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FastCGI Client implementation for PHP

v0.2.0 2015-09-09 03:14 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-09 06:25:37 UTC


Enables you to request script execution from a FastCGI server. FastCGI is a protocol commonly used for web servers to request script execution from a FastCGI daemoni like php-fpm.

Use Cases

  • Executing any script that benefits from APC from the command line.
  • Running code with an independent execution context from long running daemons
  • More


$ composer require ebernhardson/fastcgi


The client supports either tcp:

$client = new \EBernhardson\FastCGI\Client('localhost', '8989');

Or unix sockets:

$client = new \EBernhardson\FastCGI\Client('/var/run/php5-fpm.sock');

A FastCGI request is made using an array of environment parameters and a string containing the request content. When connecting to php-fpm the $environment will be available in $_SERVER. The following environment is the minimum required by php-fpm to execute a script.

$environment = [
    'SCRIPT_FILENAME' => '/full/path/to/script.php',
$client->request($environment, '');

Once you have issued a request you must then fetch the response. The response method will block untill the request is complete.

$response = $client->response();

The response method returns an array with four keys: statusCode, headers, body, and stderr.

Currently you MUST call response before calling request again. Failure to do so will result in undefined behavior. The FastCGI protocol does support multiplexing so this may change in the future.


Any communication failures with the FastCGI daemon will result in an exception. The FastCGI CommunicationException extends from the SPL RuntimeException.

try {
    $client->request($environment, $stdin);
    $response = $client->response();
} catch (\EBernhardson\FastCGI\CommunicationException $failure) {
    // handle failure


Common environment variables passed over FastCGI


variable describing the version of the fastcgi protocol to use. Currently this client supports version 1.0.



Required environment variable containing the method of the HTTP request.
Possible values include GET, HEAD, POST, PUT and DELETE.



Required environment variables containing the absolute path to the script being executed. This path must be accessible by the FastCGI server.

'SCRIPT_FILENAME' => '/home/zomg/deploy/current/web/app.php'


Optionally contains a query string. You can use the http_build_query function to format an array of key/value pairs in the expected format.

'QUERY_STRING' => http_build_query(['key' => 'value'])


The software used to make the FastCGI request.

'SERVER_SOFTWARE' => 'awesome-application/1.0'


The name of the server making this request

'SERVER_NAME' => php_uname('n')


When sending content along with the request, this specifies the mime type of the content.

'CONTENT_TYPE' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'


When sending content along with the request, this specifies the length of the content.

'CONTENT_LENGTH' => strlen($content)


Passing HTTP headers

Http headers are sent prefixed with HTTP_.

        'REQUEST_METHOD'  => 'GET',
        'SCRIPT_FILENAME' => '/full/path/to/test.php',
        'HTTP_ACCEPT'     => 'application/json',

POST Request

$content = 'key=value';
        'REQUEST_METHOD'  => 'POST',
        'SCRIPT_FILENAME' => '/full/path/to/test.php',
        'CONTENT_TYPE'    => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
        'CONTENT_LENGTH'  => strlen($content)

Response from php-fpm on invalid SCRIPT_FILENAME

array(4) {
  array(3) {
    string(14) "404 Not Found"
    string(22) "PHP/5.4.9-4~precise+1"
    string(9) "text/html"
  string(15) "File not found."
  string(23) "Primary script unknown

Response from php-fpm on successfull execution

array(4) {
  array(3) {
    string(22) "PHP/5.4.9-4~precise+1"
    string(9) "text/html"
    string(6) "200 OK"
  string(11) "Hello World"
  string(0) ""