
Keep control over the complexity of your methods by checking that they do not have too many arguments.

v0.5.0 2022-09-01 07:09 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-29 06:20:07 UTC


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php arguments detector

The ideal number of arguments for a function is zero. ~ Robert C. Martin

Keep control over the complexity of your methods by checking that they do not have too many arguments with this package.


Requires >= PHP 7.3

composer require degraciamathieu/php-arguments-detector --dev


vendor/bin/phpargsdetector inspect {folder}



vendor/bin/phpargsdetector inspect app/Services/Saml/

| Files                                    | Methods          | Arguments | Weight |
| app/Services/Saml/SamlMessageFactory.php | __construct      | 2         | 2      |
| app/Services/Saml/SamlMessageFactory.php | makeSamlResponse | 2         | 68     |
| app/Services/Saml/SamlSecurity.php       | checkSignature   | 2         | 18     |
| app/Services/Saml/SamlIssuer.php         | find             | 1         | 3      |
| app/Services/Saml/SamlKeeper.php         | keep             | 1         | 1      |
| app/Services/Saml/SamlMessageFactory.php | addAttributes    | 1         | 26     |
| app/Services/Saml/SamlMessageFactory.php | sign             | 1         | 12     |
| app/Services/Saml/SamlResponder.php      | launch           | 1         | 10     |
| app/Services/Saml/SamlKeeper.php         | has              | 0         | 0      |
| app/Services/Saml/SamlKeeper.php         | retrieve         | 0         | 0      |
Total of methods : 10
vendor/bin/phpargsdetector inspect app/ --limit=3 --min-args=2 --without-constructor

| Files                                           | Methods | Arguments | Weight |
| app/Http/Middleware/RedirectIfAuthenticated.php | handle  | 3         | 27     |
| app/Http/Controllers/IssuerController.php       | update  | 2         | 24     |
| app/Http/Controllers/RestrictionController.php  | update  | 2         | 28     |
Total of methods : 3
vendor/bin/phpargsdetector inspect app/ --limit=3 --sort-by-weight

| Files                                           | Methods          | Arguments | Weight |
| app/Services/Saml/SamlMessageFactory.php        | makeSamlResponse | 2         | 68     |
| app/Http/Controllers/RestrictionController.php  | update           | 2         | 28     |
| app/Http/Middleware/RedirectIfAuthenticated.php | handle           | 3         | 27     |
Total of methods : 3


The weight is the number of arguments multiplied by the number of lines of the method.

The weight of the foo method is 10 : 2 arguments * 5 lines.

class Bar {
    public function foo($a, $b)
        if ($a) {

        return $b;

You can use it as a complexity indicator.