
This package provides menu generator for modules in laravel apps.

Installs: 248

Dependents: 2

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 2

Watchers: 2

Forks: 1

Open Issues: 0



v1.3.5 2023-09-02 13:06 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:17:15 UTC


This package has a menu manager and menu generator for laravel modules.


Using Composer :

composer require dizatech/module-menu

packagist : https://packagist.org/packages/dizatech/module-menu

Admin Panel Usage

  • publish blade files :

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=module-menu

** Please note if you already published the vendor, for updates you can run the following command :

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=module-menu --force

  • run the following command :

php artisan migrate

  • Add the following code to module service provider , at the end of boot() function :


Please note that ExampleModule is your module name

  • Add the following tags in your sidebar layout (the module menus will be rendered by modules type and the menu manager will be rendered by manager type) :

<x-module-menu type="modules"></x-module-menu>

<x-module-menu type="manager"></x-module-menu>

or shorten tags :

<x-module-menu type="modules" />

<x-module-menu type="manager" />

Please note that the default type of x-module-menu tag is manager

Front-end Usage

to load desktop menus you must use this tag :

<x-front-menu menuGroup="desktop-navbar-menu"></x-front-menu>

to load mobile menus you must use this tag :

<x-front-menu menuGroup="mobile-navbar-menu"></x-front-menu>

Create Menus

Using UI (Menu Manager)

  • from menu/create in your panel, you can create new menu

  • manage created menus in the following url :


Please note that created menus are only available in module_menus table (in database), if you want to have migratable menus, use the Laravel Seeder

Using Laravel Seeder

The standard structure for packages or core (4 seeder needed)

  • for packages you can use pacman (package-manager) to create seeders simply.

Download and install pacman : https://packagist.org/packages/dizatech/pacman


Create menu items

  • create <package_name>MenuSeeder using php artisan pacman:seeder <package_name>MenuSeeder <package_name> command

  • in run() method add each menu in separate if conditions like the following codes:

** parent menu (first parent menu name must be equal to package name)

if (DB::table('module_menus')->where('name','<menu_name>')->count() == 0){ // for first parent you must use package_name for menu_name
    $parentID = DB::table('menu_menus')->insertGetId([ // set parent id of menu in $parentID variable
        'name' => '<menu_name>', // for first parent you must use package_name for menu_name
        'title' => '<package_first_parent_name>', // e.g. فرم ها
        'icon' => '<menu_icon>', // e.g. fa fa-wpforms
        'route' => '<menu_route>', // e.g. form.index
        'parent_id' => '0', // 0 for parent
        'creator_id' => '1', // creator user_id
        'created_at' => now()->toDateTimeString(), 
        'updated_at' => now()->toDateTimeString(),
        'deleted_at' => null,

** child menu

if (DB::table('module_menus')->where('name','<menu_name>')->count() == 0){
        'name' => '<menu_name>', // menu name, e.g. site_forms
        'title' => '<child_name>', // menu title, e.g. ایجاد فرم
        'icon' => '<menu_icon>', // child menu icon, e.g. fa fa-circle-o
        'route' => '<menu_route>', // menu route, e.g. form.index
        'parent_id' => $parentID, // menu parent id, can be dynamic
        'creator_id' => '1', // creator user_id
        'created_at' => now()->toDateTimeString(),
        'updated_at' => now()->toDateTimeString(),
        'deleted_at' => null,


Create permission for each menu item

  • create <package_name>PermissionsSeeder using php artisan pacman:seeder <package_name>PermissionsSeeder <package_name> command

  • in run() method add the permissions in separate if conditions like the following code:

if (DB::table('permissions')->where('name','<permission_name>')->count() == 0){ // e.g. forms_access 
          'name' => '<permission_name>', // e.g. forms_access 
          'display_name' => '<permission_display_name>', // e.g. دسترسی فرم ها
          'description' => '<permission_description>', // e.g. امکان دسترسی به فرم ها
          'created_at' => now()->toDateTimeString(),
          'updated_at' => now()->toDateTimeString()


Connect each menu to specific permission

  • create <package_name>MenuPermissionsSeeder using php artisan pacman:seeder <package_name>MenuPermissionsSeeder <package_name> command

  • in run() method add the following codes (first find menus, then attach theme permissions):

$parentMenu = ModuleMenu::where('name', '<parent_menu_name>')->first();
$childMenu = ModuleMenu::where('name', '<child_menu_name>')->first();

$parentMenu->permissions()->sync(Permission::where('name', '<permission_name>')->pluck('id'));
$childMenu->permissions()->sync(Permission::where('name', '<permission_name>')->pluck('id'));


Connect each permission to specific role

  • create <package_name>RolePermissionsSeeder using php artisan pacman:seeder <package_name>RolePermissionsSeeder <package_name> command

  • in run() method add the following codes (first find role, then attach permissions to it):

$<role_name> = Role::where('name', '<role_name>')->first(); // main role

$permissions = DB::table('permissions')->whereIn('name', [
$<role_name>->permissions()->sync($permissions, false);

add new seeders in laravel core

  • add new seeders in /database/seeders/DatabaseSeeder.php :
public function run()
     // new classes goes here

Last step for laravel seeder

  • run artisan seed :

php artisan db:seed

  • clear all caches :

php artisan cache:clear

php artisan view:clear

php artisan route:clear

