
PHP Templates with plugins

v3.0.0 2022-08-04 02:28 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-04 08:10:03 UTC


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This library is just for running PHP Templates. Similar projects: Slim/Php-View

PHP is a powerfull template engine by itself, you might not need a template library as Twig, Plates or Smarty. It depends on the problem you are facing, maybe you are working with a legacy system, maybe you just don't want it.


Use composer to install this library composer require eclipxe/engineworks-templates

Basic use


use EngineWorks\Templates\Callables;
use EngineWorks\Templates\Plugins;
use EngineWorks\Templates\Resolver;
use EngineWorks\Templates\Templates;

// create callables
$callables = new Callables();
    new Plugins\HtmlEscape(),
    new Plugins\FormatNumber(),
    new Plugins\Transliterate(),

// create resolver
$resolver = new Resolver(__DIR__ . '/templates');

// create templates
$templates = new Templates($callables, $resolver);

// fetch the content of a template (templates/user-details.php)
/* @var $user array */
$content = $templates->fetch('user-details', ['user' => $user]);

// do whatever with the response, I will just echo it
echo $content;

About the objects


This class works as a factory of Template objects, it helps to locate this objects with a common Callables object, in a common directory with a common file extension.

The most common used method would be fetch. It simply creates a Template using the file specified by directory plus name + extension, with the default callables. Then will call fetch on that template.


This is the main class of the library, it can be created stand alone or by Templates::create (non-static call).


fetch method receives two arguments, a template name and a variables array. It will resolve the file name using the Resolver object. It will convert the array to variables (using extract) in order to make accesible these variables to the file.

Inside the template

The template file is a PHP file, it will have all the variables that were set to fetch method. Also, you can use $this, wich is refered to the EngineWorks\Templates\Template object.

The $this object offer some functions registered in the Callables object, in the example above the $callables was attatched with the following functions:

  • e($string, $this->getDefaultHtmlFlags()): escape as html
  • js($string): escape as javascript
  • ejs($string): escape as html and then as javascript
  • uri($string): escape as uri (see rawurlencode)
  • url($url, $vars): create an url with the defined $vars
  • qry($vars): create a query string with the defined $vars
  • fn($number, $decimals = $this->getDefaultDecimals()): return a formatted number
  • tr($message, $arguments, $encoder = $this->getDefaultEncoder()): return a transliterated message, very useful for inline templates, like hello {name}, I sent you an email to {email}

So, you can use those functions using $this inside your template.

Also, you can use the fetch method to retrieve the content of another template.

This is a template example templates/users-list.php:

 * @var $pagename string
 * @var $users array
<?php foreach ($users as $user): ?>
    <li>User: <b><?=$this->tr('{fullname} ({nickname})', $user)?></b></li>
<?php endforeach; ?>

This is the templates call:

/* @var $templates \EngineWorks\Templates\Templates */
$templates->fetch('users-list', [
    'pagename' => 'List of users & members',
    'users' => [
        ['fullname' => 'John Doe', 'nickname' => 'jdoe'], 
        ['fullname' => 'Carlos C Soto', 'nickname' => 'eclipxe'], 

This would be the result:

<h1>List of users &amp; members</h1>
    <li>User: <b>John Doe (jdoe)</b></li>
    <li>User: <b>Carlos C Soto (eclipxe)</b></li>


Integrate with PSR-7

In order to integrate with a PSR-7 compatible library you can use the method render. This method is act as a decorator to fetch the template and write the contents into the ResponseInterface object.

You only need to use this method in case you are using a PSR-7 compatible library. Otherwise, I recommend you to use fetch method. As this is optional, the psr/http-message package is not a composer dependence.

Integrate with Slim 4

To use this library in Slim 4 we provide a plugin named Slim4Plugin that offers two methods:

  • pathFor: shortcut for \Slim\Interfaces\RouteParserInterface::urlFor method
  • baseUrl: return baseUrl property (setup from \Slim\App::getBasePath)

This is a common code to attach the plugin into the Callables collection:

/* @var $callables \EngineWorks\Templates\Callables */
/* @var $app Slim\App */
$callables->attach(new \EngineWorks\Templates\Slim\Slim4Plugin(


Version 2.x was compatible with PHP 5.4 or higher. It's no longer maintained. Version 3.x is compatible with PHP 7.3 or higher.


Contributions are welcome! Please read CONTRIBUTING for details and don't forget to take a look on the TODO and CHANGELOG files.

Copyright and License

The EngineWorks\Templates library is copyright © Carlos C Soto and licensed for use under the MIT License (MIT). Please see LICENSE for more information.