cyberclick-os / elastic-apm-agent-php
Elastic APM agent for PHP
- php: >=5.4
- ext-curl: *
- ext-json: *
- ext-mbstring: *
- ext-zlib: *
- paragonie/random_compat: >=2.0
- rector/rector: 2.0.*
Requires (Dev)
- phpunit/phpunit: ^4.8
- squizlabs/php_codesniffer: ^3.5
Elastic APM agent for PHP
This is an Agent written in PHP that implements the Intake API v2 scheme to send tracking information to Elastic APM.
I couldn't find an official APM Agent for PHP.
I have searched for unofficial options but I have not found any with backwards compatibility of PHP version (>= 5.4). I know PHP 5.4 is very old (01 Mar 2012) but today there is still code working even with older versions.
I wanted to make it as easy as possible to develop new services and also to make it possible to help legacy code refactors be easier to accomplish.
I have based myself on the official API reference of version 7.8.1.
Install via composer
composer require zoilomora/elastic-apm-agent-php
You can implement any Reporter to suit your communication infrastructure (sync, async, redis, amqp, etc...).
<?php class OwnerReporter implements \ZoiloMora\ElasticAPM\Reporter\Reporter { /** * @param array $events * * @return void */ public function report(array $events) { // TODO: Implement report() method. } }
If you are using Kubernetes, it is recommended that you use the official environment variables to map Nodes and Pods.
Examples of packages that use this Agent
Custom reports
Transaction Wrappers
- PcComponentes/apm-symfony-console
- PcComponentes/apm-symfony-http-kernel
- PcComponentes/apm-symfony-messenger
HTTP Clients
Documentation used for development
Licensed under the MIT license
Read LICENSE for more information