
v1.0 2013-08-15 13:34 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-21 13:32:42 UTC


Slug is a component which generates slugs easily whatever persistence mecanism you use (Propel2, Doctrine2, custom ORM...).

To generate a slug of a string there is always two 2 steps:

  • The transliteration step which converts a given string from any writing system (French, Deutsh, Greek, Arabic...) into its ASCII representation.
  • The slug generation step which basically separates each word and field by a custom delimiter.

Therefore Slug component has 2 services: TransliteratorInterface and SlugGeneratorInterface. Each of these services can have multiple implementations:

  • LatinTransliterator: Transliterate a string written in any Latin alphabet (French, Deutsh, Spanish...) into its ASCII equivalent.
  • DefaultSlugGenerator: Customize the word and field separator.
  • PatternSlugGenerator: Complete customization of slug generation.


Using Composer, just require the ddd/components package:

    "require": {
        "ddd/components": "dev-master"


To be able to slugify an entity or model, you just have to implement the SluggableInterface:


use Ddd\Slug\Model\SluggableInterface;
use Ddd\Slug\Service\SlugGeneratorInterface;

class Article implements SluggableInterface
    private $createdAt;
    private $title;
    private $slug;

    public function slugify(SlugGeneratorInterface $slugifier)
        $this->slug = $slugifier->slugify(array($this->createdAt->format('Y'), $this->title));

    // other methods...

Then you just have to call the slugify method to generate the slug:

use Ddd\Slug\Infra\SlugGenerator\DefaultSlugGenerator;
use Ddd\Slug\Infra\Transliterator\LatinTransliterator;

$article = new Article();
$article->setTitle('Hello world!');
$article->slugify(new DefaultSlugGenerator(array(new LatinTransliterator())));

echo $article->getSlug(); // writes "2013-hello-world"
