
A Slim middleware to restrict ip addresses that will access to your routes

v0.3.1 2018-06-23 12:04 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-26 07:55:46 UTC


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A slim middleware to restrict ip addresses that will access to your routes. It internally uses Ip Validator of Respect/Validation and rka-ip-address-middleware.


Via Composer

$ composer require davidepastore/slim-restrict-route

Requires Slim 3.0.0 or newer.


You have to register also the RKA\Middleware\IpAddress middleware to correctly read the ip address. In most cases you want to register DavidePastore\Slim\RestrictRoute for a single route, however, as it is middleware, you can also register it for all routes.

Register per route

$app = new \Slim\App();

$app->add(new RKA\Middleware\IpAddress());

$options = array(
  'ip' => '192.*.*.*'

$app->get('/api/myEndPoint',function ($req, $res, $args) {
  //Your amazing route code
})->add(new \DavidePastore\Slim\RestrictRoute\RestrictRoute($options));


Register for all routes

$app = new \Slim\App();

$app->add(new RKA\Middleware\IpAddress());

$options = array(
  'ip' => '192.*.*.*'

// Register middleware for all routes
// If you are implementing per-route checks you must not add this
$app->add(new \DavidePastore\Slim\RestrictRoute\RestrictRoute($options));

$app->get('/foo', function ($req, $res, $args) {
  //Your amazing route code

$app->post('/bar', function ($req, $res, $args) {
  //Your amazing route code


Ip address

You can restrict route using a different value of ip in the options given to \RestrictRoute:

  • any of the filters provided by PHP regarding FILTER_VALIDATE_IP (e.g.: FILTER_FLAG_NO_PRIV_RANGE);
  • asterisk (*) to filter ip that are in the given subnet (e.g.: 192.*);
  • ranges (-) to filter ip that are in the given range (e.g.:;
  • single ip (e.g.:;
  • array of ranges to filter ip (e.g.: array('', '178.0.0.*')).

You can find more syntax information on the Ip validator documentation and in its Unit Test class.


$ phpunit


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.
