
It's a set of useful functions for PHP. The name is a pun.

1.24 2024-08-25 00:44 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-25 00:52:04 UTC


It's a set of useful functions for PHP. The name is a pun (Mapache in spanish is "raccoon")

Packagist Maintenance composer php php CocoaPods

Mapache Commons
Mapache Commons


It's a set of useful function with the next requirements:

  • The function mustn't have dependencies (unless it requires a php module).
  • The function must be FAST and memory friendly over the syntax sugar.
  • The function must be able to run statically, and it must be self-contained.
  • The function must be generic, and it must solve generic problems. For example, a function that calculates the VAT of a specific country is not allowed.


  • CollectionLib
  • TextLib
  • DebugLib


Class CollectionLib

Method isAssoc()

Returns true if array is an associative array, false is it's an indexed array

$isAssoc=CollectionLib::isAssoc($array); // slow, more precise.
$isAssoc=CollectionLib::isAssoc($array,true); // fast, less precise


  • $array input array (array)

Method first()

Returns the first element of an array.
Sometimes the first element is not the index [0], for example ['key1'=>1,0=2] where the first element is 'key1' and not 0. This function always returns the right value.


  • $array input array (array)

Method firstKey()

Returns the first key of an array.


  • $array input array (array)

Method arrayKeyLower()

Change the case of the key to lowercase


  • $array input array (array)

Method arrayKeyUpper()

Change the case of the key to lowercase


  • $array input array (array)

Method generateTable()

Generate a html table from an array


  • $array input array (array|null)
  • $css if true then it uses the build in style. If false then it doesn't use style. If string then it uses as class (string|bool)

Method splitOpeningClosing()

Split a string using an opening and closing tag, by default "(" and ")".

CollectionLib::splitOpeningClosing("a(B,C,D)e(F,G,H)"); // ['a','B,C,D','e','F,G,H']
CollectionLib::splitOpeningClosing("a(B,C,D)e(F,G,H)i"); // ['a','B,C,D','e','F,G,H','i']


  • $text input text to separated (string)
  • $openingTag Opening tag, default "(" (string)
  • $closingTag closing tag, default ")" (string)
  • $startPosition start position (by default it is zero) (int)
  • $excludeEmpty if true then it excludes all empty values. (bool)
  • $includeTag if true then it includes the tag. (bool)

Method splitNotString()

Split a string by ignoring parts of string where values are between " or '.

CollectionLib::splitNotString('a,b,"CC,D,E",e,f' ,","); // ['a','b','CC,D,E','e','f']


  • $text input text (string)
  • $separator param string $separator (string)
  • $offset param int $offset (int)
  • $excludeEmpty param bool $excludeEmpty (bool)

Method arrayChangeKeyCaseRecursive()

It changes the case (to lower or upper case) of the keys of an array recursively

// returns ['a'=>'a','b'=>'b']
// returns ['A'=>'a','B'=>'b']


  • $array input array (array)
  • $case [optional] by default is CASE_LOWER

    Either CASE_UPPER or CASE_LOWER (default)


Method arraySearchField()

It returns the first (or all) key(s) inside an array/object in an array that matches the value of the field

CollectionLib::arraySearchField($array,'name','mary'); // 1
CollectionLib::arraySearchField([(object)['name'=>'john'],(object)['name'=>'mary']],'name','mary'); // 1
CollectionLib::arraySearchField([['name'=>'john'],['name'=>'mary'],['name'=>'mary']],'name','mary',true); // returns [1,2]


  • $array input array (array)
  • $fieldName name of index of the field (string|int)
  • $value value to search (mixed)
  • $returnAll if true then it returns all matches. If false it returns the first value. (bool)

Method xmlToString()

It converts a xml (SimpleXMLElement object) into a string

$string=CollectionLib::xmlToString($xml,true); // "<root>...</root>"


  • $xml param SimpleXMLElement $xml (SimpleXMLElement)
  • $format if true then the result is formatted. (bool)

Method arrayToXML()

It convers an array into a xml (SimpleXMLElement object) Example:

$xml=CollectionLib::arrayToXML($array,'root'); // <root>...</root>


  • $data param array $data (array)
  • $rootName The name of the root tag (default root) (string)
  • $insidetag It is used to fix a specific condition with the xml generated by PHP. (string)

Method stringToXML()

It converts a string into a xml (SimpleXMLElement object) using simplexml_load_string including a fix

$xml=CollectionLib::stringToXML('<root><item arg="1">a</item><item arg="2">b</item></root>');


  • $string the value to convert (string)
  • $className param null $className (null)
  • $options libxml options (int)
  • $insidetag by default is 'value_inside'. In some cases, the parser fails to generate an XML attribute when the child is empty 2. The solution is to generate a new tag <_value>2</_value> (string)

Method xmlToArray()

It converts an XML class (SimpleXMLElement object) into an array. Example:



  • $xml param SimpleXMLElement $xml (SimpleXMLElement)


Class Debug

Method var_dump()

Alternative to var_dump. It "pre" the result or it shows the result in the console of javascript.

DebugLib::var_dump($value,true); // returns a var_dump visible via the console of javascript (browser)


  • $value param $value ()
  • $type : 0=normal (
    ), 1=javascript console, 2=table (use future) (int)
  • $returnValue param bool $returnValue (bool)

Method WriteLog()

Write a log file. If the file is over 10mb then the file is resetted.

DebugLib::WriteLog('somefile.txt','warning','it is a warning');
DebugLib::WriteLog('somefile.txt','it is a warning');


  • $logFile The file to write (string)
  • $level The level of the message, example "error", "info", 1, etc. (mixed)
  • $txt if txt is empty then level is defined as warning and level is used for the description (string|object|array)


Class TextLib

Method isUpper()

Returns true if the str is (completelly) uppercase


  • $str Input text (string)

Method isLower()

Returns true if the str is (completelly) lowercase


  • $str param $str ()

Method between()

Obtain a string between one text and other. Example:

TextLib::between('Hello Brave World','Hello','World');  // returns " Brave "
TextLib::between('mary has a lamb','has','lamb') // returns ' a '


  • $haystack param string $haystack (string)
  • $startNeedle The initial text to search
    if empty then it starts at the start of the haystack. (string)
  • $endNeedle The end tag to search
    if empty then it ends at the end of the haystack (string)
  • $offset param null|int $offset (null|int)
  • $ignoreCase param bool $ignoreCase (bool)

Method stripQuotes()

Strip quotes of a text " or ' if the value in between quotes
If the value is not quoted then it is not touched.
If the value is not correctly closed ("hello or "hello' ), then the quota is not removed.
The value is trimmed ' "hello world"' --> 'hello world'

TextLib::stripQuotes('"hello world"');
// returns hello world


  • $text param $text ()

Method removeParenthesis()

Remove the initial and final parenthesis but only if both matches.
If the $start and $end are arrays then both must have the same count and arrays are compared by pair of index

TextLib::removeParenthesis('hello'); // return "hello";
TextLib::removeParenthesis('(hello)'); // return "hello";
,[')','}',']']); // returns "hello"
,"'"); // returns "hello"


  • $txt Input value. Example "hello", "(hello)" (string)
  • $start the open parenthesis, by default it's '('. (string|array)
  • $end the close parenthesis, by default it's ')'. (string|array)

Method replaceBetween()

Replace the text between two needles

TextLib::replaceBetween('Hello Brave World','Hello','World',' Wayne ') // returns "Hello Wayne World"


  • $haystack the input value (string)
  • $startNeedle The initial text to search
    if empty then it starts at the start of the haystack. (string)
  • $endNeedle The end tag to search
    if empty then it ends at the end of the haystack (string)
  • $replaceText Text to replace (string)
  • $offset the offset position to start the search. (null|int)
  • $replaceTag If true then it also replaces the tags (bool)

Method removeFirstChars()

Remove the first character(s) for a string

TextLib::removeFirstChars('Hello') // returns "ello"


  • $str The input text (string)
  • $length The amount of characters to remove (default 1) (int)

Method removeLastChars()

Remove the last character(s) for a string

TextLib::removeLastChars('Hello') // returns "Hell"


  • $str The input text (string)
  • $length The amount of characters to remove (default 1) (int)

Method getArgument()

It separates an argument from the value to the set value.
Returns an array with the name of the argument and value (if any). It always returns a two dimension array Example:

self::getArgument("arg=200"); // returns ["arg","200"]
self::getArgument("arg:200",':'); // returns ["arg","200"]


  • $str The input text (string)
  • $set The separator of operator (string)
  • $trimValue param bool $trimValue (bool)

Method strPosNotSpace()

It returns the first non-space position inside a string. Example:

TextLib::strPosNotSpace('   abc  def'); // returns 3


  • $str input string (string)
  • $offset offset position (int)
  • $charlist list of characters considered as space (string)

Method strposArray()

It finds the first (or last) ocurrence of a text.
Unlikely strpos(), this method allows finding more than one neddle.

TextLib::strposArray('a,b.d.e,f.g',['x','t','.']); // return 3
TextLib::strposArray('a,b.d.e,f.g',['x','t',','],0,true); // return 7


  • $haystack the input value (string)
  • $needles the value (or values) to find (string|array)
  • $offset the offset position (initially it's 0) (int)
  • $last if false (default) it returns the first ocurrence. If true returns the last one (bool)

Method parseArg()

It transforms a text = 'a1=1,a2=2' into an associative array
It uses the method parse_str() to do the conversion
Note: It doesn't work with quotes or double quotes. a1="aa,bb",bb=30 doesn't work Example:

TextLib::parseArg('a=1,b=1'); // returns ['a'=>'1','b'=>'1']


  • $text The input string with the initial values (string)
  • $separator The separator (string)

Method parseArg2()

It's the same than parseArg() but it's x3 times slower.
It also considers quotes and doubles quotes.

TextLib::parseArg2("a1=1,a2=2,a3="aa,bb"); // ["a1"=>1,"a2"=>2,"a3"=>""aa,bb""]
TextLib::parseArg("a1=1,a2=2,a3="aa,bb"); // ["a1"=>1,"a2"=>2,"a3"=>""aa","bb""=>""]


  • $text The input string with the initial values (string)
  • $separator The separator. It does not separates text inside quotes or double-quotes. (string)

Method naturalArg()

It parses a natural string and returns a declarative array
A "natural string", it is a set of values or arguments separated by space , where a value is the index and the new one is the value of the index.

TextLib::naturalArg('select * from table where 1=1'
// returns ['select'=>'*','from'=>'table','where'=>'1=1']
TextLib::naturalArg('item export table inport file'
// returns: ['item' => 'item', 'export' => 'table', 'inport' => 'file']


  • $txt the input value. Example "somevalue TYPE int LENGHT 30" (string)
  • $separators the indicator for each field.
    first = indicates the first element (optional)
    opt = indicates the field is optional
    req = indicates the field is required

Method str_replace_ex()

It works as str_replace, but it also allows to limit the number of replacements.


  • $search param string $search (string)
  • $replace param string $replace (string)
  • $subject param string $subject (string)
  • $limit param int $limit (int)

Method wildCardComparison()

It compares with wildcards (*) and returns true if both strings are equals
The wildcards only works at the beginning or at the end of the string.

TextLib::wildCardComparison('abcdef','abc*'); // true
TextLib::wildCardComparison('abcdef','*def'); // true
TextLib::wildCardComparison('abcdef','*abc*'); // true
TextLib::wildCardComparison('abcdef','*cde*'); // true
TextLib::wildCardComparison('abcdef','*cde'); // false


  • $text param string $text (string)
  • $textWithWildcard param string|null $textWithWildcard (string|null)

Method endsWith()

it returns true if $string ends with $endString

TextLib::endsWidth('hello world','world'); // true


  • $string param $string ()
  • $endString param $endString ()

Method replaceCurlyVariable()

Replaces all variables defined between {{ }} by a variable inside the dictionary of values.
replaceCurlyVariable('hello={{var}}',['var'=>'world']) // hello=world
replaceCurlyVariable('hello={{var}}',['varx'=>'world']) // hello=
replaceCurlyVariable('hello={{var}}',['varx'=>'world'],true) // hello={{var}}


  • $string The input value. It could contain variables defined as {{namevar}} (string)
  • $values The dictionary of values. (array)
  • $notFoundThenKeep [false] If true and the value is not found, then it keeps the value. Otherwise, it is replaced by an empty value (bool)

Method addParenthesis()

It adds a parenthesis (or other symbol) at the start and end of the text. If it already has it, then it is not added.

TextLib::addParenthesis('hello'); // return '(hello)';
TextLib::addParenthesis('(hello)');// return '(hello)';


  • $txt Input value. Example "hello", "(hello)" (string)
  • $start the open parenthesis, by default it's '('. (string|array)
  • $end the close parenthesis, by default it's ')'. (string|array)

Method hasParenthesis()

It returns true if the text has an open and ending parenthesis (or other symbol).

TextLib::hasParenthesis('hello'); // return false;
TextLib::hasParenthesis('(hello)'); // return true;


  • $txt Input value. Example "hello", "(hello)" (string)
  • $start the open parenthesis, by default it's '('. (string|array)
  • $end the close parenthesis, by default it's ')'. (string|array)

Method camelCase()

Retains the case minus the first letter that it's converted in lowercase
If the text contains the characters "" or " ", then the next character is uppercase
If the text does not contain any character "
" or " ", then only the first character is replaced. Example:

TextLib::camelCase('HelloWorld'); // return "helloWorld";
TextLib::camelCase('hello_world'); // return "helloWorld";


  • $txt input value (string)


Class Files
This class has a collection of functions to interact with files and directories.

Field lastError ()

Method getDirFiles()

It gets the content (files) of a directory. It does not include other directories.


  • $dir The directory to scan. (string)
  • $extensions The extension to find (without dot). ['*'] means any extension. (array)
  • $recursive if true (default), then it scans the folders recursively. (bool)

Method getDirFirstFile()

It returns the first file (exclude directories) find in a directory that matches a specific extension(s)
The order of the extensions could count.
If there are two files with the same extension, then it returns the first one.


  • $dir The directory to scan. (string)
  • $extensions The extension to find (without dot). ['*'] means any extension. (array)
  • $sort (default false), if true then it sorts the list previous the filter. (bool)
  • $descending (default false), if true then it sorts (if enable) descending. (bool)

Method getDirFolders()

It gets the content (folders) of a directory without trailing slash. It does not include files.


  • $dir The directory to scan. (string)
  • $recursive if true (default), then it scans the folders recursively. (bool)

Method getExtensionPath()

It gets the extension of a file (without dot). If the file has no extension then it returns empty.


  • $fullPath the path to analize. (string)

Method getFileNamePath()

It gets the filename (without extension and directory)


  • $fullPath the path to analize. (string)

Method getBaseNamePath()

It gets the base name (filename with extension). It does not include the directory.


  • $fullPath the path to analize. (string)

Method getDirPath()

It gets the dir from a full path (without trailing slash)


  • $fullPath the path to analize. (string)

Method fixUrlSeparator()

It fixes the path by converting the slash and inverse lash into the system folder separator


  • $fullPath the path to analize. (string)

Method safeFileGetContent()

It gets the content of a file. It never throws an exception
In case of error, it returns the default value


  • $filename The filename to open. (string)
  • $use_include_path used to trigger include path search. (bool)
  • $context A valid context resource created with (null)
  • $offset The offset where the reading starts. (int)
  • $length Maximum length of data read. The default is to read until end of file is reached. (int|null)
  • $default The value to return if it is unable to open the file (null|mixed)

Method safeFilePutContent()

Write a string to a file. This operator is safe, it never throws an exception.


  • $filename Path to the file where to write the data. (string)
  • $data The data to write. Can be either a string, an array or a stream resource. (mixed)
  • $flag The value of flags can be any combination of the following flags, with some restrictions, joined with the binary OR (|) operator. (int)
  • $context A valid context resource created with stream_context_create. (mixed)
  • $tries The number of tries (default 3). Every try has a delay of 300ms. (int)

Method isAbsolutePath()

Returns true if the path is absolute, otherwise it returns false.
This function works in Linux and Windows (and most probably in other UNIX OS)


  • $fullPath The path to analize. (string)

Version list

  • 1.24
    • Fixed an exception with FileLib. It also stores every error in a field.
    • Completed README.md
    • Cleaned PHPDocs.
  • 1.23 Modified .gitattributes and .gitignore to streamline the final version.
  • 1.22 The next classes have been renamed:
    • Text (deprecated) => TextLib
    • Collection (deprecated) => CollectionLib
    • Debug (deprecated) => DebugLib
    • It is because there are a dozen of libraries who use the same name for the classes.
    • You can still use the same library without changes but for new code I suggest to use the new names.
    • [new] FileLib::getDirFirstFile()
  • 1.21 added FileLib class
    • getDirFiles()
    • getDirFolders()
    • getExtensionPath()
    • getDirPath()
    • getBaseNamePath()
    • getFileNamePath()
    • fixUrlSeparator()
    • safeFileGetContent()
    • safeFilePutContent()
    • isAbsolutePath()
  • 1.20 New methods CollectionLib::xmlToString,CollectionLib::arrayToXML,CollectionLib::stringToXML,CollectionLib::xmlToArray
  • 1.17 New Method TextLib::str_replace_ex()
  • 1.16 New methods TextLib::wildcardComparison() and TextLib::endsWith()
  • 1.15 New method TextLib::parseArg2()
  • 1.14 TextLib::camelCase() solved a small bug
  • 1.13 TextLib::replaceCurlyVariable() updated
  • 1.12
    • Collection:splitOpeningClosing added argument $includeTag
  • 1.11
    • TextLib::replaceCurlyVariable Added method
  • 1.10
    • TextLib::strPosNotSpace() added argument $charlist
  • 1.9 2019-12-09
    • TextLib::replacetext() it does not crash if the end tag is missing.
    • TextLib::replacetext() it as a new argument
  • 1.8 2019-12-04
    • TextLib::between() now allows empty $startNeedle and $endNeedle
  • 1.7 2019-12-04 new methods
    • TextLib::addParenthesis()
    • TextLib::hasParenthesis()
  • 1.6 2019-12-04 new methods
    • TextLib::parseArg()
    • TextLib::naturalArg()
    • TextLib::strposArray()
    • TextLib::camelCase()
    • TextLib::removeParenthesis()
    • CollectionLib::arrayChangeKeyCaseRecursive()
    • CollectionLib::arraySearchField()
  • 1.5 2019-03-10 new functions:
  • 1.4 2019-02-16 New functions TextLib::removeFirstChars(),TextLib::removeLastChars()
  • 1.3 2019-02-16 Added new methods and Unit test.
  • 1.2 2018-10-27 Some changes in the class collection.
  • 1.0 2018-09-18 First version

