e-solving / page-bundle
Symfony StiwlPageBundle PHP >=5.3.3
Installs: 54
Dependents: 0
Suggesters: 0
Security: 0
Stars: 0
Watchers: 2
Forks: 1
Open Issues: 0
- egeloen/ckeditor-bundle: 2.*
- egeloen/google-map: *@dev
- egeloen/google-map-bundle: dev-master
- friendsofsymfony/user-bundle: *
- knplabs/knp-menu-bundle: 1.1.x-dev
- knplabs/knp-paginator-bundle: dev-master
- sonata-project/admin-bundle: dev-master
- sonata-project/block-bundle: dev-master
- sonata-project/core-bundle: dev-master
- sonata-project/doctrine-orm-admin-bundle: dev-master
- sonata-project/intl-bundle: dev-master
- sonata-project/media-bundle: dev-master
- sonata-project/notification-bundle: dev-master
- stof/doctrine-extensions-bundle: dev-master
- willdurand/geocoder: *
This package is not auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-03-15 16:05:16 UTC
Some times we have to make a web page faster, with the essential thinks web marketing, the solution is StiwlPageBundle.
Is a Bundle to create a completly Page Management, it is efficient to implement and ia a simple form to build fully manageable Website in few minutes.
Is a best choice for building a robust and powerful base for projects web pages or web systems.
- Menu - Page - News - Contact - Products contents.
- This bundle provides an Admin bundle and Doctrine2 ORM Admin bundle managements of Entities: User, Page, Menu, HeaderImage, Meda, News, Product and Category.
- Each Entities with languages and correctly associations.
- All Contents Management is provides from SonataAdminBundle.
- In Contact page the customer information, the form and google maps ubication is integrated.
- User Management provides by FOSUSerBundle.
- Integrates a google maps bundle by IvoryGoogleMapBundle.
- Integrates a paginator provides by KnpMenuPaginator Bundle.
- Integrates a text editor provides by CKEditorBundle.
The demo website can be found in http://www.constructoraivisal.com/
Warning: The bundle has been split in 13 composer requires:
- SonataAdminBundle : the current one, contains the Admin bundle generator.
- SonataBlockBundle : the current one, contains the Block bundle to sonata admin.
- SonataIntlBundle : the current one, contains the Internalization bundle to sonata admin.
- SonataDoctrineORMAdminBundle : Integrates the admin bundle into with the Doctrine ORM project.
- KnpMenuBundle : Integrates the knp menu bundle.
- KnpPaginatorBundle : Integrates the knp paginator bundle.
- SonataMediaBundle : the current one, contains the Media bundle to sonata admin.
- SonataNotificationBundle : the current one, contains the Notification bundle to sonata admin.
- [StofDoctrineExtensionsBundle] (https://github.com/stof/StofDoctrineExtensionsBundle) : Integrates doctrine2 extension.
- [IvoryGoogleMapBundle] (https://github.com/egeloen/IvoryGoogleMapBundle) : Integrates the google maps libraries.
- IvoryCKEditorBundle : Integrates the powerfull editor CKeditor.
- [FOSUserBundle] (https://github.com/FriendsOfSymfony/FOSUserBundle) : Integrates the FOS user Bundle to manage the users in the system.
Installation via composer. (http://getcomposer.org/)
{ "require": { "stiwl/page-bundle": "dev-master", "sonata-project/admin-bundle": "dev-master", "sonata-project/block-bundle": "dev-master", "sonata-project/intl-bundle": "dev-master", "sonata-project/media-bundle": "dev-master", "sonata-project/notification-bundle": "dev-master", "sonata-project/core-bundle": "dev-master", "sonata-project/doctrine-orm-admin-bundle": "dev-master", "knplabs/knp-menu-bundle": "1.1.x-dev", "knplabs/knp-paginator-bundle": "dev-master", "stof/doctrine-extensions-bundle": "dev-master", "egeloen/google-map-bundle": "dev-master", "egeloen/google-map": "*@dev", "egeloen/ckeditor-bundle": "2.*", "willdurand/geocoder": "*", "friendsofsymfony/user-bundle": "*" }, }
How to use
Add in appKernel.php:
<?php // app/appKernel.php public function registerBundles() { return array( new Knp\Bundle\MenuBundle\KnpMenuBundle(), new Knp\Bundle\PaginatorBundle\KnpPaginatorBundle(), new Sonata\BlockBundle\SonataBlockBundle(), new Sonata\CoreBundle\SonataCoreBundle(), new Sonata\AdminBundle\SonataAdminBundle(), new Sonata\IntlBundle\SonataIntlBundle(), new Sonata\DoctrineORMAdminBundle\SonataDoctrineORMAdminBundle(), new Sonata\EasyExtendsBundle\SonataEasyExtendsBundle(), new Sonata\MediaBundle\SonataMediaBundle(), new Stof\DoctrineExtensionsBundle\StofDoctrineExtensionsBundle(), new Ivory\GoogleMapBundle\IvoryGoogleMapBundle(), new Ivory\CKEditorBundle\IvoryCKEditorBundle(), new FOS\UserBundle\FOSUserBundle(), new Stiwl\PageBundle\StiwlPageBundle(), new Stiwl\PageBundle\Third\SonataAdminBundle\StiwlPageThirdSonataAdminBundle(), new Stiwl\PageBundle\Third\FOSUserBundle\StiwlPageThirdFOSUserBundle() ); }
Add in your config
# app/config/config.yml imports: - { resource: '@StiwlPageBundle/Resources/config/config.yml' }
Add in your autoload.php to enable the Application Sonata Media Bundle
You need to generate the correct entities for the media: php app/console sonata:easy-extends:generate SonataMediaBundle. Then create the directory web/uploads/media
I suggest read all the documentation (http://sonata-project.org/bundles/media/master/doc/reference/installation.html#id1)
<?php // app/autoload.php //custom for Application $loader->add("Application", __DIR__);
Then in your appKernel.php register the twoo bundles left
<?php // app/appKernel.php public function registerBundles() { return array( new Stiwl\PageBundle\Third\SonataMediaBundle\StiwlPageThirdSonataMediaBundle(), new Application\Sonata\MediaBundle\ApplicationSonataMediaBundle(), ); } ?>
Add in your routing
# app/config/routing.yml stiwl_pageB_third_sonata_admin: resource: "@StiwlPageThirdSonataAdminBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml" prefix: /admin stiwl_pageB_third_media_admin: resource: "@StiwlPageThirdSonataMediaBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml" prefix: /media stiwl_pageB_third_fos_user: resource: "@StiwlPageThirdFOSUserBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml" prefix: / stiwl_pageB_set_locale: path: /set-locale/{route}/{routeParams} defaults: { _controller: StiwlPageBundle:Page:setLocale, routeParams: null } stiwl_pageB_page: path: /page/{menuId}/{slug} defaults: { _controller: StiwlPageBundle:Page:page } _stiwl_pageB: resource: . type: stiwl_page prefix: / stiwl_pageB_index: path: / defaults: {_controller: StiwlPageBundle:Page:index }
Configure your security for FOSUserBundle security:
I suggest read all the documentation (https://github.com/FriendsOfSymfony/FOSUserBundle/blob/master/Resources/doc/index.md#step-4-configure-your-applications-securityyml)
# app/config/security.yml security: firewalls: secured_area: pattern: ^/* anonymous: ~ form_login: provider: fos_userbundle csrf_provider: form.csrf_provider login_path: fos_user_security_login check_path: fos_user_security_check default_target_path: fos_user_security_login logout: path: fos_user_security_logout target: fos_user_security_login remember_me: key: "%secret%" lifetime: 31536000 # 365 days in seconds path: / domain: ~ # Defaults to the current domain from $_SERVER role_hierarchy: ROLE_ADMIN: ['ROLE_USER'] ROLE_SUPER_ADMIN: ['ROLE_ADMIN'] ## add /(en|es) of some languages if you enabled the {_locale} in your app/config/routing.yml access_control: - { path: ^/(en|es)/login$, role: IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY } - { path: ^/(en|es)/register, role: IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY } - { path: ^/(en|es)/resetting, role: IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY } - { path: ^/(en|es)/admin/, role: ROLE_ADMIN } # If not enabled {_locale} in your app/config/routing.yml # - { path: '^/backend', roles: ['ROLE_ADMIN'] } # - { path: '^/secured', roles: ['ROLE_USER'] } # - { path: '^/guest/user', roles: ['ROLE_USER', 'IS_AUTHENTICATED', 'ROLE_ADMIN', 'ROLE_TEACHER'] } providers: fos_userbundle: id: fos_user.user_provider.username encoders: FOS\UserBundle\Model\UserInterface: { algorithm: sha512, iterations: 10 }
# app/config/config.yml stiwl_page: developer: STIWL website: http://www.stiwl.net/ enterprise: name: Pharmacy S.A.C short_name: pharmacy business: Pharmaceutical products slogan: Quality and reliability money: $ email: luis.sanchez.saldana@gmail.com address: Av. xxx #xxx phones: ## add what you want, defaults are movil and office movil: { value: '#########' } office: { value: '######' } google_map: latitude: -12.09223 longitude: -77.00050 width: 300px height: 300px pages: news: enabled: true #you can config the position last or first too position: 0 products: enabled: true position: 1 contact_us: enabled: true position: 2 fos_user: login: visible: false position: ~ register: enabled: false position: ~
Finally execute command to generate database and create schema from doctrine
php app/console doctrine:database:create
php app/console doctrine:schema:create