
A set of command-line tools for simple deployment of Wordpress installs. Can be used for automated deployment.

v0.1.1 2015-11-11 23:06 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-12 19:49:35 UTC


A set of command-line tools for simple deployment of Wordpress installs. Can be used for automated deployment.

At this point, this is just a personal deploy script. I might make it into something more generic in the future.

All it does is sync the upload folder, and the database (including search/replace of things like URLs).


curl -s | php
php composer.phar require cullylarson/wp-deploy


To use, create a .env file (see samples/sample.env), and then run the wp-push or wp-pull commands.


Configuration is done using environment variables. This turned out to be not the best solution, so it will probably change in the future. You can set the environment variables yourself (e.g put them in a shell script and run the script before using wp-push or wp-pull), or put them in a .env file in the current directory (which will be loaded automatically).

The following environment variables are used:

  • SOURCE_WP_UPLOADS Path to the uploads folder on the source machine. Must end in a backslash.

  • SOURCE_TMP A folder to store temporary files on the source machine.

  • SOURCE_MYSQL_HOST The mysql host name on the source machine.





  • SOURCE_SSH_HOST If the source machine is not local (see SOURCE_IS_LOCAL), this is the SSH hostname of the source machine. This script uses SSH-RSA trusted keys to authenticate the SSH connection. So, you can't use this script with a password.

  • SOURCE_SSH_USERNAME SSH username on source machine.

  • SOURCE_SRDB If you're doing search/replace on the source machine (i.e. when using wp-pull), then this is the path to srdb.cli.php (part of (interconnectit/Search-Replace-DB)[]). This command is used to the search/replace in the database.

  • SOURCE_IS_LOCAL Set to 1 or 0. Indicates whether the source machine is the local machine.

  • SOURCE_WP_SEARCH1 If doing a search/replace in the database on wp-pull, this is the first search term (e.g. ""). It will replaced with the value of SOURCE_WP_REPLACE1. You can provide as many of these as you want (e.g. SOURCE_WP_SEARCH2, SOURCE_WP_SEARCH3). They just always need a corresponding REPLACE.

  • SOURCE_WP_REPLACE1 If doing a search/replace in the database on wp-pull, this is the first replace term (e.g. ""). It will replace the value of SOURCE_WP_SEARCH1. You can provide as many of these as you want (e.g. SOURCE_WP_REPLACE2, SOURCE_WP_REPLACE3). They just always need a corresponding SEARCH.

  • DEST_WP_UPLOADS Path to the uploads folder on the destination machine. Must end in a backslash.

  • DEST_TMP A folder to store temporary files on the destination machine.

  • DEST_MYSQL_HOST The mysql host name on the destination machine.





  • DEST_SSH_HOST If the destination machine is not local (see DEST_IS_LOCAL), this is the SSH hostname of the destination machine. This script uses SSH-RSA trusted keys to authenticate the SSH connection. So, you can't use this script with a password.

  • DEST_SSH_USERNAME SSH username on destination machine.

  • DEST_SRDB If you're doing search/replace on the destination machine (i.e. when using wp-push), then this is the path to srdb.cli.php (part of (interconnectit/Search-Replace-DB)[]). This command is used to the search/replace in the database.

  • DEST_IS_LOCAL Set to 1 or 0. Indicates whether the destination machine is the local machine.

  • DEST_WP_SEARCH1 If doing a search/replace in the database on wp-push, this is the first search term (e.g. ""). It will replaced with the value of DEST_WP_REPLACE1. You can provide as many of these as you want (e.g. DEST_WP_SEARCH2, DEST_WP_SEARCH3). They just always need a corresponding REPLACE.

  • DEST_WP_REPLACE1 If doing a search/replace in the database on wp-push, this is the first replace term (e.g. ""). It will replace the value of DEST_WP_SEARCH1. You can provide as many of these as you want (e.g. DEST_WP_REPLACE2, DEST_WP_REPLACE3). They just always need a corresponding SEARCH.

  • LOCAL_TMP If doing a remote-to-remote sync (e.g. between two remote machines), this this is the path to a local folder to store temporary files. This is required because files from the remote source will be transferred locally before moving them to the remote destination.


This command is used to push changes from the source to the destination.

% php vendor/bin/wp-push


This command is used to pull changes from the destination to the source.

% php vendor/bin/wp-pull

SSH Authentication

The script using ssh-rsa trusted key authentication. So, your local machine's key needs to be in the authorized_keys file on the source and destination, if they aren't local. The script won't authenticate using passwords.

If you're getting and authentication error, try running this:

% eval `ssh-agent -s` && ssh-add