance and stores all registered cache bags during runtime.

The CacheBagRegistry should be injected using dependency injection or, if DI is not possible, by using GeneralUtility::makeInstance():

use CPSIT\Typo3CacheBags;
use TYPO3\CMS\Core;

$cacheBag = Typo3CacheBags\Cache\Bag\PageCacheBag::forPage(72);
$cacheBagRegistry = Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::makeInstance(Typo3CacheBags\Cache\Bag\CacheBagRegistry::class);

Dispatched events

When adding a new CacheBag to the registry, a CacheBagRegisteredEvent is dispatched. It is used, for example, to apply cache tags to the current Frontend request (using the shipped PageCacheBagRegisteredEventListener).

Get closest expiration date

Based on all registered cache bags, the registry is able to calculate the closest expiration date (if any cache bag provides an expiration date) for a given cache scope:

use CPSIT\Typo3CacheBags;
use TYPO3\CMS\Core;

$cacheBagRegistry = Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::makeInstance(Typo3CacheBags\Cache\Bag\CacheBagRegistry::class);
$expirationDate = $cacheBagRegistry->getExpirationDate(Typo3CacheBags\Enum\CacheScope::Pages);

This is used, for example, to apply the expiration date to the current Frontend page cache (using the shipped PageCacheLifetimeEventListener for TYPO3 β‰₯ v12 and PageCacheTimeoutHook for TYPO3 v11).

Cache expiration calculator

As already mentioned, cache bags may also store the expiration date of a targeted cache entry. The extension ships with a Cache\CacheExpirationCalculator that can be used to calculate an expiration date. The calculation is based on various input methods. At the moment, the following methods are available:

  • Calculation based on an Extbase query or query result
  • Calculation based on a Query Builder instance
  • Calculation based on an initialized Relation Handler
use CPSIT\Typo3CacheBags;
use TYPO3\CMS\Core;

// Use DI instead, calculator is *NOT* publicly available in the service container!
$cacheExpirationCalculator = Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::makeInstance(Typo3CacheBags\Cache\Expiration\CacheExpirationCalculator::class);
$connectionPool = Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::makeInstance(Core\Database\ConnectionPool::class);

$queryBuilder = $connectionPool->getQueryBuilderForTable('pages');
            $queryBuilder->expr()->eq('uid', $queryBuilder->createNamedParameter(72, Core\Database\Connection::PARAM_INT)),
            $queryBuilder->expr()->eq('pid', $queryBuilder->createNamedParameter(72, Core\Database\Connection::PARAM_INT)),

$expirationDate = $cacheExpirationCalculator->forQueryBuilder('pages', $queryBuilder);
$cacheBag = Typo3CacheBags\Cache\Bag\PageCacheBag::forPage(72, $expirationDate);

Full example

Typical use cases of cache bags are list and detail views of custom records in Frontend scope. Here is a full example about how to use the PageCacheBag in list and detail views of a custom table:

use CPSIT\Typo3CacheBags;
use Psr\Http\Message;
use TYPO3\CMS\Core;
use TYPO3\CMS\Extbase;

final class BlogController extends Extbase\Mvc\Controller\ActionController
    public function __construct(
        private readonly BlogRepository $blogRepository,
        private readonly Typo3CacheBags\Cache\Bag\CacheBagRegistry $cacheBagRegistry,
        private readonly Typo3CacheBags\Cache\Expiration\CacheExpirationCalculator $cacheExpirationCalculator,
    ) {}

    public function listAction(): Message\ResponseInterface
        /** @var Extbase\Persistence\QueryResultInterface<Blog> $blogArticles */
        $blogArticles = $this->blogRepository->findAll();

        // Create cache bag with reference to the queried table
        // and apply the calculated expiration date of all queried blog articles
        $cacheBag = Typo3CacheBags\Cache\Bag\PageCacheBag::forTable(
            $this->cacheExpirationCalculator->forQueryResult(Blog::TABLE_NAME, $blogArticles),

        // Add cache bag to registry

        $this->view->assign('articles', $blogArticles);

        return $this->htmlResponse();

    public function detailAction(Blog $article): Message\ResponseInterface
        // Create cache bag with reference to the current article
        // and apply the article's endtime as cache expiration date
        $cacheBag = Typo3CacheBags\Cache\Bag\PageCacheBag::forRecord(

        // Add cache bag to registry

        $this->view->assign('article', $article);

        return $this->htmlResponse();

πŸ§‘β€πŸ’» Contributing

Please have a look at CONTRIBUTING.md.

πŸ’Ž Credits

The extension icon ("container") is a modified version of the original actions-container icon from TYPO3 core which is originally licensed under MIT License.

⭐ License

This project is licensed under GNU General Public License 2.0 (or later).