
A CLI command structure for your php processes

v0.0.1 2016-12-11 01:23 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 22:42:29 UTC



To see the full documentation of the library please go to: Blacksmith Documentation Page

PHP Command Line Interface helper library

This library is intended to help developer to create easily CLI commands using php. It is based on the laravel artisan command but totally independent from it.

This is how the terminal looks when you run:

php blacksmith help

Alt text

Creating a Command

To create a new command, just run:

php blacksmith make:cmd hooray

This will create a file in your-project/commands/Hooray.php. If the /commands directory does not yet exist at the time of creating your first command, Blacksmith will automatically generate it for you.

Organizing Commands

We recommend organizing your commands into subdirectories to keep better track of which command does what. Fortunately, this is easy to do with Blacksmith. To generate a command into a subdirectory just provide the desired path you would like the command to reside in:

php blacksmith make:cmd path/to/hooray

This will generate a file in the following location:


Even if the subdirectories you specified don't exist, they will be created automatically by Blacksmith. The ending path node hooray is considered the command and is where you'll be able to add your command logic.