
Client library for Borica EMV 3DS

1.0.3 2024-06-19 08:40 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-12 11:51:14 UTC


Borica EMV 3DS is PHP library providing an easier way to integrate newly released Borica protocol called EMV 3DS.

The library supports the new MAC_GENERAL signage algorithm and will work after the 1 August 2023 changes.

0. Requirements


  • PHP 7.1 or newer
  • Properly configured default_charset php.ini directive

1. Installation

1.1. Using Composer

Installation is recommended to be done via composer by running:

composer require extreme-bg/borica-emv-3ds "1.*"

Alternatively you can add the following to the require section in your composer.json manually:

"extreme-bg/borica-emv-3ds": "1.*"

2. Usage

2.1. Initialize

Create and configure Borica using your private key and certificate. The private key needs to be generated by yourself (see Cryptography section for more details). The certificate (public key) is provided by Borica.

$borica = new Borica();
$borica->setPrivateKey('/var/www/certificates/borica.pem') // Absolute file path
    ->setPrivateKeyPassword('<Private Key Password>')
    ->setCertificate('/var/www/certificates/borica.cer') // Absolute file path

2.2. Create and send Sale Request (TRTYPE=1)

At the moment it works only with Bulgarian lev (BGN). Borica works on Euro (EUR) support.

To make a sale request (most commonly used one in e-commerce), create and configure SaleRequest. Both <МИД> and <ТИД> are obtained from Borica. For all properties check the library source code.

Don't forget to use sanitized data instead of raw $_POST data.

require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use BogdanKovachev\Borica\Borica;
use BogdanKovachev\Borica\SigningAlgorithm;
use BogdanKovachev\Borica\TransactionType;
use BogdanKovachev\Borica\Request\SaleRequest;

$request = new SaleRequest();
    ->setDescription('Order via 1337.bg')
    ->setOrderIdentifier($request->getOrder() . ' Website')

Optionally you can validate that all the properties are correct with:

if (!$request->validate()) {
    // List all errors

After you create the request, you need to generate an HTML form and redirect user to Borica payment page. See example implementation below:

        Ще бъдете прехвърлени към страницата за онлайн плащания на БОРИКА през защитена (SSL) връзка.

        За нареденото от вас плащане, няма да ви бъдат удържани банкови такси.

<div style="display: none;">
    <?= $request->renderForm($borica) ?>

<script type="text/javascript">
    window.onload = function () {
        window.setTimeout(function () {
        }, 3000);

2.3. Handle response

After a user pays on the Borica payment page, they will be redirected to the backUrl defined for the terminal in APGW database (check with the bank that this URL is correctly set for the terminal). Note that this is not guaranteed, because the user can close their browser or disable JavaScript used for redirecting. In this case see 2.4. Create Status Check Request.

require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use BogdanKovachev\Borica\Borica;
use BogdanKovachev\Borica\SigningAlgorithm;
use BogdanKovachev\Borica\TransactionType;
use BogdanKovachev\Borica\Response\Response;

$borica = new Borica();
$borica->setPrivateKey('/var/www/certificates/borica.pem') // Absolute file path
    ->setPrivateKeyPassword('<Private Key Password>')
    ->setCertificate('/var/www/certificates/borica.cer') // Absolute file path

$response = Response::withPost($_POST)->verify($borica);

if (!$response->signatureIsVerified) {

if ($response->isSuccessful()) {
    echo '<h1>Плащането е успешно</h1>';

} else {
    echo '<h1>Възникна грешка при плащане</h1>';
    echo '<p>Отговор на сървъра: ' . $response->responseCode . ' - ' . $response->responseCodeDescription() . '</p>';

2.4. Create Status Check Request (TRTYPE=90)

If you want to check the status of an already sent request, create and configure StatusCheckRequest. <ТИД> is obtained from Borica.

require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use BogdanKovachev\Borica\Borica;
use BogdanKovachev\Borica\Request\StatusCheckRequest;
use BogdanKovachev\Borica\Response\Response;
use BogdanKovachev\Borica\SigningAlgorithm;
use BogdanKovachev\Borica\TransactionType;

$request = new StatusCheckRequest();

2.5. Create Reversal Request (TRTYPE=24)

To reverse successful SaleRequest (TRTYPE=1) or completed deferred authorization (TRTYPE=24), create and configure ReversalRequest.

<RRN> and <INT_REF> are returned in response of SaleRequest and are unique for every transaction. Both <МИД> and <ТИД> are obtained from Borica. For all properties check the library source code.

require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use BogdanKovachev\Borica\Borica;
use BogdanKovachev\Borica\Request\ReversalRequest;
use BogdanKovachev\Borica\Response\Response;
use BogdanKovachev\Borica\SigningAlgorithm;
use BogdanKovachev\Borica\TransactionType;

$request = new ReversalRequest();
    ->setDescription('Отмяна на плащане през bulmint.com')
    ->setMerchantName('Мебели Дизма')
    ->setOrderIdentifier($request->getOrder() . ' Website')

3. Cryptography

  • Generate a private key with secure password:
$ openssl genrsa -out borica.key -aes256 2048
  • Generate a code signing request (CSR) using your company information:
$ openssl req -new -key borica.key -out borica.csr

	Country Name (2 letter code) []:BG
	State or Province Name (full name) []:Plovdiv
	Locality Name (eg, city) []:Plovdiv
	Organization Name (eg, company) []:1337 LTD
	Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []:V0000000
	Common Name (eg, fully qualified host name) []:1337.bg
	Email Address []:extreme@1337.bg
	A challenge password []: <empty>
  • Rename borica.csr to match file pattern TID_YYYYMMDD.csr and send it to Borica. Use your ТИД and current date (i.e. V0000000_20201105.csr).

  • In response you'll receive a signed certificate (borica.cer) and a public key (borica.pub) from Borica.

4. Contributing


5. License

Borica EMV 3DS is licensed under the MIT License.