
Enum based on the Brent Roose enum idea

v0.2.6 2021-06-18 02:12 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-03 15:44:25 UTC


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Enum based on the Brent Roose enum idea

After reading the article PHP Enums from Brent Roose and review the implementation made on spatie/enum I think that it overloaded my expectations. Maybe spatie/enum version 1.0 was more close to what I needed.

So, I created this framework-agnostic implementation library about the same concept.

As of PHP 8.1 enums are part of the language, it means that this library will not be required anymore. Read the PHP documentation and adapt your code. One big difference between PHP enums and the objects on this library is that native PHP enums cannot use the magic method __toString (they are not Stringable), and the enums on this library are.


Use composer, install using:

composer require eclipxe/enum


Enum in other languages are TEXT for code, INTEGER for values.

There are two meaningful information: index (integer) and value (string).

This library provides Eclipxe\Enum abstract class to be extended. The value is the method's name as declared in docblock. The index is the position (starting at zero) in the docblock.

Values are registered one by one taking the overridden value, or the method's name.

Indices are registered one by one taking the overridden index, or the maximum registered value plus 1.

Enum example

 * This is a common use case enum sample
 * source: tests/Fixtures/Stages.php
 * @method static self created()
 * @method static self published()
 * @method static self reviewed()
 * @method static self purged()
 * @method bool isCreated()
 * @method bool isPublished()
 * @method bool isReviewed()
 * @method bool isPurged()
final class Stages extends Eclipxe\Enum\Enum

Creation of instances

You can create new instances from values using construct with value, construct with index or static method name.

use Eclipxe\Enum\Tests\Fixtures\Stages;

// create from value
$purged = new Stages('purged');
// create from index
$purged = new Stages(3);

// create from an object that can be converted to string and contains the value
$other = new Stages($purged);

// create from static method
$purged = Stages::purged();

// create from static method is not case-sensitive as methods are not
$purged = Stages::{'PURGED'}();

// throws a BadMethodCallException because foobar is not part of the enum
$purged = Stages::{'FOOBAR'}();

List all the options

The only static method exposed on the Enum is Enum::toArray(): array that export the list of registered possible values as an array of indices and values.

use Eclipxe\Enum\Tests\Fixtures\Stages;

    0 => 'created',
    1 => 'published',
    2 => 'reviewed',
    3 => 'purged',

Check if instance is of certain type

Use the methods is<name>() to compare to specific value.

You have to define these methods in your docblock to let your IDE or code analyzer detect what you are doing.

use Eclipxe\Enum\Tests\Fixtures\Stages;

$stage = Stages::purged();

$stage->isPurged(); // true
$stage->isPublished(); // false

$stage->{'isSomethingElse'}(); // false, even when SomethingElse is not defined
$stage->{'SomethingElse'}(); // throw BadMethodCallException

Or use weak comparison (equality, not identity):

use Eclipxe\Enum\Tests\Fixtures\Stages;

$stage = Stages::purged();
var_export($stage === Stages::purged()); // false, is not the same identity
var_export($stage == Stages::purged()); // true
var_export($stage == Stages::published()); // false
var_export($stage->value() === Stages::purged()->value()); // true (compare using value)
var_export($stage->index() === Stages::purged()->index()); // true (compare using index)

Overriding values or indices

You can override values or indices by overriding the methods overrideValues() or overrideIndices().


  • Return array key must be the name of the method as it was defined in the docblock section (case-sensitive).
  • If override's value is null then it will not be overridden.
  • When override a value, if previous value exists then will throw a ValueOverrideException.
  • When override an index, if previous value exists then will throw a IndexOverrideException.
 * This is an enum case where names and values are overridden
 * @method static self monday()
 * @method static self tuesday()
 * @method static self wednesday()
 * @method static self thursday()
 * @method static self friday()
 * @method static self saturday()
 * @method static self sunday()
final class WeekDays extends \Eclipxe\Enum\Enum
    protected static function overrideValues(): array
        return [
            'monday' => 'Monday',
            'tuesday' => 'Tuesday',
            'wednesday' => 'Wednesday',
            'thursday' => 'Thursday',
            'friday' => 'Friday',
            'saturday' => 'Saturday',
            'sunday' => 'Sunday',

    protected static function overrideIndices(): array
        return [
            'monday' => 1,

This will define these array<index, value>, retrieved using static method WeekDays::toArray():

    1 => 'Monday',
    2 => 'Tuesday',
    3 => 'Wednesday',
    4 => 'Thursday',
    5 => 'Friday',
    6 => 'Saturday',
    7 => 'Sunday',

Remember that Enum creation depends on registered values and indices, if and invalid value or index is used then an exception is thrown:

use Eclipxe\Enum\Tests\Fixtures\WeekDays;

new WeekDays(0); // throws IndexNotFoundException
new WeekDays(1); // WeekDays {value: 'Monday', index: 1}

new WeekDays('sunday'); // throws ValueNotFoundException (it is case-sensitive)
new WeekDays('Sunday'); // WeekDays {value: 'Sunday', index: 7}


When creating an Enum extending from other, the parent Enum have priority on indices and values. You cannot override indices or values of previous classes.

I recommend you to declare your Enum classes as final to disable extension.

If using class extension, do not use @method static self name() syntax, use @method static static name() syntax instead to help analysis tools.

See examples at tests/Fixtures/ColorsBasic.php, tests/Fixtures/ColorsExtended.php and tests/Fixtures/ColorsExtendedWithBlackAndWhite.php.


Exceptions thrown from this package implements the empty interface Eclipxe\Enum\Exceptions\EnumExceptionInterface.

PHP Support

This library is compatible with at least the oldest PHP Supported Version with active support. Please, try to use PHP full potential.

We adhere to Semantic Versioning. We will not introduce any compatibility backwards change on major versions.

Internal classes (using @internal annotation) are not part of this agreement as they must only exist inside this project. Do not use them in your project.


Contributions are welcome! Please read CONTRIBUTING for details and don't forget to take a look the TODO and CHANGELOG files.

Copyright and License

The eclipxe/enum library is copyright © Carlos C Soto and licensed for use under the MIT License (MIT). Please see LICENSE for more information.