
Twig function that inserts static classes into Pattern Lab and adds them to the Attributes object in Drupal

v1.0.1 2017-08-17 03:08 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-15 08:04:14 UTC


Twig function that inserts static classes into Pattern Lab and adds them to the Attributes object in Drupal


To use in Pattern Lab, simply place in the _twig-components/functions directory. Drupal needs to recognize the Twig function, so something like Unified Twig Extensions module can be helpful for that.

Usage (4 arguments)

Simple block name (required argument):

<h1 {{ bem('title') }}>

This creates:

<h1 class="title">

Block with modifiers (optional array allowing multiple modifiers):

<h1 {{ bem('title', ['small', 'red']) }}>

This creates:

<h1 class="title title--small title--red">

Element with modifiers and blockname (optional):

<h1 {{ bem('title', ['small', 'red'], 'card') }}>

This creates:

<h1 class="card__title card__title--small card__title--red">

Element with blockname, but no modifiers (optional):

<h1 {{ bem('title', '', 'card') }}>

This creates:

<h1 class="card__title">

Element with modifiers, blockname and extra classes (optional - in case you need non-BEM classes):

<h1 {{ bem('title', ['small', 'red'], 'card', ['js-click', 'something-else']) }}>

This creates:

<h1 class="card__title card__title--small card__title--red js-click something-else">

Element with extra classes only (optional):

<h1 {{ bem('title', '', '', ['js-click']) }}>

This creates:

<h1 class="title js-click">