
I18n package for Bone Framework

v1.3.4 2025-03-13 18:26 UTC


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I18n package for Bone Framework


bone-i18n is a core dependency of delboy1978uk/bone, and so it is installed by default.


The skeleton app has a directory for translations (usually data/translations but you can set this to anything), which will contain locale folders such as en_US etc.

Drop in your .mo and .po files. Open config/bone-i18n.php and tweak to suit:


use Laminas\I18n\Translator\Loader\Gettext;

return [
    'i18n' => [
        'enabled' => true,
        'translations_dir' => 'data/translations',
        'type' => Gettext::class,
        'default_locale' => 'en_PI',
        'supported_locales' => ['en_PI', 'en_GB', 'nl_BE', 'fr_BE'],
        'date_format' => 'd/m/Y',

For any package you have that will contain translation files, edit your package class and make it implement Bone\I18n\I18nRegistrationInterface. Create the method public function getTranslationsDirectory(): string that will return the translations directory path.


locale view helper

You can have routes prepended with the current locale by calling

<?= $this->locale() ?>

Or more conveniently

<?= $this->l() ?>

in your view files. A link such as /user would then become /en_US/user. Bone Framework uses i18n middleware to fetch the locale and it strips the locale from the URL and sets it as a Request Attribute, so you do not need to define routes with a locale parameter.


In a controller action if you need the locale you can say:

$locale = $request->getAttribute('locale');

To get a translator into your controller, make it implement Bone\I18n\I18nAwareInterface and use the Bone\I18n\Traits\HasTranslatorTrait. If you package's Package class returns the controller without going through the Bone\Mvc\Controller\Init class, change it now to this:

return  Init::controller(new YourController(), $c);

You can now call $this->getTranslator() which will return an instance of the translator.

translation view helper

To translate text in your view, call the following:

<?= $this->translate('') ;?>

Or again, more conveniently

<?= $this->t('') ;?>

i18n aware forms

Bone Framework uses delboy1978uk/form for its form functionality. However, instead of extending Del\Form, you can create a form extending Bone\I18n\Form, which takes the translator as a second argument.