
The history of all changes in ActiveRecord models

1.1.3 2023-04-07 07:13 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-07 11:33:52 UTC


The history of all changes in ActiveRecord models

Build Status


The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.


php composer.phar require cusodede/yii2-history "^1.0.0"

or add

"cusodede/yii2-history": "^1.0.0"

to the require section of your composer.json file.


Yii2, PHP >= 8.0


At first, run module migrations:

php yii/migrate --migrationPath=@vendor/cusodede/yii2-history/migrations

Connect cusodede\history\behaviors\HistoryBehavior::class to all ActiveRecord models, that require to store their history:

public function behaviors():array {
	return [
		'history' => [
			'class' => HistoryBehavior::class

If you want to get the user interface and/or change default module configuration, you need to setup the module in the application config:

$config = [
	'modules' => [
		'history' => [
			'class' => HistoryModule::class,

Module configuration

There are all the module parameters with their default values:

$config = [
	'modules' => [
		'history' => [
			'class' => HistoryModule::class,
			'params' => [
				'userIdentityClass' => Yii::$app->user->identityClass,
				'viewPath' => '@vendor/cusodede/yii2-history/src/views/default'
				'queue' => null,
				'storeShortClassNames' => false

Parameters description:

userIdentityClass: null|string|callable. The module tries to store some user ID with the each history record, so it is required to provide proper user identity object. In most cases, that object is already configured in framework (and can be accessed via Yii::$app->user ), but in some cases (like in console applications) it is not. It also can be overridden in some cases, so it's useful to have option, like that.

viewPath: string. The module has a basic user interface for navigating histories. You may want to get your own custom interface for that, so you can provide path to custom views here.

queue: null|string|array. The proper way to make all history writings asynchronous, is to push them to a queue. The queue parameter allow you to configure own module queue. Just configure it like as in global configuration:

$config = [
	'modules' => [
		'history' => [
			'class' => HistoryModule::class,
			'params' => [
				'queue' => [
					'class' => Queue::class,

Also, you can use any queues, that already configured in your application. For that case just provide string queue name:

$config = [
	'components' => [
		'common-queue' => [
			'class' => Queue::class,
	'modules' => [
		'history' => [
			'class' => HistoryModule::class,
			'params' => [
				'queue' => 'common-queue'

If parameter is skipped or set to null, all writings will be made synchronously, which may affect on the application speed.

storeShortClassNames: bool. Experimental option, that allows to store only short class name instead of fully qualified namespace (example: Users instead of app\models\Users).

Running local tests

Copy /tests/.env.sample to /tests/.env (change variables there, if it required in your environment) and run composer install (once) and php vendor/bin/codecept run (to execute tests).

For Docker environment, you can just execute docker-compose up -d --build command to build app containers, then run docker exec -it yii2_history_php /bin/bash to open bash console inside php container. Next, just do as written above.

Documentation ToDos:

  • History format;
  • History tags;
  • History widgets;
  • Delegates support;


GNU GPL v3.0