
Extends scheb/2fa-bundle with two-factor authentication via email

v1.1.0 2024-04-19 23:08 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:33:09 UTC


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This bundle is an extension of scheb/2fa-bundle that provides a more advanced email two-factor provider than the default scheb/2fa-email provider.

It adds the ability to let an authentication code expire (by default 15 minutes) and makes the customization of the generated email message a bit more developer friendly.


composer install danielburger1337/2fa-email
// config/bundles.php
return [
    Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\FrameworkBundle::class => ['all' => true],
    Scheb\TwoFactorBundle\SchebTwoFactorBundle::class => ['all' => true],
    danielburger1337\SchebTwoFactorBundle\TwoFactorEmailBundle::class => ['all' => true],

Customize the email

There are multiple ways you can customize the creation and sending of the authentication code message.

By default, the bundle generates a bare bones email. You can customize the subject and text body by setting the email_subject, email_body, sender_email and sender_name parameters. The "{{AUTH_CODE}}" string in the email_body template will be replaced with the actual auth code when the email is sent.

You can change the symfony/mime email message generation (e.g. create a twig TemplatedEmail) by creating a service that implements the AuthCodeEmailGeneratorInterface and setting the email_generator parameter to that service id.

The generated message is then sent via symfony/mailer and the mailer.mailer service by default. If you want to use a different symfony/mailer service to send the messages, simply set the service id to the symfony_mailer parameter.

Lastly, if you dont want to use symfony/mailer at all, you can create a service that implements AuthCodeMailerInterface that handles the message generation and sending completly on its own. To use this service, all you have to do is set the mailer parameter to that services id.

Resend an authentication code

If you want to resend the authentication message (maybe the message got lost in transit), the easiest way is to use a RequestEvent::class event listener and inject te AuthCodeMailerInterface service and call the "sendAuthCode" method.

Using a "normal" route doesn't work by default because scheb/2fa-bundle will always redirect that route to the 2fa endpoint.


use danielburger1337\SchebTwoFactorBundle\Mailer\AuthCodeMailerInterface;
use danielburger1337\SchebTwoFactorBundle\Model\TwoFactorEmailInterface;
use Scheb\TwoFactorBundle\Security\Authentication\Token\TwoFactorTokenInterface;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Attribute\AsEventListener;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Event\RequestEvent;
use Symfony\Component\RateLimiter\RateLimiterFactory;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token\Storage\TokenStorageInterface;

class ResendEmailAuthCodeEventListener

    public function __construct(
        private readonly RateLimiterFactory $rateLimiterFactory,
        private readonly AuthCodeMailerInterface $authCodeMailer,
        private readonly TokenStorageInterface $tokenStorage,
    ) {

    public function __invoke(RequestEvent $request): void
        $request = $event->getRequest();

        if ($request->attributes->get('_route') !== '2fa_login') {

        $token = $this->tokenStorage->getToken();
        $user = $token?->getUser();

        if (!$token instanceof TwoFactorTokenInterface || !$user instanceof TwoFactorEmailInterface) {

        // somehow determine that you want to resend the email
        if ($request->request->get('resendAuthCode') === 'true') {
            // If you use rate limiting, make sure to also use the auth code as key,
            // otherwise the user might get throttled when their code has expired and a new one should be sent.
            $rateLimiter = $this->rateLimiterFactory->create(
                'tfa_email_'.\hash('xxh128', $user->getEmailAuthCode().$user->getEmailAuthRecipient())

            if ($rateLimiter->consume(1)->isAccepted()) {
                // mail the auth code


Configuration Reference

The listed values are the default values. Every value is optional.

# config/packages/two_factor_email.yaml
    # A custom service to manage the auth code
    # It must implement AuthCodeProviderInterface
    auth_code_provider: null
    # This option is only used when the default `auth_code_provider` is used:
    # A \DateInterval compatible value that sets
    # how long an auth code is considered valid.
    # `null` disables expiration.
    expires_after: PT15M

    # ---------------------------------------------

    # A custom service that creates the auth code
    # It must implement AuthCodeGeneratorInterface
    code_generator: null
    # This option is only used when the default `code_generator` is used:
    # The length of the generated auth code
    digits: 6

    # A custom service that sends the auth code to the user
    # It must implement AuthCodeMailerInterface
    # The default implementation has a hard dependency on symonfy/mailer,
    # so make sure that you have the package installed.
    mailer: null
    # A custom symfony/mailer service to send the emails with.
    # "mailer.mailer" is the default symfony/mailer service.
    symfony_mailer: mailer.mailer
    # A custom service that generates the mime email messsage to send
    # It must implement AuthCodeEmailGeneratorInterface.
    email_generator: null
    # Subject of the generated email
    email_subject: Authentication Code
    # Text message body of the generated email
    # "{{AUTH_CODE}}" is a template string that will be replaced with the actual auth code.
    email_body: "{{AUTH_CODE}}"
    # "From" header address
    sender_email: null
    # "From" header name
    sender_name: null

    # A custom form renderer service that renders the 2fa form.
    # It must implement TwoFactorFormRendererInterface.
    form_renderer: null
    # The twig template to render when no custom form renderer was defined.
    template: "@SchebTwoFactor/Authentication/form.html.twig"


This software is available under the MIT license.