
UnitPay payments for Laravel

8.0 2021-06-14 13:29 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-14 20:32:16 UTC


Total Downloads License

Accept payments via UnitPay (unitpay.ru) using this Laravel framework package (Laravel).

Based on ActionM

  • receive payments, adding just the two callbacks
  • receive payment notifications via your email or Slack

You can accept payments with Unitpay via Yandex.Money, QIWI, WebMoney, PayPal, credit cards etc.

Laravel 5.5+, PHP >= 7.1+


You can install the package through Composer:

composer require daaner/laravel-unitpay

Add the service provider to the providers array in config/app.php:

'providers' => [



Add the UnitPay facade to your facades array:

    'UnitPay' => Daaner\UnitPay\Facades\UnitPay::class,

Publish the configuration file and views

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Daaner\UnitPay\UnitPayServiceProvider"

Publish only the configuration file

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Daaner\UnitPay\UnitPayServiceProvider" --tag=config

Publish only the views

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Daaner\UnitPay\UnitPayServiceProvider" --tag=views


Once you have published the configuration files, please edit the config file in config/unitpay.php.

  • Create an account on unitpay.ru
  • Add your project, copy the PUBLIC KEY and SECRET KEY params and paste into config/unitpay.php
  • After the configuration has been published, edit config/unitpay.php
  • Set the callback static function for searchOrderFilter and paidOrderFilter
  • Set notification channels (email and/or Slack) and Slack webhook_url


  1. Generate an HTML payment form with enabled payment methods:
$payment_amount = Order amount

$payment_no = Unique order ID in your project

$user_email = User email

$item_name = Name of your order item

$currency =  'RUB' or 'UAH','BYR','EUR','USD'
UnitPay::generatePaymentForm($payment_amount, $payment_no, $user_email, $item_name, $currency);

Customize the HTML payment form in the published view:


  1. Process the request from UnitPay:
UnitPay::payOrderFromGate(Request $request)


You must define callbacks in config/unitpay.php to search the order and save the paid order.

 'searchOrderFilter' => null  // ExampleController:searchOrderFilter($request)
 'paidOrderFilter' => null  // ExampleController::paidOrderFilter($request,$order)


The process scheme:

  1. The request comes from unitpay.ru GET http://yourproject.com/unitpay/result (with params).
  2. The functionExampleController@payOrderFromGate runs the validation process (auto-validation request params).
  3. The static function searchOrderFilter will be called (see config/unitpay.php searchOrderFilter) to search the order by the unique id.
  4. If the current order status is NOT paid in your database, the static function paidOrderFilter will be called (see config/unitpay.php paidOrderFilter).

Add the route to routes/web.php:

 Route::get('/unitpay/result', 'ExampleController@payOrderFromGate');

Note: don't forget to save your full route url (e.g. http://example.com/unitpay/result ) for your project on unitpay.ru.

Create the following controller: /app/Http/Controllers/ExampleController.php:

class ExampleController extends Controller

     * Search the order if the request from unitpay is received.
     * Return the order with required details for the unitpay request verification.
     * @param Request $request
     * @param $order_id
     * @return mixed
    public static function searchOrderFilter(Request $request, $order_id) {

        // If the order with the unique order ID exists in the database
        $order = Order::where('unique_id', $order_id)->first();

        if ($order) {
            $order['UNITPAY_orderSum'] = $order->amount; // from your database
            $order['UNITPAY_orderCurrency'] = 'RUB';  // from your database

            // if the current_order is already paid in your database, return strict "paid";
            // if not, return something else
            $order['UNITPAY_orderStatus'] = $order->order_status; // from your database
            return $order;

        return false;

     * When the payment of the order is received from unitpay, you can process the paid order.
     * !Important: don't forget to set the order status as "paid" in your database.
     * @param Request $request
     * @param $order
     * @return bool
    public static function paidOrderFilter(Request $request, $order)
        // Your code should be here:

        // Return TRUE if the order is saved as "paid" in the database or FALSE if some error occurs.
        // If you return FALSE, then you can repeat the failed paid requests on the unitpay website manually.
        return true;

     * Process the request from the UnitPay route.
     * searchOrderFilter is called to search the order.
     * If the order is paid for the first time, paidOrderFilter is called to set the order status.
     * If searchOrderFilter returns the "paid" order status, then paidOrderFilter will not be called.
     * @param Request $request
     * @return mixed
    public function payOrderFromGate(Request $request)
        return UnitPay::payOrderFromGate($request);


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


$ composer test


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.