
There is no license information available for the latest version (2.0.0) of this package.

2.0.0 2022-10-01 22:05 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:36:33 UTC


Local Drupal Development

This setup is exclusively for local development only.


This setup has been tested with :

  • Apple Silicon M1
  • macOS Monterey
  • Local clone
  • Git
  • Docker for Mac
  • Composer
  • Brew


  1. composer create-project dpi/drupal-local
  2. cp .env.dist .env and add values.
  3. composer install
  4. Install Certificates, see Local TLS section below.
  5. Optionally copy and remove dist. prefix from settings files.
  6. docker-compose up -d


Drupal is accessible at https://localhost/


docker-compose exec php-cli bash
drush si standard -y

Common tasks

# Set Claro as admin theme:
drush theme:enable claro && drush config:set system.theme admin claro -y && drush cr

Alternative hostnames

Want to use a hostname other than localhost, such as DOMAIN.localhost? (automat- ically works with Firefox / Chrome) Or any others with editing host file?

  1. Update URLs and hostnames in .env file.
  2. Generate certificates for new hostname (See Local TLS).
  3. docker-compose up -d


# Enable Redis before copying files because new services depend on Redis.module.
drush en redis
cp ./app/sites/default/dist.settings.redis.php ./app/sites/default/settings.redis.php
cp ./app/sites/default/dist.services.redis.yml ./app/sites/default/services.redis.php
drush cr

Configuration Export/Import

Config YAML will be exported to ./config/, alternatively use MySQL dump and auto restoration per below.

drush config:export
drush config:import

Local TLS

Why local HTTPS? Just because! Also Secure Cookies! And other things probably.

brew install mkcert nss
# Replace 'localhost' with alternative hostname, if desired.
mkcert -cert-file=certificates/primary.pem -key-file=certificates/primary-key.pem localhost
mkcert -install

More certificates can be defined in traefik/config/certificates.yaml.

MySQL Dump

Dump the MySQL database from the PHPCLI container so the setup can be restarted.

drush sql-dump --result-file=../sql/init/dump.sql

The dump will be automatically imported if you docker-compose down then restart the application. The app will take a few extra seconds to be ready. Tail the database log with docker-compose logs -f db to track progress.


Mailhog will capture emails sent by Drupal. There is no need to configure Drupal as sendmail_path is configured.

Mailhog is accessible at https://localhost/mailhog/


Dashboard is accessible at https://localhost/traefik/



Optionally customise PHPStan configuration with cp phpstan.neon.dist phpstan.neon. The .dist file will be used by default.

phpstan analyse


Optionally customise PHPCS configuration with cp phpcs.xml.dist phpcs.xml. The .dist file will be used by default.



Optionally customise PHPUnit configuration with cp phpunit.xml.dist phpunit.xml. The .dist file will be used by default.



Define client and server ID and tokens in .env.

Web profiling

Browser extension

Enable the browser extension as normal.

Navigate to the page you wish to profile, and click 'Profile!' button.

Note: does not work properly if you're using Firefox container tabs. Use a container-less tab when profiling in Firefox.

Docker compose

docker-compose exec blackfire blackfire curl http://nginx:8080/

Blackfire CLI app

Blackfire client (blackfire) is built into the PHP CLI container (Dockerfile-php-cli):

docker-compose exec php-cli bash
blackfire curl http://nginx:8080/

CLI app profiling

docker-compose exec php-cli bash
blackfire run drush foo