
A Laravel Nova tool which provides the ability to define your system settings in a beautiful UI and code implementation.

v1.1 2025-02-19 12:03 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-19 12:05:00 UTC


Laravel Nova System Settings Tool

Latest Version on Packagist License Total Downloads

The Missing Laravel Nova System Settings Tool.

This packages saves the times for you when creating the system settings part of your project, it handles the UI in a very intuitive convenient way. It has a straightforward, Nova-Like implementation, and it was built over Spatie's laravel-settings package.

  • A look at Spatie's package docs is needed to keep track of how things are going.


composer require devloops/nova-system-settings


The usage of this package is very simple as creating a class that extends Devloops\NovaSystemSettings\Contracts\SystemSettings abstract class, which itself extends the Spatie\LaravelSettings\Settings class of Spatie's laravel-settings packages, then register the tool inside the NovaServiceProvider giving it an array of the settings you defined for your system.

Below is a full of example

1- Create your settings class as follows.


namespace App\Nova\Settings\General;

use Laravel\Nova\Fields\Text;
use Laravel\Nova\Fields\Textarea;
use Devloops\NovaSystemSettings\Contracts\SystemSettings;

class SiteSettings extends SystemSettings

    public ?string $title;

    public ?string $slogan;

    public ?string $email;

    public ?string $phoneNumber;

    public ?string $address;

    public static function group(): string
        return 'general';

    public static function title(): string
        return __('Site Settings');

    public static function icon(): string
        return 'cog';

    public static function name(): string
        return 'site_settings';

    public static function fields(): array
        return [
            Text::make(__('Site Title'), 'title'),
            Text::make(__('Site Slogan'), 'slogan'),
            Text::make(__('Site Email'), 'email'),
            Text::make(__('Site Phone Number'), 'phoneNumber'),
            Textarea::make(__('Site Address'), 'address'),

namespace App\Nova\Settings\General;

use Laravel\Nova\Fields\Text;
use Laravel\Nova\Fields\Select;
use Laravel\Nova\Fields\Number;
use Laravel\Nova\Fields\Password;
use Devloops\NovaSystemSettings\Contracts\SystemSettings;

class MailSettings extends SystemSettings

    public ?string $mailer;

    public ?string $host;

    public ?int $port;

    public ?string $username;

    public ?string $password;

    public ?string $encryption;

    public static function group(): string
        return 'general';

    public static function title(): string
        return __('Mail Settings');

    public static function icon(): string
        return 'mail';

    public static function name(): string
        return 'mail_settings';

    public static function fields(): array
        return [
            Select::make(__('Mailer'), 'mail')
                      'smtp'     => __('SMTP'),
                      'sendmail' => __('Sendmail'),
                      'mailgun'  => __('Mailgun'),
            Text::make(__('Host'), 'host'),
            Number::make(__('Port'), 'port'),
            Text::make(__('Username'), 'username'),
            Password::make(__('Password'), 'password'),
            Select::make(__('Encryption'), 'encryption')
                      null  => __('None'),
                      'tls' => __('TLS'),
                      'ssl' => __('SSL'),

namespace App\Nova\Settings\Store;

use Laravel\Nova\Fields\Number;
use Laravel\Nova\Fields\Boolean;
use Devloops\NovaSystemSettings\Contracts\SystemSettings;

class OrderSettings extends SystemSettings
    public ?float $minOrder;

    public ?bool $allowGuestCheckout;

    public ?bool $allowFreeShipping;

    public static function group(): string
        return 'store';

    public static function title(): string
        return __('Order Settings');

    public static function icon(): string
        return 'shopping-cart';

    public static function name(): string
        return 'order_settings';

    public static function fields(): array
        return [
            Number::make(__('Minimum Order'), 'minOrder'),
            Boolean::make(__('Allow Guest Checkout'), 'allowGuestCheckout'),
            Boolean::make(__('Allow Free Shipping'), 'allowFreeShipping'),

namespace App\Nova\Settings\Tenant\Store;

use Laravel\Nova\Fields\Select;
use Laravel\Nova\Fields\Boolean;
use Devloops\NovaSystemSettings\Contracts\SystemSettings;

class CustomerSettings extends SystemSettings

    public ?string $loginVia;

    public ?bool $requiresEmailVerification;

    public ?int $canRegister;

    public static function group(): string
        return 'store';

    public static function title(): string
        return __('Customer Settings');

    public static function icon(): string
        return 'user';

    public static function name(): string
        return 'customer_settings';

    public static function fields(): array
        return [
            Select::make(__('Login Via'))
                      'email'        => __('Email'),
                      'phone_number' => __('Phone Number'),
            Boolean::make(__('Requires Email Verification'), 'requiresEmailVerification'),
            Boolean::make(__('Can Register'), 'canRegister'),

The above classes implements five methods that are abstractly inherited from the SystemSettings class, the methods are:

     * Get system settings group.
     * @return string
    abstract public static function group(): string;

     * Get system settings title.
     * @return string
    abstract public static function title(): string;

     * Get system settings icon.
     * @return string
    abstract public static function icon(): string;

     * Get system settings name.
     * @return string
    abstract public static function name(): string;

     * Return system settings fields.
     * @return array
    abstract public static function fields(): array;

The comments on the methods tells each methods goal.

2- Register all your settings via the tool() method in the App\Providers\NovaServiceProvider like the example below.

use App\Nova\Settings\General\SiteSettings;
use App\Nova\Settings\General\MailSettings;
use App\Nova\Settings\Store\OrderSettings;
use App\Nova\Settings\Store\CustomerSettings;

    public function tools(): array
        return [


4- The system settings groups title are translatable, you need to create a locale file resources/lang/en/system-settings.php


return [
    'groups' => [        
        'general'          => 'General',
        'store'            => 'Store',

5- System settings internal usage is pretty simple, as Spatie's laravel-settings package behaves, you can simply use dependency injection to inject the settings class in either your services, controllers, repositories or any other place in your system.


namespace App\Http\Controllers\Api\V1;

use App\Nova\Settings\Store\CustomerSettings;
use App\Http\Requests\Api\V1\Auth\SendOtpRequest;

class AuthController extends ApiController

    public function __construct(
        public CustomerSettings $customerSettings
    ) {

    public function sendOtp(SendOtpRequest $request)


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Screenshot 2

Screenshot 3

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The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.