
A minimal api for shipment integration

dev-main 2021-11-18 15:59 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-18 23:18:15 UTC


A minimalis shipment cost service for laravel indonesian shipping company.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


The things you need before installing the software.

  • orchestra/testbench: ^6.22
  • phpunit/phpunit: ^9.5
  • php: ^7.3


A step by step guide that will tell you how to get the development environment up and running.

$ composer require elhakim_dev/api-ongkir

after this installation was done, go to config/app.php to register service provider by adding ShipmentServiceProvider::class, on providers array,

after it, register facade class to using facade provided by laravel core, following instruction :

  1. in config/app.php adding a 'Shipment' => ShipmentFacade::class, in array of aliases.

after all step done, composer dump-autoload to refresh autoload class map.

installation done !!.


A few examples of useful commands and/or tasks.

before use this package, dont forget to adding a environment variable


in your .env configuration file, to make sure that this package is run normally.

since we have done to registering service provider and facade alias, so we can use its package via facade or class, because using facade is free to use in anything place, ex: route, controller,etc. facade is available globally after we have done registering this package into lravel app.

we recommended using facade class. please follow this instruction

example using facade in route :

Route::get('/test',function(Request $request){
    return Shipment::call('GET','http://api.rajaongkir.com/starter/province',[]); 
}); // test get

Route::post('/test',function(Request $request){
    return Shipment::call('POST','http://api.rajaongkir.com/starter/province',[
    ]); // tes post

note: use HTTP instead HTTPS;


  • Master: main branch for deployment
  • Develop: stagging and testing branch
  • Feature: To research and adding new feature