
Acquia specific policies and audits for Drutiny.

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6.0 2023-05-01 22:56 UTC


An Acquia specific Drutiny plugin for auditing your Drupal application and Acquia Cloud configuration.


The recommended installation method is to download the Acquia Drutiny Phar file. This is a self-contained application that bundles up everything needed to run Drutiny.


In order to run Acquia Drutiny its recommended you are running

  • PHP 7.2 or later with XML and BCMath extensions


  1. Download the latest phar file from the GitHub releases.
  2. Move the phar file into /usr/local/bin so that its accessible from your path:
mv drutinyacquia-<latest>.phar /usr/local/bin/drutiny
  1. Adjust the permissions so the phar is executable
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/drutiny

Plugin Setup

Drutiny's plugin system alows Drutiny to connect to other systems in order to retrieve data for evaluating. The Acquia Cloud plugin for Drutiny provides access to Acquia Cloud's API (among other systems) and requires an access token to do so.

You can find out which plugins drutiny comes with by running drutiny plugin:list.

When you first install Acquia Drutiny you won't have any plugins installed like the above output. To install a plugin, you can run plugin:setup:

$ drutiny plugin:setup acquia_api_v2
key_id (string)
Your Key ID to connect to the Acquia Cloud API v2 with. To generate an
API access token, login to https://cloud.acquia.com, then visit
https://cloud.acquia.com/#/profile/tokens, and click **Create Token**:

Follow the instructions for each plugin to setup API keys, secrets, and tokens for each service.

Updates (self-update)

drutiny can auto update itself by running drutiny self-update.

Hello World

Run the following command to checkout if Drutiny is working correctly. Navigate to the installation directory of a drupal site so Drutiny can access drush.

drutiny profile:run test @none


Drutiny is a Symfony Console application and as such as a number of commands available. Simply run drutiny to see a list of commands and use the help command to see more options available for a specific command.

Finding available profiles (reports) to run.

Drutiny uses profiles to group audits and policies into a report. These reports generally reflect analysis or assessment of a best practice.

To see what profiles are available in your installation, use the following command.

drutiny profile:list

Finding available policies to audit.

A policy is a single assessment or a check. It defines what you want Drutiny to evaluate as well as how Drutiny should acquire the data.

To see what policies are available in your installation, use the following command.

drutiny policy:list

Acquia policies are prefixed with acquia.

Running an audit

An audit of a single policy can be run against a site by using policy:audit and passing the policy name and site target:

drutiny policy:audit Drupal-8:PageCacheExpiry @drupalvm.dev

The command above would audit the site that resolved to the @drupalvm.dev drush alias against the Drupal-8:PageCacheExpiry policy.

Some policies have parameters you can specify which can be passed in at call time. Use policy:info to find out more about the parameters available for a check.

drutiny policy:audit -p value=600 Drupal-8:PageCacheExpiry @drupalvm.dev

Running a profile

Profiles provide the most value during a site audit since a collection of policies are run and consolidated into a single report. This allows you to audit against a specific standard, company policy or best practice. Drutiny comes with some base profiles which you can find using profile:list. You can run a profile with profile:run in a simlar format to policy:audit.

drutiny profile:run d8 @drupalvm.dev

By default, profile runs report to the console but reports can also be exported in html and json formats.

drutiny profile:run d8 --format=html --report-filename=drupalvm-dev.html drush:@drupalvm.dev