
dev-master 2013-09-08 01:17 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-21 14:25:56 UTC



Using Composer, just require the ddd/time package:

    "require": {
        "ddd/time": "dev-master"


 [x] How to get number of days between 2 dates
 [ ] How to get number of hours between 2 dates
 [ ] How to get number of minutes between 2 dates
 [ ] How to get number of seconds between 2 dates
 [x] How to get each day between 2 dates
 [x] How to know if a date interval is before after during other date interval
 [ ] How to know if a date interval is before after during a given date
 [x] How to know if a date interval is before after during a given time interval
 [ ] How to know if a date interval is before after during a given time point
 [ ] How to tranform date interval into time interval

 [x] How to create a date only
 [x] How to come back at begin of current week
 [x] How to know if a date is after before equal to an other
 [x] How to convert a ddd time date object into regular date time object
 [x] How to know if date is during weekend or weekday
 [x] How to get previous next date
 [x] How to add remove a duration from it in days
 [ ] How to add remove a duration from it in years months weeks
 [ ] How to add remove a duration from it in hours minutes seconds
 [x] How to add remove a composite duration
 [x] How to transform a date into a time point
 [x] How to know diff between it and an other date
 [ ] How to know diff between it and a time point
 [x] How to know if date is before during after a date interval

 [x] How to know how long x days in hours minutes seconds
 [ ] How to know how long x weeks in days hours minutes seconds
 [ ] How to know how long x months in weeks days hours minutes seconds
 [ ] How to know how long x years in months weeks days hours minutes seconds
 [ ] How to know how long x centuries in years months weeks days hours minutes seconds
 [ ] How to know how long a years b months c weeks d days in hours minutes seconds

 [ ] How to know if a time interval is before after during an other time interval
 [ ] How to know if a time interval is before after during a given date interval
 [ ] How to know if a time interval is before after during a given date
 [ ] How to know if a time interval is before after during a given date time
 [ ] How to transform a time interval into a date interval destroy data
 [ ] How to know how long a time interval are in at least seconds minutes hours days weeks years
 [x] How to transform string representation of time interval into an object

 [x] How to know if a time of day is before after equal an other time of day
 [x] How to know if it is the ante meridian post meridian

 [x] How to know if it is before after equal an other time point
 [x] How to know if it is before after equal a given date
 [x] How to know if it is before after during a given date interval
 [ ] How to know if a it is bbefore after equal a given time interval
 [ ] How to know if it is during night or daylight
 [x] How to add remove duration from it
 [x] How to convert a ddd time point object into regular date timeobject
 [x] How to know if time point is before during after a time interval

Inspired by: http://timeandmoney.sourceforge.net/timealgebra.html