
A Cache library with minimum dependency

2.18 2024-03-02 16:16 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-01 00:13:31 UTC


CacheOne is a cache class of service for php. It supports Redis, Memcache, PDO and/or APCU.

Unlikely other cache libraries, this library is based in group (optional). So it's suitable to invalidate a single key or an entire group of elements.

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use eftec\CacheOne;
include "vendor/autoload.php"; // composer's autoload
$cache=new CacheOne("redis","","",6379);

$cacheValue=$cache->get('','countries'); // read the cache (if any) otherwise false
if($cacheValue===false) {
    echo "generating a new list of countries..<br>";
    $cache->set('','countries',$countries,500); // store into the cache for 500 seconds.
} else {
    echo "read from cache<br>";

Table of Contents


Creating a new instance of CacheOne

Creates a new connection using Redis (Redis is an on memory cache library)

use eftec\CacheOne;
include "../vendor/autoload.php";
$cache=new CacheOne("redis","","",6379);

Creates a new connection using apcu (APCU is an extension for PHP to cache content)

use eftec\CacheOne;
include "../vendor/autoload.php";
$cache=new CacheOne("apcu");

Creates a new connection using PdoOne (PdoOne is a library to connect to the database using PDO)

use eftec\PdoOne;
use eftec\CacheOne;
include "../vendor/autoload.php";

$pdo=new PdoOne('mysql','','root','abc.123','travisdb',false,null,1,'KVTABLE');
$pdo->logLevel=3; // optional, if you want to debug the errors. 
// $pdo->createTableKV();  // you should create the key-value table if it doesn't exist.
$cache=new CacheOne("pdoone"); // the instance $pdo is injected automatically into CacheOne.

or you could use to create a PdoOne instance:

$cache=new CacheOne(

Creates a new connection using memcache (Memcache is an old, but it is still a functional memory cache server)

use eftec\CacheOne;
include "../vendor/autoload.php";
$cache=new CacheOne("memcache",""); // minimum configuration
$cache=new CacheOne("memcache","",11211,'schema'); // complete configuration

Creates a new connection using the class DocumentOne (file system)

This example requires the library eftec/documentstoreone

use eftec\CacheOne;
include "../vendor/autoload.php";
$cache=new CacheOne("documentone",__DIR__."/base","schema"); // folder /base/schema must exists

The library DocumentStoreOne works with concurrency.

or creating a new connection, using redis, memcache, apcu or documentone (it takes the first available)

use eftec\CacheOne;
include "../vendor/autoload.php";
$cache=new CacheOne("auto");

Storing a value

function set($group, $key, $value, $duration = 1440): bool

It stores a value inside a group and a key. It returns false if the operation failed.

Note: The duration is ignored by "documentone"

$cache->set("group","key1","hello world",500);
$cache->set("group","key2","hola mundo",500);

Group is optional, and it could be used if we need to invalidate (delete) an entire group.

Getting a value

function get($group, $key, $defaultValue = false)

It gets a value stored in a group (optional) and key. If the value is not found then it returns false. Note: a false value could be a valid value.

$result=$cache->get("","key2","not found"); // if not key2 (groupless) then it returns not found 


$result=$cache->setDefaultTTL(50); // it sets the default time to live. "documentone" one uses it.
$result=$cache->getDefaultTTL();   // it gets the time to live

Pushing and Popping values form an array


It pushes (adds) a new value at the end of the array. If the array does not exist, then it is created a new array. This command allows to limit the numbers of elements of the array.


push($groups, $key, $value, $duration = null, $limit = 0, $limitStrategy = 'shiftold') : bool

  • $Limit is used to limit the number maximum of elements of the array, if zero, then it does not limit the elements.
  • $LimitStrategy is used to determine what to do when we are adding a new element and the limit has been reached, shiftold removes the first element of the array, nonew does not allow to add a new element, popold removes the latest element of the array (if the limit has been reached).
// cart could be [1,2,3]
$cache->push('','cart',4,2000); // it adds a new element into the cart unlimitely cart is [1,2,3,4]
$cache->push('','cart',5,2000,4,'shiftold'); // it limits the cart to 20 elements, pop old item if req. cart is [2,3,4,5]
$cache->push('','cart',6,2000,4,'nonew'); // if the cart has 20 elements, then it doesn't add $item. cart now is [2,3,4,5]


It unshift (add) a new value at the beginner of the array. If the array does not exist, then it is created a new array. This command allows to limit the numbers of elements of the array.


unshift($groups, $key, $value, $duration = null, $limit = 0, $limitStrategy = 'popold') : bool

  • $Limit is used to limit the number maximum of elements of the array, if zero, then it does not limit the elements.
  • $LimitStrategy is used to determine what to do when we are adding a new element and the limit has been reached, shiftold removes the first element of the array, nonew does not allow to add a new element, popold removes the latest element of the array (if the limit has been reached).
// cart could be [1,2,3]
$cache->unshift('','cart',4,2000); // it adds a new element into the cart unlimitely cart is [4,1,2,3]
$cache->unshift('','cart',5,2000,4,'shiftold'); // it limits the cart to 20 elements, pop old item if req. cart is [2,3,4,5]
$cache->unshift('','cart',6,2000,4,'nonew'); // if the cart has 20 elements, then it doesn't add $item. cart now is [2,3,4,5]


It pops (extract) a value at the end of the array. If the value does not exist then it returns $defaultValue The original array is modified removing the last element of the array.


pop($group, $key, $defaultValue = false, $duration = null) : mixed

// cart could be [1,2,3,4];
$element=$this->pop('','cart'); // now cart is [1,2,3] and $element is 4


It shifts (extract) a value at the beginner of the array. If the value does not exist then it returns $defaultValue The original array is modified removing the last element of the array.


pop($group, $key, $defaultValue = false, $duration = null) : mixed

// cart could be [1,2,3,4];
$element=$this->shift('','cart'); // now cart is [2,3,4] and $element is 1

invalidate a key

function invalidate($group = '', $key = ''): bool

It invalidates a specific key. If the operation fails, then it returns false

$cache->invalidate("group","key1"); // invalidate a key inside a group
$cache->invalidate("","key1"); // invalidate a key without a group.

invalidate a group

invalidateGroup($group): bool

It invalidates every key(s) inside a group of groups. It also cleans the catalog of the group and sets it to an empty array.

$cache->invalidateGroup("group"); // invalidate all keys inside group
$cache->invalidateGroup(["group1","group2"]); // invalidate all key inside group1 and group2

invalidate all


It invalidates all cache.

In redis, it deletes the current schema. If not schema, then it deletes all Redis

In memcached and apcu, it deletes all cache

In documentone it deletes the content of the database-folder



It sets how the values are serialized. By default, it's PHP.

$cache->setSerializer('php'); // set the serializer to php (default value). It is fastest but it uses more space.
$cache->setSerializer('json-array'); // set the serializer to json-array. It uses fewer space than PHP however it is a bit slower.
$cache->setSerializer('json-object'); // set the serializer to json-object.
$cache->setSerializer('none'); // set the serializer to none (the value must be serialized)


Get then how the values are serialized.

$type=$cache->getSerializer(); // get php,json-array,json-object or none

Select a database (Redis/PdoOne)


It selects a different database. By default, the database is 0.

$cache->select('table'); // PdoOne


This library also has an interactive CLI.In this CLI, you can create the configuration, test it, load and save. example/cli1.jpg

To open it, you must run the next script:

php vendor/bin/cacheonecli
# or (windows)

Example REDIS

  • Open the CLI
  • go to menu cache
  • select redis
  • select yes
  • and select the default information
  • Once it is done, select test to test the connection


  • and finally, save the configuration (select save)
  • select yes
  • select the filename (c1 in this example)


The configuration will be saved as: c1.config.php.
It is a configuration file that you can include or copy and paste in your code

<?php // eftec/CliOne(1.28) PHP configuration file (date gen: 2023-04-08 10:19). DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE 
 * It is a configuration file
    'type' => 'redis',
    'cacheserver' => '',
    'schema' => '',
    'port' => '6379',
    'user' => NULL,
    'password' => NULL,


include "c1.config.php";


  • 2.18 (2024-03-02)
    • Updating dependency to PHP 7.4. The extended support of PHP 7.2 ended 3 years ago.
    • Added more type hinting in the code.
  • 2.17
    • [composer.json] updated dependency
    • [CacheOneCli] now loads a PdoOneCli instance if avaible
  • 2.16.1 2023-04-08
    • [composer.json] added cacheonecli to the /bin
    • [CacheOne] added method factory()
    • [CacheOneCli] configuration now uses the variable $cacheOneConfig
  • 2.16 2023-04-08
    • [CacheOneCli] (1.3) This version breaks dependency with PdoOne. Now, it is optional.
  • 2.15 2023-04-07
    • [CacheOneCli] Updated to 1.2
    • [CacheOne] updated the constructor, so it allows to pass the configuration of PdoOne as an array
  • 2.14
    • updated dependencies.
  • 2.13
    • [redis] fixed a problem with redis and get()
  • 2.12.4
    • [fixed] solved a problem when the cache is not found.
  • 2.12.3
    • [fixed] solved a problem with invalidateCache()
  • 2.12 2022-06-12
    • [fixed] CacheOne now it could be injected correctly in any case.
    • [new] [redis] In Redis, the $schema is used to set the database (if numeric), or to prefix the values.
  • 2.11 2022-03-20
    • [fixed] added more type "hinting" (type validation)
    • [new] It allows to obtain an instance (if any) of CacheOne using the static method CacheOne::instance()
    • [new] It allows to obtain an instance of the provider (PdoOne, DocumentStoreOne, Redis, Memcache) $this->getInstanceProvider()
  • 2.10 2022-03-15
    • [new] method getRenew() that get a value and renews its duration.
    • [update] Provider DocumentOne now works with TTL.
  • 2.9 2022-03-12
    • Cleared some references and added type hinting to the code.
    • In Redis: invalidateAll() does not delete all the server if there is a schema.
    • in PdoOne: set() does not crash in PHP 8.1 if the catalog is null.
  • 2.8 2022-02-10
    • Added a new provider PdoOne (Pdo / Database).
    • Dropped support for PHP 7.1 and lower. If you want to use an old version of this library then you can stay with the version 2.7.
  • 2.7 2021-06-13
    • method get() used by provider, never needed the family/group, so it is removed. It is the last version for 2.7
  • 2.6.1 2021-06-12
    • changed dependencies in composer.json
  • 2.6 2021-06-12
    • added the methods push(), pop(), shift() and unshift()
  • 2.5 2020-09-20
    • Separated provider in different classes. Now it also allows to use the file system (DocumentOne).
  • 2.4 2020-09-13
    • The code was refactored.
  • 2.3.1
    • fix: The catalog is always stored as an array, even if the serializer is json-object
  • 2.3
    • Added method setSerializer() and getSerializer(). By default, CacheOne uses PHP for serialization. With this feature, it is possible to serialize using json or none
  • 2.2.2 2020-03-13
    • Now the duration of the catalog is always laster than the duration of the key
    • Tested the duration and expiration of the cache.
    • phpunit now is part of "require-dev" instead of "require"
  • 2.2.1 2020-03-12
    • Internal: key names are not store inside the group. The group is store inside the schema
    • Internal: The catalog has a duration defined by $cache->catDuration (seconds)
  • 2.2 2020-03-12
    • wrappers getCache(),setCache(),invalidateCache()
  • 2.1 2020-03-12
    • Unit test
    • get() has a default value $defaultValue
    • new method invalidateAll()
  • 2.0 2020-03-12 Updated the whole class. Now it works as a single class.
  • 1.4.2 2019-07-30 Added select() to select a different database index. It also adds timeout for the constructor
  • 1.4.1 2018-08-15 Added an internal function that obtains the id.
  • 1.4 2018-09-05 Fixed the groups
  • 1.3.1 2018-06-09 First published version


Dual license, Commercial and MIT License. Copyright Jorge Castro Castillo