
This package provides the object_column() function, which works similarly to the array_column() function of the standard library, but having the ability to work with objects

1.0.0 2021-05-10 21:36 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-12 13:49:55 UTC


Latest Version on Packagist Software License Total Downloads

This package provides the object_column() function, which works similarly to the array_column() function of the standard library, but having the ability to work with objects.

To search for columns in objects, both the public properties of these objects and the methods getColumnName() / hasColumnName() / isColumnName() / columnName() (in that exact order), as well as by the methods of the ArrayAccess interface.

Function object_column() is fully backward compatible with array_column() and can work with regular arrays the same way.

In addition, the object_column() function supports call chainings.


  • Simple API
  • Framework Agnostic
  • Composer ready, PSR-2 and PSR-4 compliant

System Requirements

You need:

  • PHP >= 7.1.0 but the latest stable version of PHP is recommended


Via Composer

$ composer require cryonighter/object-column


The function works as follows:

Example №1: simple access to public properties
use function Cryonighter\ObjectColumn\object_column;

$objects = [
    new class {
        public $foo = '123';
        public $bar = '456';
        public $baz = '789';
    new class {
        public $foo = 'qwe';
        public $bar = 'asd';
        public $baz = 'zxc';

$result = object_column($objects, 'foo', 'bar');
Example №2: chain of calls to getters
use function Cryonighter\ObjectColumn\object_column;

$objects = [
    new class {
        public function getFoo() {
            return new class {
                public function baz(): string {
                    return '123';
        public function getBar() {
            return new class {
                public function buz(): string {
                    return '456';
    new class {
        public function getFoo() {
            return new class {
                public function baz(): string {
                    return 'qwe';
        public function getBar() {
            return new class {
                public function buz(): string {
                    return 'asd';

$result = object_column($data, 'foo.baz', 'bar.buz');
Example №3: chain of calls to ArrayAccess objects
use function Cryonighter\ObjectColumn\object_column;

$objects = [
    new ArrayObject([
        'foo' => new ArrayObject(['baz' => '123']),
        'bar' => new ArrayObject(['buz' => '456']),
    new ArrayObject([
        'foo' => new ArrayObject(['baz' => 'qwe']),
        'bar' => new ArrayObject(['buz' => 'asd']),

$result = object_column($data, 'foo.baz', 'bar.buz');

In all cases, the result will be the same

[456 => '123', 'asd' => 'qwe']

Array indexing

Also, the function can be used to index an array, for this it is enough not to pass the first argument

Example №4: array indexing
use function Cryonighter\ObjectColumn\object_column;

$objects =  [
        'foo' => ['baz' => '123'],
        'bar' => ['buz' => '456'],
        'foo' => ['baz' => 'qwe'],
        'bar' => ['buz' => 'asd'],

$result = object_column($data, null, 'bar.buz');
    '456' => [
        'foo' => ['baz' => '123'],
        'bar' => ['buz' => '456'],
    'asd' => [
        'foo' => ['baz' => 'qwe'],
        'bar' => ['buz' => 'asd'],

If no second or third argument is passed to the function, the original array will be returned. This operation is meaningless.

Change log

Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


$ php vendor/phpunit/phpunit/phpunit tests


Please see CONTRIBUTING and CODE_OF_CONDUCT for details.


If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.