
The PERSCOM PHP SDK is a powerful tool that enables seamless integration with the PERSCOM platform, allowing you to interact with PERSCOM's personnel data programmatically.

v2.1.0 2025-02-17 17:56 UTC




A PHP package that helps kickstart your next PERSCOM integration.

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The PERSCOM PHP SDK is a powerful tool that enables seamless integration with the PERSCOM platform, allowing you to interact with PERSCOM's personnel data programmatically.


// The following are examples on the user resource, but the same principles
// can be applied to any PERSCOM resource. 
$perscom = new PerscomConnection('YOUR_API_KEY');

// Get a list of a specific resource
$response = $perscom->users()->all();

// Get a specific resource
$response = $perscom->users()->get(id: 1);

// Create a resource
$response = $perscom->users()->create(data: [
    'name' => 'User 1',
    'email' => ''

// Update a resource
$response = $perscom->users()->update(id: 1, data: [
    'name' => 'User 1 New Name'

// Delete a resource
$response = $perscom->users()->delete(id: 1);

// Search for a resource
$response = $perscom->users()->search(
    value: 'foobar', 
    sort: new SortObject('first_name', 'asc'), 
    filter: new FilterObject('created_at', '<', '2024-01-01')

// Batch create a resource
$response = $perscom->users()->batchCreate([
    new ResourceObject(data: [
        'name' => 'User 1',
        'email' => ''
    new ResourceObject(data: [
        'name' => 'User 2',
        'email' => ''

// Batch update a resource
$response = $perscom->users()->batchUpdate([
    new ResourceObject(id: 1, data: [
        'name' => 'User 1 New Name'
    new ResourceObject(id: 2, data: [
        'name' => 'User 2 New Name'

// Batch delete a resource
$response = $perscom->users()->batchDelete([
    new ResourceObject(id: 1),
    new ResourceObject(id: 2)

// Uploading an attachment
$response = $perscom->users()->attachments(id: 1)->create(data: [
    'name' => 'Attachment 1',
    'file' => fopen('/../file.pdf', 'r')

// Other examples
$response = $perscom->users()->profile_photo(id: 1)->create(filePath: 'image.jpg');
$response = $perscom->users()->assignment_records(id: 1)->delete();

// Parse the response into a usable array
$data = $response->json();

Getting Started

You can install the package using Composer:

composer require deschutesdesigngroupllc/perscom-php-sdk


Visit our documentation here to get started.

Error Handling

The PERSCOM SDK throws exceptions when an API error occurs. You can catch these exceptions and handle them accordingly with a standard try/catch block. For a more elegant approach to error handling, consider using the promise-based approach.

try {
  $perscom = new PerscomConnection('YOUR_API_KEY');

  $response = $perscom->users()->all()->json();
} catch (AuthenticationException $exception) {
  Log::error('The provided API key is invalid');

Promise Support

The PERSCOM SDK can send asynchronous requests using a promise-based approach. This allows you to handle both successful and failed requests in a more fluent way.

// Create a PERSCOM instance
$perscom = new PerscomConnection('YOUR_API_KEY');

// Create a promise
$promise = $plaid->sendAsync(new GetAllUsersRequest());

// Send the request
    ->then(function (Response $response) {
        // Handle successful response
    ->otherwise(function (RequestException $exception) {
        // Handle failed request

// Resolve the promise


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