A BDD spec style testing tool for PHP 5.3

dev-master / 1.0.x-dev 2017-11-07 08:10 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-06 10:31:26 UTC


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dspec is a BDD style testing tool for PHP 5.3. It's a little flaky. It's meant to be like the awesome mocha, but obviously not that good. There aren't any matchers, I use Hamcrest for the that, if you want mocks and stubs, use Mockery.

For more info, see the Documentation.


The only documented way to install dspec is with Composer

$ composer.phar require --dev davedevelopment/dspec:*


Create a Spec file


// BowlingSpec.php

require_once 'Bowling.php';
require_once 'hamcrest/Hamcrest.php';

describe("Bowling", function() {

    beforeEach(function() {                                  // run before every sibling and descendant it() 
        $this->bowling = new Bowling;                        // PHP 5.4's closure binding allows the use of this

    it("should score zero for gutter game", function() {
        for ($i = 0; $i < 20; $i++) {

        assertThat($this->bowling->score, equalTo(0));      // hamcrest assertion


Run it

$ vendor/bin/dspec BowlingSpec.php

For more examples, checkout the features or the spec dirs.


There are a few command line switches, dspec --help will show you those. You can also use a configuration file, by specifying one on the command line, or by having a file name dspec.yml or dspec.yml.dist in the current working directory. Checkout the projects dspec.yml.dist for some examples of configuration.

Execution Scope

The closures in the various methods get bound to a Context object, which is cloned throughout the test run, in an attempt to share context where appropriate, but allow each example a clean version of that shared context. This is a last resort though, proper setup and tear down in beforeEach and afterEach hooks should provide adequate isolation.


describe("Context", function() {

    $this->objA = new stdClass;

    it("has acccess to objA", function() {
        if (!isset($this->objA)) {
            throw new Exception("Could not access objA");

        $this->objB = new stdClass;

    it("does not have access to objB", function() {
        if (isset($this->objB)) {
            throw new Exception("Could access objB");

Using $this is totally optional, in PHP 5.3 you can use let and injection to pass vars around:


describe("test", function() {
    let("objA", function() {
        return new stdClass;

    it("has acccess to objA", function($objA) {
        assertThat($objA, anInstanceOf("stdClass"));

Using regular variable binding with your closures is an alternative option, but can be a bit messier;


describe("Connection", function() {

    $db = new Connection();

    $dave = new User();
    $bex  = new User();

    beforeEach(function() use ($db, $dave, $bex) {

    context("#findAll()", function() use ($db) {
        it("responds with all records", function() use ($db) {
            $users = $db->find('users');
            assertThat(count($users), equalTo(2));


Global functions

If global functions aren't your thing, you can use class methods of the DSpec class:


use DSpec\DSpec as ds;

ds::describe("something", function() {
    ds::context("when this", function() {
        ds::it("does this", function() {


Alternatively, DSpec includes your test files within the scope of the DSpec\Context\SpecContext, so you can also use $this, but I think it's a little ugly:


$this->describe("something", function() {
    $this->context("when this", function() {
        $this->it("does this", function() {



  • More tests
  • Logging would be nice for debugging
  • Documentation
  • Profile and improve memory consumption


Check the todo list above, there's a good chance I'm already working on those. Fork, branch, write tests, write code, refactor, repeat, pull request.


Copyright (c) 2012 Dave Marshall. See LICENCE for further details