
v1.1.1 2022-10-04 10:37 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-04 15:47:20 UTC


This library provide optimize common usage categories functional, such as: category tree, breadcrumbs, child category items by one sql query

Support for

mysql5.7.22+ laravel php8.0+

Install package

Install via composer

composer require denis-kisel/nested-categories

Install or upgrade Category table

If you have not yet category table, install it:

# Created table 'categories'
php artisan nested-category:install 

#Or specify table name
php artisan nested-category:install --table-name=categories

If you have category table already, just upgrade it:
Suppose what your table has fields: id, parent_id

#Specify model to upgrade
php artisan nested-category:upgrade App\\Models\\Category


Add trait NestableCategory to category model

use DenisKisel\NestedCategory\NestableCategory;

class Category extends Model
    use NestableCategory;

Add path to fillable or set guarded

class Category extends Model
    protected $fillable = ['path'];

class Category extends Model
    protected $guarded = [];

Add trait AutoRebuildNested to category model for auto rebuild category structure after events: created, updated, deleted. BUT ITS DONT AUTO REBUILD AFTER BATCH OPERATION(see Rebuild Structure).

Background use one query for rebuild all table

use DenisKisel\NestedCategory\NestableCategory;
use DenisKisel\NestedCategory\AutoRebuildNested;

class Category extends Model
    use NestableCategory, AutoRebuildNested;

#The same




Tree As Array

id parent_id name order
1 NULL Parent 0
2 1 Child1 0
3 1 Child2 1
$result = Category::asArrayTree();
    'id' => 1,
    'parent_id' => NULL,
    'name' => 'Parent',
    'children' => [
            'id' => 2,
            'parent_id' => 1,
            'name' => 'Child1',
            'children' => []
            'id' => 3,
            'parent_id' => 1,
            'name' => 'Child2',
            'children' => []

# Specify needed fields
$result = Category::asArrayTree(fields: ['name', 'order']);
    'name' => 'Parent',
    'order' => 0,
    'children' => [
            'name' => 'Child1',
            'order' => 0,
            'children' => []
            'name' => 'Child2',
            'order' => 1,
            'children' => []

# Specify cache time(minutes or DateTimeInterface)
$result = Category::asArrayTree(cacheTTL: 10);
//Cached data

$result = Category::asArrayTree(cacheTTL: 10);
//Data from previous cache

$result = Category::asArrayTree();
//Data without cache

# Get array of objects
$result = Category::asArrayTree(associative: false);
        name: 'Parent',
        order: 0,
        children: [{...}]


Backend use one sql query for N nested categories

$category = Category::find(2)

Collection {
    array:2 [
        Category {id: 1, ...},
        Category {id: 2, ...},

Leafs/child category items(Nested Products, Posts, Podcasts, etc..)

Input tables: categories(id, parent_id, name), products(id, category_id, name).
Backend use one sql query for nested leafs

ParentCategory(id: 1)
│   Product_1
│   Product_2    
└───ChildCategory_1(id: 2)
│   │   Product_3
│   │   Product_4
│   │
│   └───ChildCategory_1_1(id: 3)
│       │   Product_5
│       │   Product_6
└───ChildCategory_2(id: 4)
    │   Product_7
    │   Product_8
$products = Category::find(1)->leafs(App\Models\Product::class)->get();
//Output: 8
#In Models\Category
public nestedProducts() :Builder
    return $this->leafs(Product::class)

public nestedPosts() :Builder
    return $this->leafs(Post::class)

#Client Code
$products = Category::find(1)->nestedProducts()->where('name', 'like', '%some%')->get();
$products = Category::first()->nestedPosts()->count();

Rebuild Structure

After BATCH CRUD operations for rebuild categories structure, need to use rebuild method. Or you can use trait AutoRebuildNested after single operation(see more in Configure)

Background use one query for rebuild all table

# Inserts
    ['id' => 1, 'parent_id' => null],
    ['id' => 2, 'parent_id' => 1],
    ['id' => 3, 'parent_id' => 2],


# Delete
Category::where('is_active', false)->delete();

Additional Commands

# Rebuild specify category
php artisan nested-category:rebuild App\\Models\\Category


cd vendor/denis-kisel/nested-categories
vendor/bin/phpunit test