
OAuth2 functionality for Bone Framework

v1.8.7 2024-10-08 12:13 UTC


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OAuth2 Authorization and Resource Server functionality for Bone MVC Framework


Install via composer from the root of your Bone Framework project

composer require delboy1978uk/bone-oauth2


Simply add the Package to Bone's packages config


// use statements here
use Bone\OAuth2\BoneOAuth2Package;
use Bone\User\BoneUserPackage;

return [
    'packages' => [
        // packages here (order is important)...,
    // ...

generate a public and private key

Firstly go into the data/keys directory.

cd data/keys

Use openssl to generate a private key, then extract the public key from the private key:

openssl genrsa -out private.key 2048
openssl rsa -in private.key -pubout -out public.key
chmod 660 public.key
chmod 660 private.key

If you want to provide a passphrase for your private key run these commands instead:

openssl genrsa -passout pass:_passphrase_ -out private.key 2048
openssl rsa -in private.key -passin pass:_passphrase_ -pubout -out public.key
chmod 660 public.key
chmod 660 private.key

If a passphrase has been used to generate private key it must be provided to the authorization server.

The public key should be distributed to any services (for example resource servers) that validate access tokens.

generate an encryption key

Go back to the project root.

cd ../..

Run this command and add to your config.


Run database migrations to generate the tables

vendor/bin/bone migrant:diff
vendor/bin/bone migrant:migrate
vendor/bin/bone migrant:generate-proxies

required config values

Keys can be stored out of the config array and fetched as an environment variable for better security, but these are the config settings you need.


return [
    'oauth2' => [
        'clientCredentialsTokenTTL' => 'PT1H', // 1hour
        'authCodeTTL' => 'PT1M', // 1 minute
        'accessTokenTTL' => 'PT5M', // 5 minutes
        'refreshTokenTTL' => 'P1M', // 1 month
        'privateKeyPath' => '/path/to/private.key',
        'publicKeyPath' => '/path/to/private.key',
        'encryptionKey' => 'generatedKeyString',


server side

You can create a client using the vendor/bin/bone command. You can also create scopes, and grant scopes to clients.

To lock down an endpoint to require an access token, simply add the ResourceServerMiddleware to the route or route group in your Bone Framework Package class

$router->map('GET', '/ping', [ExampleController::class, 'pingAction'])->middleware($c->get(ResourceServerMiddleware::class));

In your controller, you will have access to the user, which is now an instance of OAuthUser. You can also get the scopes granted for the request.

     * @param $request
     * @param array $args
     * @return ResponseInterface
     * @throws \Exception
    public function someAction(ServerRequestInterface $request, array $args) : ResponseInterface
        /** @var \Bone\OAuth2\Entity\OAuthUser $user */
        $user = $request->getAttribute('user');
        if (!in_array('email', $request->getAttribute('oauth_scopes'))) {
            throw new Exception('How dare you!', 403);

        return new JsonResponse(['random' => 'data']);

client side

Clients connect using the standard OAuth2 flow described in RFC6749, the two endpoints in your Bone App are

  • /oauth2/authorize
  • /oauth2/token

site users

Logged in users now have an additional end point which they can go to, /user/api-keys, where they can get a new API key, or delete existing ones.


You also have access to more bone command options:

bone client:create
bone client:create
bone scope:create
bone scope:list