
A caster formatter for Doctrine entities (see doctrine/orm), specifically.

1.0.0 2022-06-24 18:00 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-09 01:12:04 UTC


license build Code Coverage PHPStan Level

A caster formatter for Doctrine entities (see doctrine/orm), specifically.


"php": "^8.1",
"ext-mbstring": "*",
"doctrine/annotations": "^1.0",
"doctrine/orm": "^2.0",
"eboreum/caster": "^1.0",
"eboreum/exceptional": "^1.0"

For more information, see the composer.json file.


Via Composer (https://packagist.org/packages/eboreum/caster-doctrine-entity-formatter):

composer require eboreum/caster-doctrine-entity-formatter

Via GitHub:

git clone git@github.com:eboreum/caster-doctrine-entity-formatter.git


This library is a bridge between eboreum/caster and doctrine/orm.

This library handles formatting of entity classes, which either:

  • Has the attribute Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Entity (commonly written as #[ORM\Entity]).
  • Has the annotation Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Entity (commonly written as @ORM\Entity in the docblock of a class).

ID properties (i.e. Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Id or @ORM\Id as either attribute or annotation) are always identified and included. May be used with Eboreum\Caster\Contract\DebugIdentifierAttributeInterface and subsequently the attribute Eboreum\Caster\Attribute\DebugIdentifier, to provide additional information about the entity. The latter is especially useful in the following scenarios (often during debugging):

  • The entity has not yet been persisted and thus it has not yet received an ID (e.g. through auto generation). By having #[DebugIdentifier] on other properties, this may help providing crucial debugging information.
  • Some other, non-ID property is essential for e.g. debugging purposes.
  • Some desire to increase verbosity on an entity when it is being formatted.

For help with Doctrine annotations and/or attributes and their uses, please see:






namespace SomeCustomNamespace_9c95fb43;

use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
use Eboreum\Caster\Attribute\DebugIdentifier;
use Eboreum\Caster\Caster;
use Eboreum\Caster\Collection\Formatter\ObjectFormatterCollection;
use Eboreum\Caster\Contract\DebugIdentifierAttributeInterface;
use Eboreum\CasterDoctrineEntityFormatter\EntityFormatter;

class User implements DebugIdentifierAttributeInterface
    public ?int $id = null;

    public string $name = 'foo';

$user = new User();

$caster = Caster::create()->withCustomObjectFormatterCollection(new ObjectFormatterCollection([
    new EntityFormatter(),

echo $caster->cast($user) . "\n";

$user->id = 42;
$user->name = 'bar';

echo "\n";
echo $caster->cast($user) . "\n";


\SomeCustomNamespace_9c95fb43\User {$id = (null) null, $name = (string(3)) "foo"}

\SomeCustomNamespace_9c95fb43\User {$id = (int) 42, $name = (string(3)) "bar"}

Render DebugIdentifier only when ID is not set

The wording "is not set" means the ID can be either uninitialized or null.


Often, when you have an ID of something, other information may end up just creating noise. This feature allows you to reduce such noise.




namespace SomeCustomNamespace_fd813f94;

use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
use Eboreum\Caster\Attribute\DebugIdentifier;
use Eboreum\Caster\Caster;
use Eboreum\Caster\Collection\Formatter\ObjectFormatterCollection;
use Eboreum\Caster\Contract\DebugIdentifierAttributeInterface;
use Eboreum\CasterDoctrineEntityFormatter\EntityFormatter;

class User implements DebugIdentifierAttributeInterface
    public ?int $id;

    public string $name = 'foo';

$user = new User();

$entityFormatter = new EntityFormatter();
$entityFormatter = $entityFormatter->withIsRenderingDebugIdentifierOnlyWhenIdHasNotBeenSet(true);

$caster = Caster::create()->withCustomObjectFormatterCollection(new ObjectFormatterCollection([

echo $caster->cast($user) . "\n";

$user->id = null;

echo "\n";
echo $caster->cast($user) . "\n";

$user->id = 42;

echo "\n";
echo $caster->cast($user) . "\n";


\SomeCustomNamespace_fd813f94\User {$id = (uninitialized), $name = (string(3)) "foo"}

\SomeCustomNamespace_fd813f94\User {$id = (null) null, $name = (string(3)) "foo"}

\SomeCustomNamespace_fd813f94\User {$id = (int) 42}

License & Disclaimer

See LICENSE file. Basically: Use this library at your own risk.


We prefer that you create a ticket and/or a pull request at https://github.com/eboreum/caster-doctrine-entity-formatter, and have a discussion about a feature or bug here.

