
There is no license information available for the latest version (dev-master) of this package.

Help System integration for the Yii framework

Installs: 25

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 0

Watchers: 1

Forks: 0

Open Issues: 0



dev-master 2015-07-13 04:29 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-22 16:45:07 UTC



  • Tested with Yii 2
  • ckeditor 4



a. Using composer

php composer.phar require --prefer-dist dm/helpsystemtest "@dev" 

b. Manual Installation

Download yii2-helpsystem  in application yii root folder.

Add the module details in extensions.php 
			'dm/helpsystem' =>
				array (
						'name' => 'dm/yii2-helpsystem',
						'version' => '',
						'alias' =>
						 array (
							'@dm/helpsystem'          => $vendorDir . '/dm/yii2-helpsystem',
							'@dm/helpsystem/admin'    => $vendorDir . '/dm/yii2-helpsystem/modules/admin',
							'@dm/helpsystem/client'   => $vendorDir . '/dm/yii2-helpsystem/modules/client',
							'@dm/helpsystem/dmeditor' => $vendorDir . '/dm/yii2-helpsystem/vendor/dmeditor',

2.Add module to your application config:

    // ...
        // ...
                    'helpsystem' =>
			['class' => 'dm\helpsystem\Module',
					'modules' => ['admin' => [
							'client' =>  'dm\helpsystem\client\Module',
							'dmeditor' => [
									'class'             => 'dm\helpsystem\dmeditor\Module',
									'allowedImageSize'  => 2, // add the maximum upload size in MB. Enter int value.
									'imageUploadPath'   => 'images/EditorImages',// the path to which image uploaded.
									'allowedImageTypes' => ['gif', 'jpeg', 'jpg', 'png']
					'bootstrap' => 'off' // on/off : set 'on' to apply helpsystem bootstrap style
                                                             // set to on when the application is not using bootstrap style,
                                       'userRole'=> ['admin'] ,//Add roles if any. eg ['admin','editor']
				       'pageLayout'=>'//layout/main' // set the page layout path here
    // ...

3.Run mysql script:

a. /yii2-helpsystem/database/1_DDL/1_helpSystem_base_script.sql

b. /yii2-helpsystem/database/4_DML/1_hlp_Language_Insert_script.sql

4.Finally add Help widget to your view template:

<?= dm\helpsystem\client\components\HelpWidgetHelpWidget::widget(
						'title'=>'CLIENT DEMO', // help link title
					      'wrapperClass'=>'', // the class added to the wrapper div if any
					      'linkClass'=>'', // class name if we wish to add any
					      'sectionId'=>1,	// section reference mandatory
					      'topicId'=>0, // If you wanted to load a specific topic in help box give its primary key