
Zend Framework 2 Module that provides Doctrine Data-Fixture functionality

2.0 2017-11-04 02:18 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-28 16:44:12 UTC



The DoctrineDataFixtureModule module intends to integrate Doctrine 2 data-fixture with Zend Framework 3 quickly and easily. The following features are intended to work out of the box:

  • Doctrine ORM support
  • Multiple ORM entity managers
  • Multiple DBAL connections
  • Support reuse existing PDO connections in DBAL


This module is designed to work with a typical ZF2 MVC application.


Installation of this module uses composer. For composer documentation, please refer to getcomposer.org.

$ php composer.phar require --dev "diegograssato/doctrine-odm-datafixture": "2.0"

Then open config/development.config.php and DoctrineDataFixtureModule to your modules

Registering Fixtures

To register fixtures with Doctrine module add the fixtures in your configuration.

 'orm_fixtures' => [

or group configurator

'orm_fixtures' => [
    'groups' => [
        'default' => [
        'production' => [

To rotate the fixture use the terminal command:

  vendor/bin/doctrine-odm-datafixture odm:fixtures:load

The odm:fixture:load command loads data fixtures from your bundles:

  vendor/bin/doctrine-module orm:fixtures:load

You can also optionally specify the path to fixtures with the --fixtures option:

  vendor/bin/doctrine-module orm:fixtures:load --fixture=/path/to/fixtures1 --fixture=/path/to/fixtures2

If you want to append the fixtures instead of flushing the database first you can use the --append option:

  vendor/bin/doctrine-module orm:fixtures:load --fixture=/path/to/fixtures1 --fixture=/path/to/fixtures2 --append

You can also optionally specify the group configuration:

  vendor/bin/doctrine-module orm:fixtures:load --group production

You can also optionally list the fixtures:

  vendor/bin/doctrine-module orm:fixtures:list --group production