
Laravel InstaMojo provides an expressive, fluent interface to Instamojo's payment and refund services.

dev-master 2021-05-02 10:38 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-03 23:02:50 UTC


Laravel InstaMojo

Latest Stable Version SensioLabs Insight Total Downloads License


Insta Mojo provides an expressive, fluent interface to Instamojo's online payments and refund services. It handles almost all of the boilerplate payment code you are dreading writing and are unable to watch next episode of Narcos because of the same. In addition to the basic payments and refunds management, Mojo stores all the tansactions & refunds details with him and gives them to you as you ask (No you don't even need to shout Ok google for that).

Here are a few short examples of what you can do:

$instamojoFormUrl = Instamojo::giveMeFormUrl($user,$amount,$purpose);

return redirect($instamojoFormUrl);

That's it for making the payment, also it gets you the payment details after the payment with the same breeze:

$details = Instamojo::giveMePaymentDetails();

Much more in the documentation


You'll find the entire documentation & the spoiler for Narcos season 3 in the WIKI. Since thats why the wiki is made for! But, no one cares sigh...

Stuck somewhere using the laravel mojo, any feature requests, or a TV series recommendation? Feel free to create an issue on gitHub, I'll try to address it as soon as possible.


  • If you are upgrading from v1 to v2 please checkout the changelog
  • PHP >=7.0
  • CURL extension should be enabled


Enable the CURL extension in order to use this package

You can install this package via composer using this command:

composer require deepbajwa3/instamojo

Next, you must add the service provider:

// config/app.php
'providers' => [

You can publish the config-file "instamojo.php" with:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Deepbajwa3\Instamojo\InstamojoServiceProvider"
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