A DOM-like API for working for JSON

dev-master 2018-08-23 19:05 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-25 09:19:43 UTC


A DOM-like API for working with JSON data, including an RFC 6901 JSON pointer implementation with the draft relative JSON pointer extension.


Build Status Scrutinizer Code Quality Code Coverage



final class \DaveRandom\Jom\Document
    implements \JsonSerializable
     * Create a Document instance from a JSON string, forwarding arguments to json_encode().
     * @throws ParseFailureException when the supplied string cannot be parsed as JSON.
     * @throws DocumentTreeCreationFailedException when a document tree cannot be built from the parsed data.
    public static Document parse(string $json, int $depthLimit = 512, int $options = 0);

     * Create a Document instance from a PHP value.
     * @throws DocumentTreeCreationFailedException when a document tree cannot be built from the supplied data.
    public static Document createFromValue($value);

     * Returns the root node of the document, or NULL if the document is empty.
    public ?Node getRootNode();

     * Evaluate a JSON pointer against the document tree.
     * @throws InvalidPointerException when the supplied pointer string is invalid
     * @throws PointerEvaluationFailureException when the pointer does not indicate an existing node
     * @throws InvalidSubjectNodeException when the $base node is not part of the document
    public Node|int|string evaluatePointer(Pointer|string $pointer, Node $base = null);


 * NOTE: Classes inheriting from Node that are not provided by this library will result in undefined behaviour.
abstract class \DaveRandom\Jom\Node
    implements \JsonSerializable
     * Create a Node instance from a PHP value.
     * @throws InvalidNodeValueException when a Node cannot be built from the supplied data.
    public static Node createFromValue($value);

     * Returns the parent node of this node, or NULL if this is the root node or the node is not present in the
     * owning document.
    public ?Node getParent();

     * Returns the next sibling node of this node, or NULL if the node does not have a following sibling node.
    public ?Node getPreviousSibling();

     * Returns the previous sibling node of this node, or NULL if the node does not have a preceding sibling node.
    public ?Node getNextSibling();

     * Returns TRUE if this node has child nodes, otherwise FALSE.
    public bool hasChildren();

     * Returns the first child node of this node, or NULL if the node does not have any child nodes.
    public ?Node getFirstChild();

     * Returns the last child node of this node, or NULL if the node does not have any child nodes.
    public ?Node getLastChild();

     * Returns the Document object that owns this node.
    public ?Document getOwnerDocument();

     * Get a JSON pointer for this node's position in the document. If the $base node is supplied, get a relative
     * pointer.
     * @throws InvalidSubjectNodeException when the $base node is invalid
    public Pointer getPointer(Node $base = null);

     * Returns the key of this node within its parent node, or NULL if this is the root node of the document.
    public string|int|null getKey();

     * Returns the data represented by this node as the appropriate PHP type.
    public mixed getValue();


final class \DaveRandom\Jom\NullNode extends \DaveRandom\Jom\Node
     * Create a new NULL value node owned by the supplied document.
    public __construct(?Document $ownerDocument = null);


final class \DaveRandom\Jom\BooleanNode extends \DaveRandom\Jom\Node
     * Create a new boolean value node owned by the supplied document.
    public __construct(?bool $value = false, ?Document $ownerDocument = null);

     * Set the value of this node
    public void setValue(bool $value);


final class \DaveRandom\Jom\NumberNode extends \DaveRandom\Jom\Node
     * Create a new number value node owned by the supplied document.
    public __construct(int|float|null $value = 0, ?Document $ownerDocument = null);

     * Set the value of this node
    public void setValue(int|float $value);


final class \DaveRandom\Jom\StringNode extends \DaveRandom\Jom\Node
     * Create a new string value node owned by the supplied document.
    public __construct(?string $value = "", ?Document $ownerDocument = null);

     * Set the value of this node
    public void setValue(string $value);


 * NOTE: Classes inheriting from VectorNode that are not provided by this library will result in undefined
 * behaviour.
abstract class \DaveRandom\Jom\VectorNode extends \DaveRandom\Jom\Node 
    implements \Countable, \IteratorAggregate, \ArrayAccess
     * Returns the data represented by this node as an array.
    public array toArray();
     * Remove all child nodes.
    public void clear();


final class \DaveRandom\Jom\ArrayNode extends \DaveRandom\Jom\VectorNode
     * Create a new array node owned by the supplied document.
    public __construct(Node[] $values = null, ?Document $ownerDocument = null);

     * Append one or more nodes to the array.
     * @throws EmptySubjectNodeListException when no nodes are supplied 
     * @throws InvalidSubjectNodeException when one of the supplied nodes is invalid.
     * @throws WriteOperationForbiddenException when there is an active iterator for the array.
    public void push(Node ...$nodes);

     * Remove the last node from the array, if any, and return it.
     * @throws WriteOperationForbiddenException when there is an active iterator for the array.
    public ?Node pop();

     * Prepend one or more nodes to the array.
     * @throws EmptySubjectNodeListException when no nodes are supplied 
     * @throws InvalidSubjectNodeException when one of the supplied nodes is invalid.
     * @throws WriteOperationForbiddenException when there is an active iterator for the array.
    public void unshift(Node ...$nodes);

     * Remove the first node from the array, if any, and return it.
     * @throws WriteOperationForbiddenException when there is an active iterator for the array.
    public ?Node shift();

     * Insert a new node before the supplied reference node. If $beforeNode is NULL it is equivalent to push().
     * @throws InvalidSubjectNodeException when $node is invalid.
     * @throws InvalidReferenceNodeException when $beforeNode is not a member of the array
     * @throws WriteOperationForbiddenException when there is an active iterator for the array.
    public void insert(Node $node, ?Node $beforeNode);

     * Replace an existing node object or the node at the supplied index with a new node.
     * @throws InvalidSubjectNodeException when $newNode is invalid.
     * @throws InvalidReferenceNodeException when $nodeOrIndex is not a member of the array
     * @throws WriteOperationForbiddenException when there is an active iterator for the array.
    public void replace(Node|int $nodeOrIndex, Node $newNode);

     * Remove the supplied node from the array.
     * @throws WriteOperationForbiddenException when there is an active iterator for the array.
     * @throws InvalidSubjectNodeException when $node is not a member of the array.
    public void remove(Node $node);


final class \DaveRandom\Jom\ObjectNode extends \DaveRandom\Jom\VectorNode
     * Create a new array node owned by the supplied document.
    public __construct(Node[] $properties = null, ?Document $ownerDocument = null);

     * Returns a list of the object's property names.
    public string[] getPropertyNames();

     * Returns TRUE if the object has a property with the supplied name, otherwise FALSE.
    public bool hasProperty(string $name);

     * Get the value node associated with the supplied property name.
     * @throws InvalidKeyException when the property does not exist.
    public Node getProperty(string $name);

     * Set the value node associated with the supplied property name.
     * @throws InvalidSubjectNodeException when $value is invalid.
     * @throws WriteOperationForbiddenException when there is an active iterator for the array.
    public void setProperty(string $name, Node $value);

     * Remove the supplied property.
     * @throws InvalidSubjectNodeException when $nodeOrName is a Node that is not a property of the object.
     * @throws InvalidKeyException when $nodeOrName is the name of a property that does not exist.
     * @throws WriteOperationForbiddenException when there is an active iterator for the array.
    public void removeProperty(Node|string $nodeOrName);

Exception Hierarchy

  └ \DaveRandom\Jom\Exceptions\Exception Ⓐ
      ├ \DaveRandom\Jom\Exceptions\DocumentTreeCreationFailedException Ⓕ
      ├ \DaveRandom\Jom\Exceptions\InvalidNodeValueException Ⓕ
      ├ \DaveRandom\Jom\Exceptions\InvalidOperationException Ⓐ
      │   ├ \DaveRandom\Jom\Exceptions\EmptySubjectNodeListException Ⓕ
      │   ├ \DaveRandom\Jom\Exceptions\InvalidKeyException Ⓕ
      │   ├ \DaveRandom\Jom\Exceptions\InvalidReferenceNodeException Ⓕ
      │   ├ \DaveRandom\Jom\Exceptions\InvalidSubjectNodeException Ⓕ
      │   └ \DaveRandom\Jom\Exceptions\WriteOperationForbiddenException Ⓕ
      ├ \DaveRandom\Jom\Exceptions\InvalidPointerException Ⓕ
      ├ \DaveRandom\Jom\Exceptions\ParseFailureException Ⓕ
      └ \DaveRandom\Jom\Exceptions\PointerEvaluationFailureException Ⓕ