
behavior to easily set view pathMaps via yii2 theme

1.1.0 2022-12-09 12:06 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-09 16:14:47 UTC


Behavior to easily set additional view paths via yii2 theme pathMap.

Config options see: ThemedViewPathBehavior.php

ThemedViewPathBehavior can be attached to:

  • controllers
  • modules
  • widgets

path order

As the yii\base\Theme will use the first matching view file from the list of given paths, the order within the generated pathMap is relevant.

see: guide: theme-inheritance

In the context of this behavior, there are basically 2 scenarios:

Should the owners default viewPath be the first or the last directory where yii will search for view files?

The pathOrder property can be used to define the order:

used Events

According to the type of the owner the behavior attach itself to events:


Extend viewPath for one controller


  • You have installed the dmstr/yii2-active-record-search
  • You want to integrate a SearchGroupController to manage the SearchGroups from active-record-search module within another module e.g. admin
  • You want to overwrite some (but not all) default views used from within \dmstr\activeRecordSearch\controllers\SearchGroupController


  • set active-record-search module view path as fallback via behavior config.

namespace project\modules\admin\controllers;

use dmstr\themedViewPath\ThemedViewPathBehavior;

class SearchGroupController extends \dmstr\activeRecordSearch\controllers\SearchGroupController

    public function behaviors()
        $behaviors = parent::behaviors();

        $behaviors['themedViewPath'] = [
            'class' => ThemedViewPathBehavior::class,
            'pathMap' => '@vendor/dmstr/yii2-active-record-search/src/views/search-group',
            'useAsBasePath' => false,

        return $behaviors;


    public function actionCreate()
        return "Action is not available in this context";

    public function actionDelete($id)
        return "Action is not available in this context";

generated pathMap for ProductController:

    '/app/project/src/modules/admin/views/search-group' => [
        0 => '/app/project/src/modules/admin/views/search-group'
        1 => '@vendor/dmstr/yii2-active-record-search/src/views/search-group'

Extend view Path for all (child) controllers via BaseController


  • You have an admin module where you define controllers to manage AR Models created with giiant within a cruds module
  • Your admin controllers have names (ids) that are also defined in the cruds module
  • You want to overwrite some (but not all) default views from the generated cruds


  • add behavior to a BaseController used by Controllers which should use the views from the cruds module as fallback and define the basePath as pathMap.
  • the controller ID will be appended within behavior

namespace project\modules\admin\controllers;

use dmstr\themedViewPath\ThemedViewPathBehavior;
use yii\web\Controller;

class BaseController extends Controller
    public function behaviors()
        $behaviors = parent::behaviors();

        $behaviors['themedViewPath'] = [
            'class' => ThemedViewPathBehavior::class,
            'pathMap' => '@project/modules/cruds/views',
            'useAsBasePath' => true,

        return $behaviors;


generated pathMap for ProductController:

    '/app/project/src/modules/admin/views/product' => [
        1 => '/app/project/src/modules/admin/views/product'
        3 => '@project/modules/cruds/views/product'

Extend view Path for all (child) controllers via BaseController with "branded" subDirs


  • same as above, but with additional subdir(s) where you can store "branded" views


  • same as above, but add another path with "branded" name

namespace project\modules\admin\controllers;

use dmstr\themedViewPath\ThemedViewPathBehavior;
use project\components\ApplicationHelper;
use yii\web\Controller;

class BaseController extends Controller
    public function behaviors()
        $behaviors = parent::behaviors();

        $behaviors['themedViewPath'] = [
            'class' => ThemedViewPathBehavior::class,
            'pathMap' => [
            'subDirs' => [
            'useAsBasePath' => true,

        return $behaviors;


generated pathMap for ProductController:

    '/app/project/src/modules/admin/views/product' => [
        0 => '/app/project/src/modules/admin/views/product/customer-name'
        1 => '/app/project/src/modules/admin/views/product'
        2 => '@project/modules/cruds/views/product/customer-name'
        3 => '@project/modules/cruds/views/product'

add extended view path for all controllers via Module


  • you have a module with default (e.g. autogenerated) view files in the default ./views/ dir of the module
  • you want to overwrite some (but not all) default views with files in a ./views-extended/ dir of the module


  • add behavior to the Module class
  • define the *-extended dir in pathMap
  • set the pathOrder to ThemedViewPathBehavior::MAP_PREPEND as yii should search first in the given./views-extended/ and use the default viewPath as fallback

namespace app\modules\cruds;

use dmstr\themedViewPath\ThemedViewPathBehavior;

 *  module definition class.
class Module extends \yii\base\Module
    public function behaviors()
        $behaviors = parent::behaviors();

        $behaviors['themedViewPath'] = [
            'class' => ThemedViewPathBehavior::class,
            'pathMap' => $this->getViewPath() . '-extended',
            'pathOrder' => ThemedViewPathBehavior::MAP_PREPEND,

        return $behaviors;



generated pathMap for Controllers within this module:

    '/app/project/src/modules/cruds/views' => [
        0 => '/app/project/src/modules/cruds/views-extended'
        1 => '/app/project/src/modules/cruds/views'

add alternative branded/themed view path for a widget


  • you have a widget and want to overwrite (some) views according to defined brand via subdirs per brand


  • add behavior to the Widget class
  • define subDirs for current context (via ApplicationHelper::brand() in this example)

namespace project\modules\frontend\widgets\careerportal;

use dmstr\themedViewPath\ThemedViewPathBehavior;
use project\components\ApplicationHelper;

class LatestJobs extends \yii\base\Widget

    public function behaviors()
        $behaviors = parent::behaviors();

        $behaviors['themedViewPath'] = [
            'class' => ThemedViewPathBehavior::class,
            'subDirs' => [

        return $behaviors;


generated pathMap for the widget:

    '/app/project/src/modules/frontend/widgets/careerportal/views' => [
        0 => '/app/project/src/modules/frontend/widgets/careerportal/views/customer-name'
        1 => '/app/project/src/modules/frontend/widgets/careerportal/views'