
Various blocks, pages, and functions for developers.

Installs: 1 311 043

Dependents: 269

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0





Devel module contains helper functions and pages for Drupal developers and inquisitive admins:

  • A block and toolbar for quickly accessing devel pages
  • A menu tab added to entities to give access to internal entity properties
  • Urls created to view the internal entity properties even when there is no menu tab, for example /devel/paragraph/n
  • Debug functions for inspecting a variable such as dpm($variable)
  • Debug a SQL query dpq($query or print a backtrace ddebug_backtrace()
  • A block for masquerading as other users (useful for testing)
  • A mail-system class which redirects outbound email to files
  • Drush commands such as fn-hook, fn-event, token, uuid, and devel-services
  • Devel Generate. Bulk creates nodes, users, comment, taxonomy, media, menus, block content for development. Has Drush integration.

This module is safe to use on a production site. Just be sure to only grant access development information permission to developers.


  • https://gitlab.com/drupalspoons/devel is our workplace for code, MRs, and CI.
  • Create a personal fork in order to make an MR.
  • We plan to move bck to drupal.org once it uses Gitlab for issues.
  • We auto-push back to git.drupalcode.org in order to keep Security Team coverage and packages.drupal.org integration.
  • Chat with us at #devel on Drupal Slack.

Local Development

DDEV is configured with https://github.com/ddev/ddev-drupal-contrib for for easy local development, test running, etc.

Version Compatibility

Devel versionDrupal corePHPDrush
5.0, 5.19,108.1+11+


See https://gitlab.com/groups/drupaladmins/devel/-/group_members.