
Leverage Laravel's middleware to ensure your LDAP-authenticated users stay that way.

4.0.0 2020-03-11 22:36 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-12 09:02:36 UTC


The excellent Adldap2-Laravel package makes it super simple to integrate your Laravel application with an LDAP server to authenticate your users, but as these users can be managed externally to your application, it's not always possible to manage their access if they are already logged in.

This package not only allows you to define groups your users must belong to in order to authenticate, but will also ensure that those groups continue to exist throughout a user's authenticated session, not just at the time of authentication i.e. when they log in.


composer require dyrynda/laravel-ldap

Once the package is installed, publish the configuration file

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="laravel-ldap"


The three keys you are likely to change are allowed_groups, username, and password_expiry_threshold.

  • allowed_groups contains the distinguished names for allowed groups that users must have in order to be able to authenticate.
  • username is the database field that your application users can be found by in the users table, and will match the username used to authenticate with your application.
  • password_expiry_threshold is used to determine when a password was last changed, relative to the authenticated user's (cached) data.


In order to restrict authentication of users to your application using the allowed_groups key, add the GroupAccessScope to the scopes key of the adldap_auth configuration file. A user will only be able to authenticate if they are a member of each group defined in the allowed_groups array.

This scope will ensure that users can only login if they are members of the given groups, but does nothing to protect your application from users that are already logged in from accessing it should their access be revoked in the directory server.

To combat this, you can add the following to to the $routeMiddleware property of your app/Http/Kernel.php.

'ldap' => \Dyrynda\Ldap\Http\Middleware\LdapMiddleware::class

This middleware can then be applied to your routes to ensure the following:

  • Your LDAP user exists in the directory and continues to be a member of the allowed_groups
  • Authenticated users have not recently changed their password
  • Authenticated users' passwords are not due to expire within a configured period of time, which defaults to 5 days

Should any of these conditions evaluate to false, the user will be logged out and directed to login to your application again.

Updated password

If you wish to log users out based on their password being updated, you must cache the timestamp which marks the last time the password was updated (on login). When the value in LDAP is newer than the value in your application's cache, the user will be logged out.

If the configured password_expiration_field attribute does not exist on your User model, this check will be skipped.

You will need to configure modify the adldap_auth.php configuration file to sync the pwdlastset value from LDAP.

'sync_attributes' => [
    'password_updated_at' => 'pwdlastset',

Ensure you have a the corresponding database field configured.

Schema::table('users', function (Blueprint $table) {


By default ldap is enabled for testing, this can be toggled within the config laravel_ldap.php

'disable_while_testing' => true,

Lastly, update the password_expiration_field (if not using the default password_updated_at) in your laravel_ldap.php configuration file.


If you are having general issues with this repository, feel free to contact me on Twitter.

If you believe you have found an issue, please report it using the GitHub issue tracker, or better yet, fork the repository and submit a pull request.

If you're using this repository, I'd love to hear your thoughts. Thanks!