
Loop abstraction for AMPHP.

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1.1.1 2023-09-30 12:45 UTC

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Last update: 2024-09-30 01:30:48 UTC


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danog/loop provides a set of powerful async loop APIs based on amphp for executing operations periodically or on demand, in background loops a-la threads.


composer require danog/loop



Class - Example

A loop capable of running in background (asynchronously) the code contained in the loop function.
Implements pause and resume functionality, and can be stopped from the outside or from the inside.


namespace danog\Loop;

abstract class Loop
     * Stop the loop.
    public const STOP;
     * Pause the loop.
    public const PAUSE;
     * Rerun the loop.
    public const CONTINUE;

     * Loop body.
     * The return value can be:
     * A number - the loop will be paused for the specified number of seconds
     * Loop::STOP - The loop will stop
     * Loop::PAUSE - The loop will pause forever (or until loop is `resume()`'d
     *                        from outside the loop)
     * Loop::CONTINUE - Return this if you want to rerun the loop immediately
     * The loop can be stopped from the outside by using stop().
     * @return float|Loop::STOP|Loop::PAUSE|Loop::CONTINUE
    abstract protected function loop(): ?float;

     * Loop name, useful for logging.
    abstract public function __toString(): string;

     * Start the loop.
     * Returns false if the loop is already running.
    public function start(): bool;
     * Resume the loop.
     * If resume is called multiple times, and the event loop hasn't resumed the loop yet,
     * the loop will be resumed only once, not N times for every call.
     * @param bool $postpone If true, multiple resumes will postpone the resuming to the end of the callback queue instead of leaving its position unchanged.
     * @return bool Returns false if the loop is not paused.
    public function resume(bool $postpone = false): bool;
     * Stops loop.
     * Returns false if the loop is not running.
    public function stop(): bool;

     * Check whether loop is running.
    public function isRunning(): bool;
     * Check whether loop is paused.
    public function isPaused(): bool;

     * Report pause, can be overriden for logging.
     * @param float $timeout Pause duration, 0 = forever
    protected function reportPause(float $timeout): void;

     * Signal that loop was started.
    protected function startedLoop(): void;
     * Signal that loop has exited.
    protected function exitedLoop(): void;


Class - Example

If you want a simpler way to use the Loop, you can use the GenericLoop.

namespace danog\Loop;

class GenericLoop extends Loop
     * Constructor.
     * The return value of the callable can be:
     * * A number - the loop will be paused for the specified number of seconds
     * * GenericLoop::STOP - The loop will stop
     * * GenericLoop::PAUSE - The loop will pause forever (or until loop is `resume()`'d
     *                        from outside the loop)
     * * GenericLoop::CONTINUE - Return this if you want to rerun the loop immediately
     * If the callable does not return anything,
     * the loop will behave is if GenericLoop::PAUSE was returned.
     * The loop can be stopped from the outside by using stop().
     * @param callable(static):?float $callable Callable to run
     * @param string   $name     Loop name
    public function __construct(callable $callable, private string $name);
     * Get loop name, provided to constructor.
    public function __toString(): string;


Class - Example

If you simply want to execute an action every N seconds, PeriodicLoop is the way to go.

namespace danog\Loop;

class PeriodicLoop extends GenericLoop
     * Constructor.
     * Runs a callback at a periodic interval.
     * The loop can be stopped from the outside by calling stop()
     * and from the inside by returning `true`.
     * @param callable(static):bool $callback Callable to run
     * @param string   $name     Loop name
     * @param ?float   $interval Loop interval; if null, pauses indefinitely or until `resume()` is called.
    public function __construct(callable $callback, string $name, ?float $interval)
     * Get name of the loop, passed to the constructor.
     * @return string
    public function __toString(): string;