Packagist is the main Composer repository. It aggregates public PHP packages installable with Composer.
Derafu: API - API with Autodiscovery
0 0
Derafu: Backbone - The Architectural Spine for PHP Libraries
6 0
Derafu: Certificate - Library for digital certificates
8 0
Derafu: Chart - PHP Chart Library.
Derafu: Config - Yet Another Config Lib.
26 0
Derafu: Container - Flexible Data Containers for PHP.
45 0
Derafu: Data Processor - Four-Phase Data Processing Library.
Derafu: PHP Deployer for multiple sites
1 0
Derafu: Biblioteca PHP (Núcleo)
220 0
Derafu: Enum - Yet Another List of Enumerations for PHP
Derafu: Form - Declarative Forms, Seamless Rendering
Derafu: Foundation - Base for Derafu's Projects
363 0
Derafu: HTML - UX Components for HTML in PHP
Derafu: HTTP - Standard-Compliant HTTP Library with Extended Features.
404 0
Derafu: Kernel - Lightweight Kernel Implementation with Container.
432 0
Derafu: L10n CL Enum - Chilean Enum Repository
Derafu: L10n CL RUT - Chilean RUT library
Derafu: Log - PHP Logging Library
Derafu: Mail - Elegant orchestration of email communications for PHP
Derafu: Markdown - PHP Markdown Rendering Library.
504 0
Derafu: ORM - Models and Entities
Derafu: Project - Slogan
42 0
Derafu: Query - Expressive Path-Based Query Builder for PHP
Derafu: Renderer - Unified Template Rendering Made Simple For PHP
Derafu: Repository - Lightweight File Data Source Management for PHP
Derafu: Routing - Elegant PHP Router with Plugin Architecture.
464 0
Derafu: Selector - Elegant Data Structure Navigation for PHP.
54 0
Derafu: Signature - Library for digital signatures
Derafu: Site - Base for Derafu’s Websites
Derafu: Spreadsheet - Unified Spreadsheet Processing for PHP
Derafu: Support - Essential PHP Utilities.
70 0
Derafu: Translation - Translation Library with Exception Support
476 0
Derafu: Twig - UI Component and Extension Library
475 0
Derafu: Vanilla JS - Why use a JS framework if we can do all from scratch?
Website - Slogan
Derafu: Workflow - A simple task orchestrator for PHP
Derafu: XML - Library for XML manipulation
7 0