
LibreNMS plugin to add custom fields to devices

1.0.9 2024-11-20 14:34 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-20 15:11:35 UTC


nmscustomfields - A LibreNMS plugin package to add support for creating custom fields for devices.


Without Docker

Go to the LibreNMS base directory and run the following commands as librenms user:

./lnms plugin:add dot-mike/nmscustomfields
php artisan migrate --path=vendor/dot-mike/nmscustomfields/database/migrations
php artisan route:clear
php lnms --force -n migrate

With Docker

If you are using LibreNMS with Docker, you can install the plugin by customizing the Dockerfile.

Example Dockerfile:

ARG VERSION=librenms:23.8.2
FROM librenms/$VERSION

RUN apk --update --no-cache add -t build-dependencies php-xmlwriter
RUN mkdir -p "${LIBRENMS_PATH}/vendor"

RUN echo $'#!/usr/bin/with-contenv sh\n\
set -e\n\
if [ "$SIDECAR_DISPATCHER" = "1" ] || [ "$SIDECAR_SYSLOGNG" = "1" ] || [ "$SIDECAR_SNMPTRAPD" = "1" ]; then\n\
  exit 0\n\
chown -R librenms:librenms "${LIBRENMS_PATH}/composer.json" "${LIBRENMS_PATH}/composer.lock" "${LIBRENMS_PATH}/vendor"\n\
lnms plugin:add dot-mike/nmscustomfields\n\
php artisan route:clear\n\
php lnms --force -n migrate\n\
' > /etc/cont-init.d/


To get started, open LibreNMS and enable the plugin by navigating to Overview->Plugins->Plugins Admin and enable the nmscustomfields plugin.

Add and manage Custom Fields

Navigate to Overview->Plugins->Custom Fields Plugin to start adding custom fields that will be available for devices. Here you will also be able to manage the field values in bulk.

Editing Custom Fields for a Device

Navigate to a device page and you will see the custom fields section where you will find a link to edit the custom fields for the device.


Edit Custom Fields Edit Custom Field Values Device Custom Fields

Helper functions

The get_custom_field_value helper is used to retrieve a custom field's value for a specific device.


You can use the get_custom_field_value helper in your Blade templates to access custom fields associated with a device. This is especially useful for displaying dynamic content based on custom field values.


get_custom_field_value(Device $device, string $fieldName): string|null

Example Usage

{{ get_custom_field_value($device, 'custom_field_name') }}

@if ('yes' == get_custom_field_value($device, 'description'))

API Documentation

The plugin also adds API endpoints to manage the custom fields for devices.

Devices API

List Custom Fields

GET /api/v0/devices/{device}/customfields
  • Description: Retrieves a list of custom fields for a specified device.
  • Parameters:
    • {device}: The identifier of the device.

Show Custom Field

GET /api/v0/devices/{device}/customfields/{customdevicefield}
  • Description: Retrieves details of a specific custom field for a specified device.
  • Parameters:
    • {device}: The identifier of the device.
    • {customdevicefield}: The identifier of the custom field.

Delete Custom Field

DELETE /api/v0/devices/{device}/customfields/{customdevicefield}
  • Description: Deletes a specific custom field for a specified device.
  • Parameters:
    • {device}: The identifier of the device.
    • {customdevicefield}: The identifier of the custom field.

Update Custom Field

PATCH /api/v0/devices/{device}/customfields/{customdevicefield}
  • Description: Partially updates a specific custom field for a specified device.
  • Parameters:
    • {device}: The identifier of the device.
    • {customdevicefield}: The identifier of the custom field.
      "value": "value"

Upsert Custom Field

PUT / POST /api/v0/devices/{device}/customfields
  • Description: Creates or updates a custom field for a specified device.
  • Parameters:
    • {device}: The identifier of the device.
    • Request body containing the custom field data.
      "custom_field": "field_name or field_id",
      "value": "value"

customfields API

List All defined Custom Fields

GET /api/v0/customfields
  • Description: Retrieves a list of custom fields defined in the system.

Query Custom Fields

POST /api/v0/customfields/query
  • Description: Retrieves a list of custom fields with the specified filter in JSON format.
  • Parameters:
    • Request body containing the filter data.
    "filters": [
        {"field": "description", "operator": "eq", "value": "testing2"},
        {"field": "isok", "operator": "eq", "value": "exists"},
        {"field": "nonexistant", "operator": "eq", "value": "not_exists"},

    "fields": ["device_id", "hostname", "sysName"],
    "perPage": 15,
    "page": 1

Possible parameters for the filter are:

  • field: The field name to filter on.
  • operator: The operator to use for the filter. Possible values are eq, neq, gt, gte, lt, lte, like, not_like, exists, not_exists.
  • value: The value to filter on if the operator is not exists or not_exists.

Example output:

    "current_page": 1,
    "data": [
            "device_id": 1,
            "device": {
                "device_id": 1,
                "hostname": "snmpsim",
                "sysName": "zeus",
                "ip": null,
                "display": null,
                "overwrite_ip": null,
                "disabled": 0,
                "ignore": 0
            "custom_fields": [
                    "field_name": "description",
                    "value": "testing2"
                    "field_name": "isok",
                    "value": "yes"
    "from": 1,
    "last_page": 1,
    "per_page": 15,
    "to": 1,
    "total": 1