
A parser for reading indexed ranges, e.g. page numbers

0.1.2 2024-03-12 15:12 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-19 12:27:38 UTC


A PHP library that provides functionality to parse numeric ranges from a given input string. The library is suitable for user input that wants to select specific page numbers or fetch a custom range of items.


Install using Composer:

composer require dsentker/numeric-range-parser


$parser = new DefaultNumericRangeParser();
$result = $parser->parse('1-3;5');
dump($result->toNormalizedArray()); // [1, 2, 3, 5]

// $result is traversable, iterating over indexes is possible too
foreach ($result as $index) {
    echo $index . PHP_EOL;

As $result is an instance of an AppendIterator it is possible to append more indexes if required. Also, the getIteratorIndex() method returns the index of the current block (a block is separated by semicolon)

$parser = new DefaultNumericRangeParser();
$result = $parser->parse('4-6; 10'); // two blocks defined here

$result->append(new \ArrayIterator([1-2])); // another block here

foreach ($result as $index) {
    // $result->getIteratorIndex() will count up to 2 (0,1,2)
    printf("Block #%d: Index: #%d", $result->getIteratorIndex(), $result->current());

Configure options

__construct(string $rangeSeparator = '-', string $blockSeparator = ';')

The constructor allows you to set custom range and block separators. By default, the range separator is '-' and the block separator is ';'.

$instance = new \DSentker\DefaultNumericRangeParser('..', '/');
$result = $instance->parse('1..4 / 6..10');

Strict parsing

While the DefaultNumericRangeParser is a little more lax on user input, the StrictNumericRangeParser parser is stricter. A RangeException is thrown if the input is incorrect:

$default = new \DSentker\DefaultNumericRangeParser();
$strict = new \DSentker\StrictNumericRangeParser();

$default->parse('10-8'); // No error
$strict->parse('10-8'); // First index is greater than second, RangeException is thrown

$default->parse('8-10;;11'); // No error
$strict->parse('8-10;;11'); // Missing range, RangeException is thrown

$default->parse('8a;10;12'); // No error
$strict->parse('8a;10;12'); // Invalid character, RangeException is thrown


with PHPUnit:


Submitting bugs and feature requests

Bugs and feature request are tracked on GitHub.

If you have general questions or want to implement a feature, you are welcome to collaborate.