
DHL Parcel DE Shipping API SDK

1.0.0 2024-05-24 10:06 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-28 10:35:32 UTC


The DHL Parcel DE Shipping API SDK package offers an interface to the following web services:


System Requirements

  • PHP 8.1+ with SOAP and JSON extension

Package Requirements

  • league/openapi-psr7-validator: Schema validator for JSON request messages
  • netresearch/jsonmapper: Mapper for deserialization of JSON response messages into PHP objects
  • php-http/discovery: Discovery service for HTTP client and message factory implementations
  • php-http/httplug: Pluggable HTTP client abstraction
  • php-http/logger-plugin: HTTP client logger plugin for HTTPlug
  • psr/http-client: PSR-18 HTTP client interfaces
  • psr/http-factory: PSR-7 HTTP message factory interfaces
  • psr/http-message: PSR-7 HTTP message interfaces
  • psr/log: PSR-3 logger interfaces

Virtual Package Requirements

  • psr/http-client-implementation: Any package that provides a PSR-18 compatible HTTP client
  • psr/http-factory-implementation: Any package that provides PSR-7 compatible HTTP message factories
  • psr/http-message-implementation: Any package that provides PSR-7 HTTP messages

Development Package Requirements

  • fig/log-test: PSR-3 logger implementation for testing purposes
  • nyholm/psr7: PSR-7 HTTP message factory & message implementation
  • phpunit/phpunit: Testing framework
  • php-http/mock-client: HTTPlug mock client implementation
  • phpstan/phpstan: Static analysis tool
  • rector/rector: Automatic refactoring tool to help with PHP upgrades
  • squizlabs/php_codesniffer: Static analysis tool


$ composer require dhl/sdk-api-parcel-de


$ composer remove dhl/sdk-api-parcel-de


$ ./vendor/bin/phpunit -c test/phpunit.xml


The DHL Parcel DE Shipping API SDK supports the following features:

  • Validate Shipment
  • Create Shipment Order
  • Delete Shipment Order


The DHL Parcel DE Shipping API requires a two-level authentication (see API User Guide):

  1. The application submits a Consumer Key Header ("API Key") that must be created in the DHL API Developer Portal.
  2. The user is identified via HTTP Basic Authentication with credentials configured in the DHL Business Customer Portal.

These credentials are passed to the SDK via \Dhl\Sdk\ParcelDe\Shipping\Api\Data\AuthenticationStorageInterface. Create your own or use the default implementation:

$authStorage = new \Dhl\Sdk\ParcelDe\Shipping\Auth\AuthenticationStorage('apiKey', 'user', 'password');

Validate Shipment

Validate shipments for DHL Paket including the relevant shipping documents.

Public API

The library's components suitable for consumption comprise

  • services:
    • service factory
    • shipment service
    • data transfer object builder
  • data transfer objects:


$logger = new \Psr\Log\NullLogger();

$serviceFactory = new \Dhl\Sdk\ParcelDe\Shipping\Service\ServiceFactory();
$service = $serviceFactory->createShipmentService($authStorage, $logger, $sandbox = true);

$requestBuilder = new \Dhl\Sdk\ParcelDe\Shipping\RequestBuilder\ShipmentOrderRequestBuilder();
$requestBuilder->setShipperAccount($billingNumber = '33333333330101');
    company: 'DHL',
    country: 'DEU',
    postalCode: '53113',
    city: 'Bonn',
    street: 'Charles-de-Gaulle-Straße',
    streetNumber: '20'
    recipientName: 'Jane Doe',
    recipientCountry: 'DEU',
    recipientPostalCode: '53113',
    recipientCity: 'Bonn',
    recipientStreet: 'Sträßchensweg',
    recipientStreetNumber: '2'
$requestBuilder->setShipmentDetails(productCode: 'V01PAK', shipmentDate: new \DateTimeImmutable('2023-02-23'));
$requestBuilder->setPackageDetails(weightInKg: 2.4);

$shipmentOrder = $requestBuilder->create();
$result = $service->validateShipments([$shipmentOrder]);

Create Shipment Order

Create shipments for DHL Paket including the relevant shipping documents. In addition to the primary shipment data (shipper, consignee, etc.), further settings can be defined per request via the order configuration object, including label printing size, profile, and more.

Public API

The library's components suitable for consumption comprise

  • services:
    • service factory
    • shipment service
    • data transfer object builder
  • data transfer objects:


$logger = new \Psr\Log\NullLogger();

$serviceFactory = new \Dhl\Sdk\ParcelDe\Shipping\Service\ServiceFactory();
$service = $serviceFactory->createShipmentService($authStorage, $logger, sandbox: true);

$orderConfiguration = new \Dhl\Sdk\ParcelDe\Shipping\Service\ShipmentService\OrderConfiguration(
    mustEncode: true,
    combinedPrinting: null,
    docFormat: \Dhl\Sdk\ParcelDe\Shipping\Api\Data\OrderConfigurationInterface::DOC_FORMAT_PDF,
    printFormat: \Dhl\Sdk\ParcelDe\Shipping\Api\Data\OrderConfigurationInterface::PRINT_FORMAT_A4

$requestBuilder = new \Dhl\Sdk\ParcelDe\Shipping\RequestBuilder\ShipmentOrderRequestBuilder();
$requestBuilder->setShipperAccount(billingNumber: '33333333330101');
    company: 'DHL',
    country: 'DEU',
    postalCode: '53113',
    city: 'Bonn',
    streetName: 'Charles-de-Gaulle-Straße',
    streetNumber: '20'
    name: 'Jane Doe',
    countryCode: 'DEU',
    postalCode: '53113',
    city: 'Bonn',
    streetName: 'Sträßchensweg',
    streetNumber: '2'
$requestBuilder->setShipmentDetails(productCode: 'V01PAK', shipmentDate: new \DateTimeImmutable('2023-02-23'));
$requestBuilder->setPackageDetails(weightInKg: 2.4);

$shipmentOrder = $requestBuilder->create();
$shipments = $service->createShipments([$shipmentOrder], $orderConfiguration);

Delete Shipment Order

Cancel earlier created shipments.

Public API

The library's components suitable for consumption comprise

  • services:
    • service factory
    • shipment service
  • data transfer objects:
    • authentication storage


$logger = new \Psr\Log\NullLogger();

$serviceFactory = new \Dhl\Sdk\ParcelDe\Shipping\Service\ServiceFactory();
$service = $serviceFactory->createShipmentService($authStorage, $logger, sandbox: true);

$shipmentNumber = '333301011234567890';
$cancelled = $service->cancelShipments([$shipmentNumber]);