
Tool to check all the composer packages in a project for PHP compatibility.

dev-main 2024-09-17 00:41 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-17 00:54:12 UTC


Tool to check all the composer packages in a project for PHP compatibility.

The tool works by reading the composer.lock file in the root of your project, iterating over each of the installed packages, and checking to see if any of them have a "require": { "php": "xxx" } version that isn't satisfied by the target PHP version.


composer require --dev cviebrock/package-checker



The tool will check all installed packages against the version of PHP currently running. To test against a specific version of PHP, use the --targetVersion or -t option:

./vendor/bin/check-packages --targetVersion=8.2
./vendor/bin/check-packages -t 8.2

To check only those packages required by the root project, use the -D or --direct flag.

You can also change the amount of output with the -v and -q flags:

The command will return an exit code of 0 if all packages meet the target requirement. Otherwise, it will exit with 1 if there are any packages that don't meet the target, or whose compatibility is unknown.

Sample Output

> ./vendor/bin/check-packages -t 8.0 -vv

❯ ./vendor/bin/check-packages -t 8.2 -vv
 ---------------------------------------------- ---------- ------------------------
  Package                                        Version    PHP
 ---------------------------------------------- ---------- ------------------------
  ✔ aws/aws-crt-php                              v1.2.6     >=5.5
  ✔ aws/aws-sdk-php                              3.321.8    >=7.2.5
  ✔ clue/ndjson-react                            v1.3.0     >=5.3
  ✔ clue/stream-filter                           v1.7.0     >=5.3
  ✔ codescale/ffmpeg-php                         3.2.2      >=7
  ✔ composer/ca-bundle                           1.5.1      ^7.2 || ^8.0
  ✔ composer/class-map-generator                 1.3.4      ^7.2 || ^8.0
  ✔ composer/composer                            2.7.9      ^7.2.5 || ^8.0
  ✔ composer/metadata-minifier                   1.0.0      ^5.3.2 || ^7.0 || ^8.0
  ✔ composer/pcre                                3.3.1      ^7.4 || ^8.0
  ✔ composer/semver                              3.4.2      ^5.3.2 || ^7.0 || ^8.0
  ✔ composer/spdx-licenses                       1.5.8      ^5.3.2 || ^7.0 || ^8.0
  ✔ composer/xdebug-handler                      3.0.5      ^7.2.5 || ^8.0
  ✔ doctrine/lexer                               3.0.1      ^8.1
  ✔ dompdf/dompdf                                v2.0.8     ^7.1 || ^8.0
  ✔ egulias/email-validator                      4.0.2      >=8.1
  ✔ evenement/evenement                          v3.0.2     >=7.0
  ✔ fidry/cpu-core-counter                       1.2.0      ^7.2 || ^8.0
  ✔ friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer                    v3.64.0    ^7.4 || ^8.0
  ✔ guzzlehttp/guzzle                            7.9.2      ^7.2.5 || ^8.0
  ✔ guzzlehttp/promises                          2.0.3      ^7.2.5 || ^8.0
  ✔ guzzlehttp/psr7                              2.7.0      ^7.2.5 || ^8.0
  ✔ http-interop/http-factory-guzzle             1.2.0      >=7.3
  ✔ jean85/pretty-package-versions               2.0.6      ^7.1|^8.0
  ✔ justinrainbow/json-schema                    5.3.0      >=7.1
  ✔ league/climate                               3.8.2      ^7.3 || ^8.0
  ✔ masterminds/html5                            2.9.0      >=5.3.0
  ✔ mtdowling/jmespath.php                       2.8.0      ^7.2.5 || ^8.0
  ✔ pear/console_commandline                     v1.2.6     >=5.3.0
  ? pear/console_getopt                          v1.4.3
  ✔ pear/pear-core-minimal                       v1.10.15   >=5.4
  ✔ pear/pear_exception                          v1.0.2     >=5.2.0
  ✔ pear/text_password                           1.2.2      >=5.2.1
  ? phenx/php-font-lib                           0.5.6
  ✔ phenx/php-svg-lib                            0.5.4      ^7.1 || ^8.0
  ✔ php-http/client-common                       2.7.1      ^7.1 || ^8.0
  ✔ php-http/discovery                           1.19.4     ^7.1 || ^8.0
  ✔ php-http/httplug                             2.4.0      ^7.1 || ^8.0
  ✔ php-http/message                             1.16.1     ^7.2 || ^8.0
  ✔ php-http/message-factory                     1.1.0      >=5.4
  ✔ php-http/promise                             1.3.1      ^7.1 || ^8.0
  ✔ phpstan/phpstan                              1.12.3     ^7.2|^8.0
  ✔ psr/container                                2.0.2      >=7.4.0
  ✔ psr/event-dispatcher                         1.0.0      >=7.2.0
  ✔ psr/http-client                              1.0.3      ^7.0 || ^8.0
  ✔ psr/http-factory                             1.1.0      >=7.1
  ✔ psr/http-message                             2.0        ^7.2 || ^8.0
  ✔ psr/log                                      3.0.1      >=8.0.0
  ✔ ralouphie/getallheaders                      3.0.3      >=5.6
  ✔ react/cache                                  v1.2.0     >=5.3.0
  ✔ react/child-process                          v0.6.5     >=5.3.0
  ✔ react/dns                                    v1.13.0    >=5.3.0
  ✔ react/event-loop                             v1.5.0     >=5.3.0
  ✔ react/promise                                v3.2.0     >=7.1.0
  ✔ react/socket                                 v1.16.0    >=5.3.0
  ✔ react/stream                                 v1.4.0     >=5.3.8
  ✔ sabberworm/php-css-parser                    v8.6.0     >=5.6.20
  ✔ sebastian/diff                               5.1.1      >=8.1
  ✔ seld/cli-prompt                              1.0.4      >=5.3
  ✔ seld/jsonlint                                1.11.0     ^5.3 || ^7.0 || ^8.0
  ✔ seld/phar-utils                              1.2.1      >=5.3
  ✔ seld/signal-handler                          2.0.2      >=7.2.0
  ? sentry/sdk                                   3.6.0
  ✔ sentry/sentry                                3.22.1     ^7.2|^8.0
  ✔ silverorange/admin                           6.1.5      >=5.3.0
  ✔ silverorange/ambiguous-class-name-detector   1.0.1      >=7.1.0
  ✔ silverorange/concentrate                     2.0.2      >=7.1.0
  ✔ silverorange/mdb2                            3.1.1      >=5.3.0
  ✔ silverorange/mdb2_driver_pgsql               2.2.0      >=5.3.0
  ✔ silverorange/package-checker                 dev-main   ^8.0
  ✔ silverorange/site                            14.4.0     >=5.5.0
  ✔ silverorange/swat                            6.1.5      >=5.6.0
  ✔ silverorange/xml_rpc_ajax                    3.1.1      >=5.2.1
  ✔ silverorange/yui                             1.0.12     >=5.2.1
  ✔ squizlabs/php_codesniffer                    3.10.2     >=5.4.0
  ✔ symfony/console                              v6.4.11    >=8.1
  ✔ symfony/deprecation-contracts                v3.5.0     >=8.1
  ✔ symfony/event-dispatcher                     v6.4.8     >=8.1
  ✔ symfony/event-dispatcher-contracts           v3.5.0     >=8.1
  ✔ symfony/filesystem                           v6.4.9     >=8.1
  ✔ symfony/finder                               v6.4.11    >=8.1
  ✔ symfony/http-client                          v6.4.11    >=8.1
  ✔ symfony/http-client-contracts                v3.5.0     >=8.1
  ✔ symfony/mailer                               v5.4.41    >=7.2.5
  ✔ symfony/mime                                 v6.4.11    >=8.1
  ✔ symfony/options-resolver                     v6.4.8     >=8.1
  ✔ symfony/polyfill-ctype                       v1.31.0    >=7.2
  ✔ symfony/polyfill-intl-grapheme               v1.31.0    >=7.2
  ✔ symfony/polyfill-intl-idn                    v1.31.0    >=7.2
  ✔ symfony/polyfill-intl-normalizer             v1.31.0    >=7.2
  ✔ symfony/polyfill-mbstring                    v1.31.0    >=7.2
  ✔ symfony/polyfill-php73                       v1.31.0    >=7.2
  ✔ symfony/polyfill-php80                       v1.31.0    >=7.2
  ✔ symfony/polyfill-php81                       v1.31.0    >=7.2
  ✔ symfony/process                              v6.4.8     >=8.1
  ✔ symfony/service-contracts                    v3.5.0     >=8.1
  ✔ symfony/stopwatch                            v6.4.8     >=8.1
  ✔ symfony/string                               v6.4.11    >=8.1
  ✔ symfony/yaml                                 v5.4.43    >=7.2.5
 ---------------------------------------------- ---------- ------------------------


       OK: 96
     FAIL: 0


These packages do not have a PHP requirement, so may or may not be valid:

  Package: pear/console_getopt
  Version: v1.4.3
      PHP: none
    Links: Homepage: none
  Package: phenx/php-font-lib
  Version: 0.5.6
      PHP: none
    Links: Homepage:
  Package: sentry/sdk
  Version: 3.6.0
      PHP: none
    Links: Homepage: