
A Shopify Store module for Silverstripe

Installs: 468

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 1

Watchers: 7

Forks: 3

Open Issues: 19


1.3.0 2024-02-21 01:07 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-20 16:41:50 UTC


A Shopify Store module for Silverstripe.

CI codecov

Latest Stable Version Total Downloads Latest Unstable Version License


  • silverstripe/recipe-cms ^4.11
  • bramdeleeuw/silverstripe-schema ^2.0
  • littlegiant/silverstripe-catalogmanager ^5.2
  • osiset/basic-shopify-api ^10.0
  • symbiote/silverstripe-gridfieldextensions ^3.0


composer require dynamic/silverstripe-shopify

note - due to an issue with v10.0.6 of osiset/basic-shopify-api, we recommend requiring version 10.0.5 of osiset/basic-shopify-api if you're running PHP 7.


See License


Silverstripe Shopify allows you to create a headless Shopify store using Silverstripe CMS. Products and collections are imported from Shopify, and created as pages in the CMS. The Shopify Buy Button is used to purchase products via the Shopify cart and checkout.


Create a private app

First, ensure that private apps are enabled in your Shopify Store (this is false by default).

In your Shopify Admin, click Apps from the left column navigation. Once the page loads, scroll to the bottom and click on the link in the following line:

Working with a developer on your shop? Manage private apps

If no private apps exist, click Create new private app. Otherwise, click on the link to the existing private app you'd like to use for your Silverstripe website.

Obtaining API Keys and Setting Permissions

Admin API

In the Admin API section, set the following permissions to Read Access

  • Customers
  • Orders
  • Product Listings
  • Products

All other permissions are optional and are not required for Silverstripe Shopify.

Copy the following keys to the correspoding variables in your config:

  • API key > api_key
  • Password > api_password
  • Shared Secret > shared_secret

Storefront API

In the Storefront API section, check

  • Allow this app to access your storefront data using the Storefront API

Check the following permission boxes to enable the access required by Silverstripe Shopify:

  • Read products, variants and collections
  • Read product tags
  • Read inventory of products and their variants
  • Read and modify customer details
  • Read customer tags
  • Read and modify checkouts

All other permissions are optional and are not required for Silverstripe Shopify.

Copy the following key to the corresponding variable in your config:

  • Storefront access token > storefront_access_token

Basic configuration

  api_key: 'YOUR_API_KEY'
  api_password: 'YOUR_API_PASSWORD'
  shared_secret: 'YOUR_API_SHARED_SECRET'
  storefront_access_token: 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN' # for buy button
  shopify_domain: 'YOUR_SHOPIFY_DOMAIN' # mydomain.myshopify.com
  custom_domain: 'YOUR_CUSTOM_DOMAIN' # optional - checkout.example.com

Using Multipass

  multipass_secret: 'YOUR_MULTIPASS_SECRET'

Importing products

Once the basic configuration above is setup, you can import Shopify products and collections via CLI using the ShopifyImportTask:

vendor/bin/sake dev/tasks/ShopifyImportTask

or by running the task in the browser at /dev/tasks/ShopifyImportTask



Products and collections are created as pages in the CMS. Products that belong to collections are automatically set as a child page of that collection in the site tree. If a product belongs to multiple collections, the ShopifyProduct page is created under the first listed collection, and subsequent collections will list a VirtualPage of the product.

All products and collections that are available in the private app sales channel will be imported.

Shopify related pages are set as draft or published based on the status set in Shopify. For products, if the product is set to Active in Shopify, it will be published in Silverstripe.

The module creates a CatalogPageAdmin to manage Shopify records via a ModelAdmin, rather than only in the site tree.

The ShopifyProduct page also implements product schema from schema.org. This provides more information to be displayed in search results for google and other search engines.


Cart Include

In your top-level Page.ss template, include the following just before the </body> tag:

<% include Cart %>

Cart Configuration Options

To disable cart notes:

  showNote: false

Setting notes character limit (when notes is enabled):

  noteLimit: 123

Note: For specific configuration by page type, you can set the showNote and noteLimit values per controller class.

You can also override the default cart settings via an Extension Hook updateCartOptions in the getCartOptions() function in ShopifyExtension.php.

public function updateCartOptions(&$config)
    $config['cart'] = [
        'popup' => 1,

Display Buy Button

Out of the box, there are 3 includes to display different variations of the Shopify Buy Button:

  • BuyButton - just a simple add to cart button with no other product info
  • BuyForm - a typical add to cart form, ideal for a ShopifyProduct page
  • BuyOverlay - an add to cart button that opens an overlay containing product info from Shopify

To display the Buy Button, just include one of the files above in your template.

Buy Button Configuration Options

The default settings for buy buttons in the module disables the iframe option, and strips out most of the buy button content and stylings. The includes above are instead intended to be used with the images and title imported from Shopify into the database, and with iframes disabled it enables complete control over the style of the buy button.

However, you can override the default settings for each Buy Button type above via Extension Hooks in ShopifyProduct.php.

  • getButtonOptions() has updateButtonOptions(&$buttonOptions)
  • getFormOptions() has updateFormOptions(&$formOptions)
  • getOverlayOptions() has updateOverlayOptions(&$overlayOptions)
public function updateButtonOptions(&$buttonOptions)
    $buttonOptions['product'] = [
        'iframe' => true,
        'contents' => [
            'title' => true,
            'variantTitle' => false,
            'price' => true,
            'description' => true,
            'quantity' => false,
            'img' => true,
        'width' => '100%',
        'styles' => [
            'button' => [
                'color' => '#ffffff',
                'background-color' => '#279989',
                ':hover' => [
                    'color' => '#ffffff',
                    'background-color' => '#C5E86C',


Product impression tracking

Product impressions can be tracked by adding data attributes to html tags rendered with products. data-sku is the only required data attribute, but data-title, data-category, and data-vendor can also be added.

<div class="product__content" data-sku="$SKU" data-title="$Title" data-category="$Category.Title" data-vendor="$Vendor"></div>



Inspired by previous work done by xddesigners.


Bugs are tracked in the issues section of this repository. Before submitting an issue please read over existing issues to ensure yours is unique.

If the issue does look like a new bug:

  • Create a new issue
  • Describe the steps required to reproduce your issue, and the expected outcome. Unit tests, screenshots and screencasts can help here.
  • Describe your environment as detailed as possible: SilverStripe version, Browser, PHP version, Operating System, any installed SilverStripe modules.

Please report security issues to the module maintainers directly. Please don't file security issues in the bugtracker.

Development and contribution

If you would like to make contributions to the module please ensure you raise a pull request and discuss with the module maintainers.