
PHP library for command/transaction design pattern

dev-master 2012-11-16 20:29 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-29 01:54:16 UTC


PHP 5.3 library to use command/transaction design pattern


Ika relies on doing the same as SQL transations but with eclectic actions, and if an error occured roll back these actions.

An example of application will be an installer, that performs multiple actions like create folder, duplicate files, run SQL queries etc and if one of these actions doesn't work, clean previous actions.

How it works

You create several commands, each one has an up action and a down action. When you will start the transaction, all up action of your commands will be run, in the order they were added.

If an error occurred, you can roll back. It will run all down action of all succeeded commands in reverse. That's it. Simple.


Old school

Download the latest version of Ika and add the Ika namespace to your PSR-0 autoloading system, or simply require the src/autoload.php


Just create a composer.json file and run the php composer.phar install command to install it:

    "require": {
        "devster/ika": ">=1.0.*"



Here a small example of basic usage with thin commands:

use Ika\Transaction;

$t = new Transaction;

// Register new command to the transaction and set it up
$t->register('new_dir')->setUp(function($prev, $command) {
    // the `command` var is the new command object you just registered
    // $prev is the return of the previous hook/command
    // Here it is NULL because there is nothing before
})->setDown(function($prev, $command) {

// add a second command, this library is useless for just one command :)
$t->register('create_file')->setUp(function() {
    // some code that throw an exception
    throw new Exception('Error !');

// Here we go! We run the transaction
try {
    $result = $t->begin();
} catch(TransactionException $e) {
    // Execute just the down action of the first command `rmdir('test')`

With Bigger commands

If your commands are more complex you can extend the Ika\Command:

use Ika\Command;

class MyCommand extends Command
    public function getName()
        return 'my_command';

    public function isEnabled()
        // your code that decide if this command
        // must be run when the transaction will be executed
        // By default return true

        return true;

    public function up($prev)

    public function down($prev)
$t = new Transaction;

// add your new fresh command
$t->add(new MyCommand);
// add a bunch of commands
//$t->addCommands(array(new Command, ...));

try {
} catch(TransactionException $e) {


There is a hooks system integrated in Ika. here's the list:

- pre      // execute before any actions up or down
- post     // executed after any actions up or down
- preUp    // executed before up actions
- postUp   // executed after up actions
- preDown  // executed before down actions
- postDown // executed after down actions
$t = new Transaction;

$t->addHook('preUp', function($prev, $command) {
    // $prev is the return of the previous hook/command
    // $command is the current command executed
    echo 'Execution of '.$command->getName();

If your hooks are more complex you can extends Ika\Transaction:

use Ika\Transaction;

class MyTransaction extends Transaction
    public function initialize()
        $this->addHook('pre', function($prev, $command, $direction){
            echo 'Execution of '.$direction.' '.$command->getName();

        $this->addHook('postDown', function(){});

        // etc


You can start the transaction at the command you want:


You can start the rollback at the command you want:




  • Any flavor of PHP 5.3 should do



Ika is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details