
Dependency injection addons to Symfony

0.19.0 2025-02-05 17:20 UTC


This package provides addons to the Symfony Dependency Injection component.


composer require draw/dependency-injection


The Draw\Component\DependencyInjection\Integration namespace contains classes that can be used to easily integrate subcomponents into a main bundle.

An example of this is all the draw components that are integrated into the DrawFrameworkExtraBundle.

When creating the main bundle extension you can use the IntegrationTrait to easily integrate all the subcomponents.

namespace Example\Bundle\MyBundle\DependencyInjection;

use Draw\Component\DependencyInjection\IntegrationTrait;
use Example\Component\MyComponent\DependencyInjection\MyCompnentIntegration;
use Example\Component\MyOtherComponent\DependencyInjection\MyOtherComponentIntegration;

class ExampleMyBundle extends Bundle
    use ExtendableExtensionTrait;

    public function __construct()

    private function provideExtensionClasses(): array
        return [

    public function getConfiguration(array $config, ContainerBuilder $container): ConfigurationInterface
        return new Configuration($this->integrations);

    public function load(array $configs, ContainerBuilder $container): void
        $config = $this->loadIntegrations($configs, $container);

        // Do your bundle specific configuration here

    public function prepend(ContainerBuilder $container): void
        $this->prependIntegrations($container, 'example_my_bundle');


The registerDefaultIntegrations method will automatically register all the integrations that are in the provideExtensionClasses method.

It will check if the class exists and if it does it will create a new instance of it and add it to the integrations property.

That way you can define the integration classes in the specific component, and it will automatically be integrated into the main bundle if your component is installed.


The loadIntegrations method will call the load method on all the integrations that are registered.

It will automatically pass the configuration to the existing configuration only if they are enabled.


The prependIntegrations method will call the prepend method on all the integrations that are registered.

It will check if the configuration is enabled and if it is it will call the prepend method.


Here is an example of configuration base on the example above.

        enabled: true
        my_component_configuration: true
        enabled: false

This example will enable the MyComponentIntegration and disable the MyOtherComponentIntegration.