cscfa / cache-system-bundle
The CacheSystemBundle allow to store informations files into the application cache directory and automatically manage the out of date values
- php: >=5.3.9
- symfony/framework-bundle: ~2.1
This package is not auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-03-05 21:29:07 UTC
Version 1.0.1-dev
The cscfa caching system tool allow to store informations files into the application cache directory and automatically manage the out of date values.
Register the bundle into app/appKernel.php
// app/AppKernel.php
class AppKernel extends Kernel
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
new Cscfa\Bundle\CacheSystemBundle\CscfaCacheSystemBundle(),
#####Use manager
The cache manager allow to process a cache storage by using a closure. It will automatically use cache if exist, or create it with the closure result.
// in controller
return new Response($this->get("cscfa_cache_system_manager")->process("id@key", function($controller, $name){
return $controller->renderView("AcmeDemoBundle:Default:index.html.twig", array("name"=>$name));
}, $this, $name));
#####Getting cache
The main cache system is registered as a service into the 'cscfa_cache_system_cache' id. It's used to get the cache provider.
The provider returned by the cache object implements the CacheProviderInterface and is intanciated with the configuration 'cscfa_cache_system.provider' parameter. Note that a filesystem provider is set by default.
// in controller
$cache = $this->get("cscfa_cache_system_cache");
$provider = $cache->getProvider();
#####Use the cache
The cache use a cache id to select a collection of cache elements. Each elements can be selected by their keys. This elements have a content and an out of date element.
The deletion of the elements on out of time case is done automatically during the retreiving of the cache collection.
$collection = $provider->get("cacheId");
// create a cache key with a content :
$collection->create("20151216", "cache key creation");
if ($collection->has("20151216")) {
$element = $collection->get("20151216");
// persist cache collection
* note the element is soft removed as long as 'save' is not called
* and it will be returned at the next get('id') request
* (while the out of time is not reached)
#####Configure the bundle
The config file can be write as the follow :
// app/config
provider: 'provider complete class (Cscfa\Bundle\CacheSystemBundle\Object\provider\FileSystemCache as default)'
prefix: 'string (null as default)'
timestamp: integer (null as default)
The 'provider' indicate the provider class to use. Everyone class implementing CacheProviderInterface can be used.
The 'prefix' indicate a cache prefix. The usage of this depend of the provider. By example, the FileSystemCache use it to define a specific repository into the cache directory.
The 'timestamp' indicate the number of second before unvalidate the cache element.