
Provides files encryption & Decryption, HMAC Hash object and Password Hashing using PHP password_hash, password_verify & hash_equals functions

v0.2.5 2022-10-20 18:45 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-20 23:58:27 UTC


Crypt is PHP composer based package providing hashing and encryption classes, and methods, based on PHP default hashing & encryption methods.


Simply use composer PHP dependencies manager to install the package. If there is no composer installation on your operating system, you should be able to install the utility using this guide [https://getcomposer.org/download/].

Once composer is intalled on your operating system, run the comand below in your terminal at the root of your project:

composer require drewlabs/crypt

The above command will add drewlabs/crypt package and it dependencies to your project.


Encrypting a raw string

use Drewlabs\Crypt\Encrypter\Crypt;

// Creates a crypt instance
$instance = Crypt::new();
$encrypted = $instance->encryptString('Raw string value');

Note By default Crypt::new() generate a random key and use AES-128-CBC as cipher type. To override the defaults:

use Drewlabs\Crypt\Encrypter\Crypt;

// Creates a crypt instance
$instance = Crypt::new('MySecret');

Note Supported cipher type are:

  • aes-128-cbc and aes-128-gcm -> Key length equals to 8 characters
  • aes-256-cbc and aes-256-gcm -> Key length equals 16 characters

Note If the key is a base64 string, crypt library will try to decode the base64 string before creating the encryption key internally:

use Drewlabs\Crypt\Encrypter\Crypt;

// Creates a crypt instance
$instance = Crypt::new(base64_encode('MySecret'));
  • Decrypting a string

To get the plain text from an encrypted string, simply call the decryptString() method on the encrypted text:

use Drewlabs\Crypt\Encrypter\Crypt;

// Creates a crypt instance
$instance = Crypt::new();
$encrypted = $instance->encryptString('Raw string value');

// Decrypting text
$plainText = $instance->decryptString($encrypted); // Raw string value
  • File encryption

The Crypt also class provides methods/functions for entrypting an entire file and decrypt the file from back to it original state. Below are the API for encrypting and decrypting files on a disk:

  • encryptBlob(string $from, string $to): void // Encrypt document located at path $from and output the encrypted content to path $to

  • decryptBlob(string $from. string $to): void // Decrypt document located at path $from and output the encrypted content to path $to

HMAC Hashing

HMAC hashing provides methods for creating hash and checking a raw value against a hash using user defined algorightm. To create a hash value:

use Drewlabs\Crypt\HMAC\Hash as HMACHash;

$instance = HMACHash::new();
$hash = $instance->make('My Hashable Value');

Note By default, hashed value are created from strings. But the Hmac implementation supports PHP arrays, and serializable objects (classes having a toArray()). If the object does not have a toArray() method, the hashing implementation call get_object_vars on the object to convert the object into array, before hashing it.

Note To create a hash object from existing raw hashed string use the Hash::raw() method:

use Drewlabs\Crypt\HMAC\Hash as HMACHash;

$instance = HMACHash::raw("...."); // Creates a hash instance from a raw sstring composed
  • Checking a hashed value

To check a hashed value against a new plain text value, first you create the hash object from raw hashed value and then you call the check() method against the plain text.

use Drewlabs\Crypt\HMAC\Hash as HMACHash;

$hash = HMACHash::new('md5');
// Returns a boolean indicating whether hashed value and plain text matches.
$boolean = $hash::raw("Hashed value")->check('Hello World!');

Note By default the library uses sha256 algorightm when creating hash values. PHP base function hash_algos returns the list of supported hash algorithm.

Note Below is the api for hashing a value:

  • make(?string $alg, ?string $key = null) // Creates a hashed value using user provided algorithm
  • hashOptions() // Returns an encoded string composed of has key and algorithm used when hashing a value
  • static raw(string $hash, ?string $options = null) // Static method for creating a hash object from a raw hashed value
  • check(string $value) // Check the hash object internal hash value against a plain text value

Password encryption

The package also comes with implementation for creating md5, argon2, argon2i and bcrypt hash from plain text. It internally uses PHP password_hash function for creating hash. They are recommended for hashing password for user applications. To create a password hash from plain text:

  • Hash manager factory
use Drewlabs\Crypt\Passwords\Factory;

// Creates a hash manager from using argon2i password hasing
$hash = Factory::new()->make(\PASSWORD_ARGON2I)
  • Proxy function API
use function Drewlabs\Crypt\Proxy\usePasswordManager;

// Creates a hash manager from using bcrypt password hasing
$hash = usePasswordManager('bcrypt')->make('SuperSecret');